Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 1751 - 1800 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
van Wyk JAP 1985. Natuurlike bosvrektes en die moontlike oorsake daarvan. Agricola 2 24-28
Laubscher JAM 1985. Produksiekoste van brandhout en houtskool. Agricola 2 33-36
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Produksiekoste van brandhout en houtskool.pdf 651.32 KB
Thomson N, Stehn H, Bridgeford P 2013. Observations of White-backed Vultures eating plant material in Namibia. Vulture News 64 61-65
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Thomson et al 2013 - VN64 pp61-65.pdf 28.89 KB
Friederich G 2007. Vultures breeding in palm trees.
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vultures breeding in palm trees.pdf 278.67 KB
Hugo L 1985. Indringerbosse as energiebron. Agricola (2) 23-33
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Indringerbosse as energiebron.pdf 343.23 KB
Bester FV 1985. Ekonomiese aspekte van chemiese bosbeheer. Agricola 2 19-22
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Ekonomiese aspekte van chemiese bosbeheer.pdf 577.01 KB
Bester FV 1985. Chemiese bos-bestryding. Agricola 2 16-19
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Chemiese bos_bestryding.pdf 503.19 KB
Bester FV 1985. Nasorg nadat bos fiesies geoes is. Agricola 2 36-37
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Nasorg nadat bos fiesies geoes is.pdf 230.35 KB
2009. Windhoek Biodiversity Inventory.
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Windhoek Biodiversity Inventory.zip 44.23 MB
Robertson T 2013. 111 Roadside Plants [Antje Burke] - Book Review. Dinteria 33 (2-2) 77
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Roadside Plants.pdf 27.03 KB
Burke A, Rügheimer S, Nanyeni S, Klaassen E 2013. An annotated plant checklist of the southern Nubib Mountains (2516AA). Dinteria 33 (2-2) 66-776
Chavarro-Rincon D 2009. Tree transpiration mapping from upscaled sap flow in the Botswana Kalahari.
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Tree transpiration mapping.pdf 12.23 MB
Berry CU 1997. Frost damage to wild Sycamore Fig trees in the Namib-Naukluft Park, Namibia. Madoqua 19 (2) 117-119
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Frost damage to wild Sycamore fig trees in NNP.pdf 324.55 KB
Jankowitz WJ 1974. A "thornless" Aloe hereroensis. Madoqua 1 (8) 73-74
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A thornless Aloe hereroensis.pdf 713.31 KB
Robinson ER 1977. List of plant species from the Mirabib Hill Area. Madoqua 10 (4) 295-297
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List of plant species from the Mirabib Hill Area.pdf 7.66 MB
Barad GS, Lavranos JJ 1978. "Echidnopsis atlantica" Dinter: a natural intergeneric hybrid?. Madoqua II (2) 163-170
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Echidnopsis atlantica Dinter a natural intergeneric hybrid.pdf 336.08 KB
Robelo AG, Holmes PM, Hilton-Taylor C, Samper C, Knight RS, Kurtzweil H, Papst P 1989. Branching patterns in Aloe dichotoma - is A. ramosissima a seperate species?. Madoqua 16 (1) 23-26
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Branching patterns in Aloe dichotoma_1989.pdf 464.72 KB
Community Forest in NE-Namibia (CFNEN).
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Community forest NE Namibia.pdf 133.33 KB
Chakanga M, Korhonen K, Selänniemi T 1998. Forest inventory report of Caprivi Region.
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Forest_Inventory_Report_of_Caprivi_Region_1998.pdf 1.58 MB
Chakanga M, Selänniemi T, Korhonen K 1998. Forest inventory report of Ogandjera Community Forest.
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Forest_Inventory_Report_of_Ongandjera_Community_Forest_1998.pdf 541.74 KB
Coder KD 1999. Heat Stroke in Trees.
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Heat Stroke in Trees_1999_Coder.pdf 37.38 KB
Invasive Alien Plants.
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Inasive_alien_plants.pdf 61.93 KB
Brown CJ, Riekert BR, Vinjevold R 1985. Datura innoxia seeds eaten by Doublebanded Sandgrouse. Lanioturdus 20
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Brown CJ et al 1985 Lanioturdus 20_11_1.pdf 146.52 KB
1999. Monitoring Manketti Nut Yields.
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Monitoring_Manketti_Nut_Yields_1999.pdf 91.93 KB
2004. Proceedings of the Important Plant Areas Workshop. Important Plant Areas Workshop
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Proceedings of the Important Plant Areas Workshop_2004.pdf 4.38 MB
Broker SP 1980. The Evolution of plants.
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The evolution of plants.pdf 1.08 MB