Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 1301 - 1350 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Wellving AHA, Mkamanga GY 1992. Some guidelines for plans of action of National Plant Genetic Resources Centres. Dinteria 23 82-89
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Plans of action of National Plant Genetic Resources Centres.pdf 802.86 KB
Shivute VP 1992. Namibia National Workshop on Plant Genetic Resources. Dinteria 23 12-15
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Workshop on PLant Genetic Resources_1992.pdf 592.73 KB
Rutherford MC 1972. Notes on the Flora and Vegetation of the Omuverume Plateau-Mountain, Waterberg, South West Africa. Dinteria 8 3-55
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Omavurume Plateau.pdf 33.18 MB
Nordenstam B 1970. Notes on the flora and vegetation of the Etosha Pan, South West Africa. Dinteria 5 3-18
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Dinteria 5_1.pdf 3.43 MB
2000. Obituary: Heinrich Johann Wilhelm Giess (1910-2000). Dinteria (26) 147-150
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Willi Giess.pdf 176.49 KB
Maggs GL 1992. The role of the National Herbarium in Namibia on the conservation of plant genetic resources. Dinteria 23 99-101
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Dinteria 23_1992_13.pdf 377.27 KB
Moss H 1992. Priority setting for a wild species collecting programme in Namibia. Dinteria 23 94-98
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Dinteria 23_1992_12.pdf 633.97 KB
Cunningham AB 1992. The role of ethnobotany and indigenous knowledge in conservation of plant genetic resources. Dinteria 23 119-131
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Dinteria 23_1992_16.pdf 1.81 MB
Linder HP 2006. The Evolutionary History of Melianthus (Melianthaceae). American Journal of Botany 93 (7) 1052-1064
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The evolutionary history of Melianthus.pdf 560.01 KB
Brinckmann E, von Willert DJ 1987. Injury and recovery of Welwitschia mirabilis. Dinteria 19 69-76
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Injury and recovery of Welwitschia mirabilis.pdf 1021.06 KB
Kambatuku JR, Cramer MD, Ward D 2011. Savanna tree-grass competition is modified by substrate type and herbivory. Journal of Vegetation Science 2 225-237
Williams D, Pettorelli N, Henschel J, Cowlishaw G, Douglas CMS 2013. Impact of alien trees on mammal distributions along an ephemeral river in the Namib Desert. African Journal of Ecology 52 (4) 404-413
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Impact of alien trees on mammal distributions.pdf 454.02 KB
Clarke N 2001. Wetland plants and habitats of Namibia. 7 (3) 5-10
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Wetland plants and habitats of Namibia.pdf 961.61 KB
Moe SR, Rutina LP, Hytteborn H, du Toit T 2009. What controls woodland regeneration after elephants have killed the big trees?. Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (1) 223-230
Kaunda SKK, Matlhaku K, Mapolelo MM, Mokgosi J 2011. Shoot production by Acacia tortilis under different browsing regimes in south-east Botswana. The African Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 2 (1) 63-68
Makhabu SW, Skarpe C, Hytteborn H 2006. Elephant impact on shoot distribution on trees and on rebrowsing by smaller browsers. Acta Oecologica 30 136-146
Richardson DM, van Wilgen BW 2004. Invasive alien plants in South Africa: how well do we understand the ecological impacts?. South African Journal of Science 100 45-52
Becker R, Swanepoel W, van Jaarsveld E, Gomes A, Lages F, de Cauwer V 2021. Helicopter Science - Unlocking the botanical secrets of the Kaokoveld mountains. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia (2021) 54-59
Carr S, Mannheimer C 2021. A newly discovered plant species saved from the rising waters of Neckartal Dam. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia (2021) 10-15
Thomson GC 2021. Bring in the bug squad - Controlling alien invasive plants in Namibia. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia (2021) 66-69
Burke A 2020. Nowhere else on Earth - The Sperrgebiet's endemic flora. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia (2020)
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Nowhere else on Earth_The Sperrgebiets endemic flora.pdf 1.2 MB
Wan T, Liu Z, Leitch IJ, Xin H, Maggs-Kölling G, Gong Y, Li Z, Marais E, Liao Y, Dai C, Liu F, Wu Q, Song C, Zhou Y, Huang W, Jiang K, Wang Q, Yang Y, Zhong Z, Yang M, Yan X 2021. The Welwitschia genome reveals a unique biology underpinning extreme longevity in deserts. Nature Communications  12
Kool D, Agra E, Drabkin A, Duncan A, Fendinat PP, Leduc S, Lupovitch G, Nambwandja AN, Ndilenga NS, Thi TN, Poodiack B, Sagi L, Shmuel Y, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Pinshow B, Turner JS, Agam N 2021. The overlooked non-rainfall water input sibling of fog and dew: Daily water vapor adsorption on a !Nara hummock in the Namib Sand Sea.   Journal of Hydrology 598
Cardoso JF, Costa JC, Neto C, Duarte MC, Monteiro-Henriques T 2021. Plant communities of Namibe saltmarshes (southwest of Angola). Finisterra 56 (116) 99-114
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Plant communities of Namibe saltmarshes_southwest of Angola.pdf 296.14 KB
de Cauwer V, Fichtler E, Beeckman H, Graz FP, Mertens J, van Holsbeeck S, Muys B 2017. Predicting site productivity of the timber tree Pterocarpus angolensis.   Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 79 (3) 259-268
Mapaure I, Chimwamurombe PM, Mapani BS, Kamona FA 2011. Impacts of mine dump pollution on plant species diversity, composition and structure of a semiarid savanna in Namibia. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 28 (3) 149-154
Angombe ST, Shikangalah RN, Kwembeya EG, Kanime N 2020. Potential for crown diameter as a predictor of canopy cover under National Park conditions. African Crop Science Journal 28 (1) 305-317
Sandelowsky B, Bock R Rehoboth Acacia Tree Forest in Namibia.
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Rehoboth_Acacia_Tree_Forest_in_Namibia.pdf 501.03 KB
Kambatuku JR, Cramer MD, Ward D 2011.   Intraspecific competition between shrubs in a semi-arid savanna. Plant Ecology 212 701-713
Chirara C, Frost P, Gwarazimba VEE 1998. Grass defoliation affecting survival and growth of seedlings of Acacia karroo , an encroaching species in southwestern Zimbabwe.   African Journal of Range and Forage Science  15 (1-2) 41-47
Cramer MD, Chimphango SBM, van Cauter A, Waldram MS, Bond WJ 2007. Grass competition induces N2 fixation in some species of African Acacia. Journal of Ecology 95 (5) 1123-1133