Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 1351 - 1400 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Pickford M 2018. First record of Celtis (Hackberry) from the Palaeogene of Africa, Sperrgebiet, Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 19 47-50
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First record of Celtis from the Palaeogene of Africa_Sperrgebiet.pdf 548.63 KB
Kelber K-P, Franz L, Stachel T, Lorenz V, Okrusch M 1993. Plant fossils from Gross Brukkaros (Namibia) and their biostratigraphical significance. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 8 61-71
Robson S 2007. Nitrate and nitrite poisoning in livestock. Primefacts 415 1-4
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Nitrate and Nitrite Poisoning in Livestock Robson 2007.pdf 101.73 KB
Manning J 2006. The Richtersveld - The Lost World. Veld and Flora (June 2006) 76-77
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Richtersveld _ The lost World Manning 2004.pdf 606.54 KB
Treichel C, Strohbach BJ, Carr S, Loots S, Neckel A 2021. Euryops walterorum, a declining restricted-range endemic of the Greater Gamsberg. Namibian Journal of Environment 5 (A) 25-38
Burke A 2002. Present vegetation in the Kavango Region. Namibia Scientific Society 50 133-145
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JNSS50-Kavango.pdf 4.53 MB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) Namibia's National Parks.
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National Parks of Namibia.pdf 7.15 MB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) Sperrgebiet National Park - Wildlife wonders in the Sperrgebiet National Park.
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History sheet Sperrgebiet.pdf 686.94 KB
Swanepoel W, Weeks A, van Wyk AE 2022. Commiphora omundomba (Burseraceae), a new species from Angola and Namibia. Phytotaxa 543 (4) 207-218
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Commiphora omundomba.pdf 589.11 KB
Burke A 2004. Living diamonds - the Sperrgebiet's natural riches. Conservation 2004/5 22-23
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Conservation2004-Sp-flora.pdf 1.35 MB
Kerby JT, Krivak‑Tetley FE, Shikesho SD, Bolger DT 2022. Livestock impacts on an iconic Namib Desert plant are mediated by abiotic conditions. Oecologia 199 229-242
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Livestock impacts on an iconic Namib Desert plant.pdf 1.12 MB
Burke A, Mannheimer C 2004. The Sperrgebiet - a Diversity Hotspot of Desert Plants. Desert Plantst 19-22
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desert-plants-2004-text.pdf 1.81 MB
Günster A 1994. Plants from the Ocean. Flamingo 6 (58) 39-40
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flamingo-Apr1994-seaweeds.pdf 1.12 MB
Burke A 2005. The Spitzkoppe magic. Flamingo 33-35
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flamingo-Apr2005-Spk.pdf 1.58 MB
Burke A 1996. Threatended or threatening. Lilies can be gorgeous or dangerous, sometimes both. Flamingo 24-26
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flamingo-Aug1996-lilies.pdf 1.69 MB
Burke A 2005. The extraordinary plant diversity of the Namib. Flamingo 26-29
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flamingo-Feb2005-Namib-flora.pdf 2.18 MB
Burke A 2013. 111 Roadside plants - stop and have a look. Flamingo 44-45
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flamingo-Jan2013-111roadside.pdf 1.58 MB
Burke A 2005. A biodiversity treasure trove on Windhoek's doorstep. Flamingo 52-55
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flamingo-Jun2005-WDH.pdf 2.24 MB
Angombe ST, Shikangalah RN 2021. Pterocarpus angolensis growth rings and precipitation: A comparison between Zambezi and Otjozondjupa region, Namibia. International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia (ISTJN) 14 34-45
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Pterocarpus angolensis growth rings and precipitation.pdf 725.65 KB
Burke A 2001. An eruption of green - the Brukkaros Mountain springs to life. Flamingo 37-40
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flamingo-May2001-Bruk.pdf 2.29 MB
Guo D, Young AJ, Desmet PG, Midgley GF 2017. Climate change impacts on dwarf succulents in Namibia as a result of changes in fog and relative humidity. Journal of Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering 6 (3) 57-63
Burke A 2005. Counting Namibia's living diamonds. Flamingo 40-41
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Counting Namibias living diamonds.pdf 1 MB
Burke A 1996. Wealth of the Veld - Grasses are the background of agriculture and wildlife. Flamingo 18-22
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flamingo-Nov1996-grasses.pdf 3.42 MB
Burke A 1999. The wondorous Welwitschia - The desert octopus. Flamingo 08-Oct
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flamingo-Nov1999-Welwitschia.pdf 1.78 MB
Burke A 2004. The Naukluft Massif - a fascinating moutnain retreat. Flamingo 29-31
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flamingo-Nov2004-Naukluft.pdf 1.41 MB
Burke A 2008. The marvel and uniqueness of Namib Flora. Flamingo 19-21
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flamingo-Nov2008-NNP.pdf 1.01 MB
Paterson ID, Hill MP, Canavan K, Downey PO 2021. Prioritisation of targets for weed biological control II: the South African Biological Control Target Selection system. Biocontrol Science and Technology 31 (6) 566-583