Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 1851 - 1900 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Etosha National Park.
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Etosha National Park_Brochure.pdf 2.83 MB
Background Etosha Centenary.
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Etosha Centenary Background final_2007.pdf 807.21 KB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Vegetation of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Vegetation_lowres.pdf 892.21 KB
Strohbach BJ 2000. Vegetation degradation trends in the northern Oshikoto Region: IV. The Broad-leafed savannas with associated pans. Dinteria 26 93 - 112
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Dinteria26F.pdf 627.25 KB
Strohbach BJ 2000. Vegetation degradation trends in the northern Oshikoto Region: II. The Colophospermum mopane shrublands. Dinteria 26 63 - 75
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Dinteria26D.pdf 385.43 KB
Strohbach BJ 2000. Vegetation degradation trends in the northern Oshikoto Region: I. The Hyphaene petersiana plains. Dinteria 26 45 - 62
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Dinteria26C.pdf 253.83 KB
Burke A 2000. Plant diversity of a man-made wetland – The Olushandja Dam in north central Namibia. Dinteria 26 25 - 44
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Dinteria26B.pdf 273.11 KB
Joubert DF, Cunningham PL 2002. The distribution and invasive potential of Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum in Namibia. Dinteria 27 37 - 47
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Distribution and invasive potential_Peenisetum setaceum.pdf 664.54 KB
Heilmeier H, Wolf R, Wacker R, Woitke M, Hartung W 2002. Observations on the anatomy of hydrated and dehydrated roots of Chamaegigas intrepidus Dinter. Dinteria 27 1 - 12
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D27-1-Hetal-W.pdf 13.9 MB
Graz FP 2003. The Growth of Schinziophyton rautanenii seedlings under different shade conditions. Dinteria 28 44 - 46
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Dinteria_28_4_Graz.pdf 135.35 KB
Burke A 2003. Floristic relationships between inselbergs and mountain habitats in the central Namib. Dinteria 28 19 - 38
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Dinteria_28_2_Burke.pdf 274.53 KB
Cunningham PL, Adank W, Esterhuizen A 2004. Notes on some aspects of the ecology of Kirkia dewinteri Merxm. & Heine, (Kaoko Syringa) from the Kunene Region, Namibia. Dinteria 29 19 - 26
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Dinteria_29C.pdf 1020.37 KB
Cunningham PL, Joubert DF, Adank W 2004. Dodonaea angustifolia - an alien invasive to the Auas Mountains in Namibia?. Dinteria 29 11 - 18
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Dinteria_29B.pdf 949.31 KB
Maass E, John L 2004. Musselman: Hydnora triceps (Hydnoraceae) - First record in Namibia and first description of fruits. Dinteria 29 1 - 10
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Dinteria_29A.pdf 1.29 MB
Jankowitz W, Loots S 2008. Notes on Adenia pechuelii in central Namibia. Dinteria 30 133-135
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Dinteria30Willem_Jankowitz_Sonja_Loots.pdf 323.88 KB
Cunningham PL 2008. Tecoma stans a potential invasive alien in Namibia?. Dinteria 30 33 - 39
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Dinteria30Peter_L._Cunningham.pdf 638.93 KB
Shapaka TN, Cunningham PL, Joubert DF 2008. Invasive alien plants in the Daan Viljoen Game Park. Dinteria 30 19 - 32
Wesuls D, Naumann C, Limpricht C 2009. Book Review: Common Plants in the Rehoboth Area - A farmer's field guide. Dinteria 31 67
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Common Plants in the Rehoboth Area_2009_10.pdf 181.83 KB
Joubert DF 2009. The effects of "pebble mulch" on Acacia mellifera seedling responses to rain. Dinteria 31 38 - 49
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Dinteria_31_3_David_Joubert.pdf 587.25 KB
Mannheimer C, Loots S 2012. A Simple Aid to Assessing Cryptic Succulents in the Field. Dinteria 32 78 - 80
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A simple aid to assessing cryptic succulents in the field_2012.pdf 591.63 KB
Mannheimer CA 1998. An overview of chemotaxonomy, and its role in creating a phylogenetic classification system. Agricola 10 87 - 90
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An overview of chemotaxonomy_1998.pdf 537.86 KB
Maggs GL 1998. Genetic Marker Techniques in the family Cucurbitaceae. Agricola 10 79 - 85
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Genetic Marker Techniques in the family Cucurbitaceae.pdf 963.14 KB
Bester FV 1998. Major problem - Bush species and densities in Namibia. Agricola 10 1 - 3
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Major problem_Bush species and densities in Namibia_1998.pdf 1.87 MB
Uiras MM 2001. A taxonomic study of the genus Ximenia in Namibia. Agricola 12 111 - 115
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A taxonomic study of the genus Ximenia in Namibia_2001.pdf 407.53 KB
Braun B, Awala S, Mbudhi L, Shishwandu M, Matomola B, Kompeli P 2001. Yield performance and taste evaluation of Sweetpotato varieties in northern Namibia. Agricola 12 20 - 27
van der Merwe T 2001. Episindris albimacaulis. Agricola 12 7 - 8
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Episindris albimacaulis_2001.pdf 2.66 MB