Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 1001 - 1050 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Schweickerdt HG 1948. An account of the South African species of Tribulus Tourn. ex Linn. Bothalia (4) 159-157
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An account of the South African Species of Tribulus.pdf 2.5 MB
Schonland S 1936. The South African species of Rhus L.. Bothalia (3) 3-115
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The South African species of Rhus L.pdf 5.29 MB
Phillips EP, Hutchinson J 1922. A revision of the African species of Sesbania. Bothalia (1) 40-56
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A revision of the African species of Sesbania.pdf 1.26 MB
Poynton RJ 2010. The genus Prosopis in southern Africa. South African Forestry Journal (152) 62-66
Shackleton RT, le Maitre DC, van Wilgen BW, Richardson DM 2015. The impact of invasive alien Prosopis species (mesquite) on native plants in different environments in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany (97) 25-31
Shackleton RT, le Maitre DC, Pasiecznik NM, Richardson DM 2014. Prosopis: a global assessment of the biogeography, benefits, impacts and management of one of the world's worst woody invasive plant taxa. AoB Plants (6) plu027
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Prosopis_a global assessment.pdf 1.67 MB
Mosweu S, Munyati C, Kabanda T, Setshogo M, Muzila M 2013. Prosopis L. invasion in the south-western region of Botswana: The perceptions of rural communities and management options. Natural Resources (4) 496-505
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Prosopis L invasion in the south_western region of Botswana.pdf 778.36 KB
Wells MJ, Poynton RJ, Balsinhas AA, Musil KJ, Joffe H, van Hoepen E, Abbott SK 1986. The history of introduction of invasive alien plants to southern Africa. The Ecology and Management of Biological Invasions in Southern Africa
The Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) 2004. Africa Invaded: The growing danger of invasive alien species.
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Africa Invaded.pdf 14.21 MB
Zachariades C, Hoffmann JH, Roberts AP 2011. Biological control of mesquite (Prosopis species) (Fabaceae) in South Africa. African Entomology 19 (1) 402–415
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Biological control of mesquite in South Africa.pdf 429.28 KB
Foxcroft LC, Pysek P, Richardson DM, Genovesi P, Macfadyen S 2017. Plant invasion science in protected areas: progress and priorities. Biological Invasions (19) 1353–1378
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Plant invasion science in protected areas.pdf 1.76 MB
Joubert DF 2008. Invasive plants in Namibian subtropical and riparian woodland. Invasive Plants and Forest Ecosystems 379-408
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Invasive Plants and Forest Ecosystems_Index.pdf 637.56 KB
Swanepoel W, Becker RW, Möller A, de Cauwer V 2019. Euphorbia rimireptans (Euphorbiaceae, Articulofruticosae), a new species from the Skeleton Coast, Namibia. Phytotaxa (414) 165–173
Archer RH 1998. Euphorbia leistneri (Euphorbiaceae), a new species from the Kaokoveld (Namibia). South African Journal of Botany (64) 258- 260
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Euphorbia leistneri a new species from the Kaokoveld.pdf 1.11 MB
Kyalangalilwa B, Boatwright JS, Daru BH, Maurin O, van der Bank M Phylogenetic position and revised classification of Acacia s.l. (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) in Africa, including new combinations in Vachellia and Senegalia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (172) 500–523
du Preez I, Nafuka S, Mumbengegwi D, Böck R 2015. Indigenous use of plants to treat malaria and associated symptoms. Indigenous knowledge of Namibia 41-62
Mushabati LF, Kahaka HK, Cheikhyoussef A 2015. Namibian leafy vegetables: From traditional to scientific knowledge, current status and applications. Indigenous knowledge of Namibia 157-168
Timberlake J 1996. A review of the ecology and management of Colophospermum mopane. Management of Mopane in southern Africa 1-7
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A review of the ecology and management of Colophospermum mopane.pdf 1.01 MB
Mushove P 1996. On-farm research in mopane woodland: A case study from Chivi, Zimbabwe. Management of Mopane in southern Africa
Gelens M 1996. Mopane shrubland management in northern Namibia. Management of Mopane in southern Africa 12-18
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Mopane shrubland management in northern Namibia.pdf 1.01 MB
Ditlhogo M, Allotey J, Mpuchane S, Teferra G, Gashe BA, Siame BA 1996. Interactions between the mopane caterpillar, Imbrasia belina and its host, Colophospermum mopane in Botswana. Management of Mopane in southern Africa 37-40
Allotey J, Teferra G, Mpuchane S, Ditlhogo M, Gashe BA, Siame BA 1996. Mopane (Colophospermum mopane) as host for the development of the mopane worm, Imbrasia belina Westwood, in Botswana. Management of Mopane in southern Africa 41-44
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Mopane as host for the development of the mopane worm.pdf 608.72 KB
Street RA, Prinsloo G 2013. Commercially Important Medicinal Plants of South Africa: A Review. Journal of Chemistry (2013) 205048
Ellery K, Ellery W, Verhagen BTh 1992. Distribution of C3 and C4 plants in a successional sequence in the Okavango Delta. South African Journal of Botany 58 (5) 103 - 105
Getzin S, Wiegand K, Wiegand T, Yizhaq H, von Hardenberg J, Meron E 2015. Adopting a spatially explicit perspective to study the mysterious fairy circles of Namibia. Ecography (38) 1–11