Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 651 - 700 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Jeltsch F, Blaum N, Classen N, Eschenbach A, Grohmann C, Gröngröft A, Joubert DF, Horn A, Lohmann D, Linsenmair KE, Lück-Vogel M, Medinski TV, Meyfarth S, Mills A, Petersen A, Popp A, Poschlod P, Reisch C, Rossmanith E, Rubilar H, Wesuls D, Wichmann M, Wieczorek M, Zimmermann I 2010. Impacts of landuse and climate change on the dynamics and biodiversity in the Thornbush Savanna Biome. Biodiversity in southern Africa 3 33-74
Thuiller W, Midgley GF, Hughes GO, Bomharb B, Drew G, Rutherford MC, Woodward FI 2006. Endemic species and ecosystem sensitivity to climate change in Namibia. Global Change Biology 12 (5) 759 - 776
Burke A 2001. Determinants of inselberg floras in arid Nama Karoo landscapes. Journal of Biogeography 28 (10) 1211 - 1220
Craven P 1989. A short note on the flora of the Brandberg. SWA Mountaineering 1964-1989 - 25 years
Bruyns PV 1990. New plant records from the Brandberg. Cimbebasia 12 161 - 166
Botha CJ, Schultz RA, van der Lugt JJ, Archer C 2000. A krimpsiekte-like syndrome in small stock poisoned by Ornithogalum toxicarium Archer and Archer. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 71 (1) 6-9
Coetzee M, Kinyanga V, Kruger B, Seely M, Werner W 2014. Combating land degradation in Namibia over 23 years: learning what matters in DLDD. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 69 (3) 171-174
Steffen S, Mucina L, Kadereit G 2010. Revision of Sarcocornia (Chenopodiaceae) in South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique. Systematic Botany 35 (2) 390-408
Bolin JF, Maass E, Musselman LJ 2011. A New Species of Hydnora (Hydnoraceae) from Southern Africa. Systematic Botany 36 (2) 255-260
Mahr D 2011. The Many Faces of Pachypodium lealii. Cactus and Succulent Journal 83 (3) 123-129
Williamson G 2011. A new Drimia sp. from the Namib Desert in Namibia. Cactus and Succulent Journal 83 (6) 286-289
McCoy TA 2016. A New Species of Aloe from the Republic of Angola. Cactus and Succulent Journal 88 (6) 277-280
McClean CJ, Doswald N, Küper W, Sommer JH, Barnard P, Lovett JC 2006. Potential impacts of climate change on Sub-Saharan African plant priority area selection. Diversity and Distributions 12 645-655
Tarnita CE, Bonachela JA, Sheffer E, Guyton JA, Coverdale TC, Long RA, Pringle RM 2017. A theoretical foundation for multi-scale regular vegetation patterns. Nature 541 398-401
Lauterbach M, de Wet van der Merwe P, Keßler L, Pirie MD, Bellstedt DU, Kadereit G Evolution of leaf anatomy in arid environments – A case study in southern African Tetraena and Roepera (Zygophyllaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 97 129-144