Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 1701 - 1750 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Glen HF, Hardy DS 2000. Fascicle 1: Aloaceae (First Part): Aloe. Flora of southern Africa 5
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Flora of Southern Africa_Part 1_Fascicle.pdf 12.1 MB
Merxmüller H 1950. Compositen - Studien III, Revision der Gattung Geigeria Griesslich. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 1 239-316
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Revision der Gattung Geigeria.pdf 13.88 MB
Nordenstam B, Pelser PB 2005. Dauresia and Mesogramma: one new and one resurrected genus of the Asteraceae-Senecioneae from Southern Africa. Compositae Newsletter 42 74-88
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Dauresia and Mesogramma.pdf 2.37 MB
Suessenguth K 1950. Die Rhamnaceen Südwestafrikas. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 1 135-137
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Die Rhamnaceen Sudwestafrikas.pdf 398.19 KB
Merxmüller H 1963. Compositen Studien VII: Othonna in Südwestafrika. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 5 627-643
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Othonna in Sudwestafrika.pdf 3.29 MB
Levy MR 1962. Past plant migrations in South Africa. Annals of the Cape provincial museums 2 7-11
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Past plant migrations in South Africa.pdf 624.52 KB
1922. Plant immigrants.
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Plant immigrants.pdf 862.33 KB
Bruyns PV, Klak C 2006. A systematic study of the old world genus Fockea (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (4) 535-564
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A systematic study of the old world genus Fockea.pdf 8.5 MB
Friis I, Immelmann K 2001. Part: Uritaceae. Flora of southern Africa 9
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Flora of Southerrn Africa_Volume 9_Urticaceae.pdf 2.78 MB
van der Walt JJA 1975. The South West African species of Commiphora. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 12 195-265
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The South West African species of Commiphora.pdf 7.74 MB
Ross JH 1977. Subfamily 2: Caesalpinioideae. Flora of southern Africa 16 (2) 1-142
Moffett RO 1993. Part 3: Anacardiaceae, Fascicle 1: Rhus. Flora of southern Africa 19
National Agricultural Support Services Programme (NASSP) 2004. Eco-regional satellite centres report No. 1.
Giess W 1968. Die Gattung Rhigozum Burch. Und ihre Arten in Südwestafrika. Dinteria 1 31-51
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Dinteria_1_1968_5.pdf 3 MB
van Rensburg WLJ 1990. Groeikragtigheid en saadontkieming by weiplante. Agricola 8 31-34
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Groeikragtigheid en saadontkieming by weiplante.pdf 881.58 KB
van Niekerk J 1990. Nasorg van bosbeheer. Agricola 8 18-21
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Nasorg van bosbeheer.pdf 524.32 KB
Lombaard MR, du Toit C 1989. Akkerbounavorsing te strychnos navorsingstasie. Agricola 7 71-74
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Akkerbounavorsing te strychnos navorsingstasie.pdf 684.42 KB
Holz G, Schreuder W 1989. 1. Dieback of blackthorn (Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens) in South West Africa. Agricola 7 32-36
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Dieback of blackthorn in South West Africa.pdf 818.95 KB
Versfeld WvR 1987. Strookbehandeling met die onkruidoder tordon 225. Agricola 4 20-24
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Strookbehandeling met die onkruidoder tordon 225.pdf 1.03 MB
Irish E 1987. Beheer van doringturksvy (Opuntia) in S.W.A.. Agricola 4 43-45
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Beheer van doringturksvy.pdf 708.71 KB
Zapke O 1986. Meganiese en biologiese bosbestryding. Agricola 3 15-18
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Meganiese en biologiese bosbestryding.pdf 716.49 KB
Holz G 1986. Die afsterwing van indringerbos: 'n seën of 'n bedreiging?. Agricola 3 8-11
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Die afsterwing van indringerbos.pdf 1.15 MB
Fourie ML 1986. Ekologie van bosindringing in savannas. Agricola 3 11-14
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Ekologie van bosindringing in savannas.pdf 995.77 KB
Donaldson CH 1986. Bloubuffelsgras (Cenchrus ciliaris). Agricola 3 19-25
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Bloubuffelsgras_1986.pdf 1.17 MB
Versfeld WvR 1985. Veldbrand as 'n hulpmiddel in die beheer van bosindringing. Agricola 2 22-24
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Veldbrand as n hulpmiddel in die beheer van bosindringing.pdf 533.38 KB