Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 951 - 1000 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Tarr PW, Loutit R 1985. Invasive alien plants in the Skeleton Coast Park, Western Damaraland and Western Kaokoland. Invasive alien organisms in South West Africa/Namibia 19-23
Vinjevold RD, Bridgeford P, Yeaton D 1985. Invasive alien plants in the Namib-Naukluft Park. Invasive alien organisms in South West Africa/Namibia 24-27
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Invasive alien plants in the Namib_Naukluft Park with maps.pdf 565.41 KB
Swanepoel W 2007. Commiphora kuneneana, a new species from Kaokoveld, Namibia. Bothalia (37) 40-48
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Commiphora kuneneana_a new species from Kaokoveld.pdf 808.17 KB
van Jaarsveld AS, van Wyk AE 2007. Dewinteria, a new semisucculent, cliff-dwelling genus endemic to the Kaokoveld, Namibia. Bothalia (37) 198-201
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Dewinteria_a new semisucculent_Kaokoveld_Namibia.pdf 714.83 KB
Ross JH 1973. Towards a classification of the African Acacias. Bothalia (11) 107-113
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Towards a Classification of the African Acacias.pdf 630.3 KB
Verdoorn JC 1973. The genus Crinum in southern Africa. Bothalia (11) 27-52
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The Genus Crinum in Southern Africa.pdf 3.8 MB
Ross JH 1972. Notes on Acacia species in southern Africa: II. Bothalia (10) 547-553
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Notes on Acacia Species in Southern Africa_II.pdf 835.09 KB
Ross JH 1971. Acacia karroo in southern Africa. Bothalia (10) 385-401
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Acacia karroo in Southern Africa.pdf 3.07 MB
Obermeyer AA 1971. Two new Ornithogalum species from South West Africa. Bothalia (10) 355-358
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Two New Ornithogalum Species from South West Africa.pdf 838.47 KB
Meeuse ADJ 1962. The Cucurbitaceae of southern Africa. (8) 1-111
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The Cucurbitaceae of Southern Africa.pdf 9.35 MB
Obermeyer AA 1978. Ornithogalum: a revision of the southern African species. Bothalia (12) 323-376
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Ornithogalum_a revision of the southern African species.pdf 14.56 MB
Moffett RO 1979. The genus Sarcocaulon. Bothalia (12) 581-613
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The genus Sarcocaulon.pdf 11.18 MB
Retief E, Reyneke WF 1984. The genus Thunbergia in southern Africa. Bothalia (15) 107-116
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The genus Thunbergia in southern Africa.pdf 4.94 MB
de Winter B 1960. Notes on some South African species of the genus Euclea. Bothalia (7) 403-404
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Notes on some South African species of the Genus Euclea.pdf 140.74 KB
Bruyns PV 1995. New records and new species of Asclepiadaceae from Namibia. Bothalia (25) 155-172
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New records and new species of Asclepiadaceae from Namibia.pdf 5.18 MB
Balkwill K 1996. A synopsis of Peristrophe (Acanthaceae) in southern Africa. Bothalia (26) 83-93
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A synopsis of Peristrophe in southern Africa.pdf 2.09 MB
Welman WG, Meeuse ADJ 1998. Revised key to Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in southern Africa. Bothalia (28) 19-24
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Revised key to Ipomoea in southern Africa.pdf 597.19 KB
Oliver EGH, Oliver IM 2002. The genus Erica (Ericaceae) in southern Africa: taxonomic notes 1. Bothalia (32) 37-61
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The genus Erica in southern Africa_ taxonomic notes 1.pdf 7.64 MB
Retief E, van Wyk AE 2002. The genus Trichodesma (Boraginaceae: Boraginoideae) in southern Africa. Bothalia (32) 151-166
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The genus Trichodesma in southern Africa.pdf 3.92 MB
Swanepoel W 2006. Two new species of Commiphora (Burseraceae) from southern Africa. Bothalia (36) 45-56
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Two new species of Commiphora from southern Africa.pdf 3.56 MB
Manning JC, Goldblatt P 2011. Review of the genus Xenoscapa (Iridaceae: Crocoideae), including X. grandiflora, a new species from southern Namibia. Bothalia (41) 283–288
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Review of the genus Xenoscapa.pdf 334.55 KB
Nanyeni L, Nzuma TM 2018. New record of Monsonia herrei for Namibia. Bothalia (48) a2342
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New record of Monsonia herrei for Namibia.pdf 1.82 MB
Janse van Vuuren S, Levanets A 2019. First record of Botryococcus braunii Kützing from Namibia. Bothalia (49) a2382
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First record of Botryococcus braunii Kützing from Namibia.pdf 1.83 MB