Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 1101 - 1150 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Siiskonen H 1996. Deforestation in the Owambo Region, north Namibia, since the 1850s. Environment and History 2 (3) 291-308
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Deforestation in the Owambo Region_north Namibia_ since the 1850s.pdf 189.97 KB
Manning JC 2019. New synonyms and combinations in Drimia Jacq. (Hyacinthaceae) in southern Africa. Bothalia - African Biodiversity and Conservation 49 (1)
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New synonyms and combinations in Drimia Jacq in southern Africa.pdf 815.98 KB
Maroyi A 2017. Elephantorrhiza elephantina: Traditional uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacology of an important medicinal plant species in southern Africa. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2017) 6403905
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Elephantorrhiza elephantina_2017.pdf 1.68 MB
McBenedict B, Chimwamurombe P, Kwembeya E, Maggs-Kölling G 2016. Genetic Diversity of Namibian Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. BR. (Pearl Millet) landraces analyzed by SSR and morphological markers. The Scientific World Journal 2016 1439739
Stafford W, Birch C, Etter H, Blanchard R, Mudavanhu S, Angelstam P, Blignaut J, Ferreira L, Marais C 2017. The economics of landscape restoration: benefits of controlling bush encroachment and invasive plant species in South Africa and Namibia. Ecosystem Services 27 193–202
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The economics of landscape restoration_2017.pdf 724.63 KB
van Rensburg BJ, Hugo S, Levin N, Kark S 2013. Are environmental transitions more prone to biological invasions?. Diversity and Distributions 19 341–351
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Are environmental transitions moreprone to biological invasions.pdf 410.42 KB
Shikangalah R, Mapani B, Mapaure I, Herzschuh U, Musimba A, Tabares X 2020. Growth ring formation of Dichrostachys cinerea and Senegalia mellifera in arid environments in Namibia. Dendrochronologia 59
Marion Meyer JJ, Meyer AC, Meyer NL 2020. Sand circles in stony landscapes of Namibia are caused by large Euphorbia shrubs. South African Journal of Botany 130 25-29
du Preez CI, Gründemann C, Reinhardt JK, Mumbengegwi DR, Huber R 2020. Immunomodulatory effects of some Namibian plants traditionally used for treating inflammatory diseases. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 254
de Winter B 1990. A new species of Citrullus (Benincaseae) from the Namib Desert, Namibia. Bothalia 20 (2) 209-211
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A new species of Citrullus from the Namib Desert_Namibia.pdf 388.7 KB
van Jaarsveld EJ, van Wyk AE 2003. Tetradenia kaokoensis, a new species from Kaokoland, Namibia. Bothalia 33 (1) 107-108
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Tetradenia kaokoensis_a new species from Kaokoland_Namibia.pdf 518.2 KB
Di Salvatore M, Carafa AM, Carratu G 2013. Growth and Reproductive Phenology of Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. F. The Open Plant Science Journal 7 39-46
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Growth and Reproductive Phenology of Welwitschia mirabilis.pdf 1.07 MB
Douglas CMS, Cowlishaw G, Harrison XA, Henschel JR, Pettorelli N, Mulligan M 2018. Identifying the determinants of tree distributions along a large ephemeral river. Ecosphere 9 (6)
Martinez AJ, Onchuru TO, Ingham CS, Sandoval‐Calderón M, Salem H, Deckert J, Kaltenpoth M 2019. Angiosperm to Gymnosperm host‐plant switch entails shifts in microbiota of the Welwitschia bug, Probergrothius angolensis (Distant, 1902). Molecular Ecology 28 (23) 5172-5187
Pufal G, Mayer C, Porembski S, Jürgens N 2008. Factors affecting fruit set in Aizoaceae species of the Succulent Karoo. Basic and Applied Ecology 9 401-409
Bytebier B 2013. Orchidaceae - Habenaria amoena newly recorded from Namibia. Bothalia - African Biodiversity and Conservation 43 (1) 90-91
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Habenaria amoena newly recorded from Namibia.pdf 127.46 KB
Swanepoel W 2013. Sapindaceae - Zanha africana, a new distribution record for Namibia. Bothalia 43 (1) 89-90
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Zanha africana_2013.pdf 73.55 KB
Marais E, Maggs-Kölling G, Sherman C, Doniger T, Liu R, Tripathi BM, Steinberger Y 2019. Profiling soil free-living nematodes in the Namib Desert, Namibia. Journal of Arid Land 12 130–143
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Profiling soil free_living nematodes in the Namib Desert_Preview.pdf 180.3 KB
Unc A, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Sherman C, Doniger T, Steinberger Y 2019. Soil bacterial community associated with the dioecious Acanthosicyos horridus in the Namib Desert. Biology and Fertility of Soils 55 (4) 393–403
Gerber M, Piketh SJ, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Turner JS, Berner JM 2017. Strategies of Acanthosicyos horridus (!nara) to exploit alternative atmospheric moisture sources in the hyper-arid Namib Desert. South African Journal of Botany 109 335-336
Muche G, Schmiedel U, Jürgens N 2012. BIOTA Southern Africa Biodiversity Observatories Vegetation Database. Vegetation databases for the 21st century 4 111–123
Klak C, Reeves G, Hedderson T 2004. Unmatched tempo of evolution in southern African semi-desert ice plants. Nature 427 63-65
Schmiedel U, Dengler J, Luther-Mosebach J, Gröngröft A, Muche G, Petersen A, Strohbach BJ, Jürgens N 2010. Patterns and dynamics of vascular plant diversity along the BIOTA transects in southern Africa. Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale 118–135
Conroy C 1996. Socio-economic aspects of Colophospermum mopane use in Omusati Region, Namibia. Management of Mopane in southern Africa 55-62
Ashipala J, //Garoes TM, Flower CA 1996. Mopane caterpillar resource utilisation and marketing in Namibia. Management of Mopane in southern Africa
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Mopane caterpillar resource utilisation and marketing in Namibia.pdf 943.09 KB
Flower CA 1996. Case studies of mopane management in Omusati Region, Namibia. Management of Mopane in southern Africa 70-72
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Case studies of mopane management in Omusati Region.pdf 559.19 KB
Flower C, Wardell-Johnson G 1996. The management of mopane woodland: a summary of the workshop and directions for the future. 78-82
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The management of mopane woodland_1996.pdf 847.33 KB