Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 551 - 600 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Hartnett DC, Setshego MP, Dalgleish HJ 2006. Bud banks of perennial savanna grasses in Botswana. African Journal of Ecology 44 (2) 256-263
Mannheimer CA 2008. Goanikontes Uranium Project, Vegetation study.
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2008_Goanikontes_vegetation.pdf 1.96 MB
Allen CD 2009. Climate-induced forest dieback: An escalating global phenomenon?. Unasylva 231 - 232 (60) 43 - 49
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Climate-induced forest dieback_An escalating global phenomenon.pdf 342.27 KB
Wiegand K, Saltz D, Ward D 2006. A patch-dynamics approach to savanna dynamics and woody plant encroachment - Insights from an arid savanna. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 7 (4) 229 - 242
2001. Red Data List Special Edition. SABONET News 6 (3)
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Red Data List Special Edition_2001.pdf 4.02 MB
2000. Medicinal Plant Conservation.
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Medicinal Plant Consaervation No 6.pdf 3.99 MB
de Winter B 1968. Some observations on the Genus Commiphora in South and South-West Africa. Trees in South Africa XX (1) 1 - 12
Volk OH 1974. Botanische Beobachtungen auf einer Fahrt durch die Etosha-Pfanne. Botanischen Mitteilungen, S.W.A. Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Sonderbeilage 1 - 6
Thuiller W, Albert C, Araujo MB, Berry PM, Cabeza M, Guisan A, Hickler T, Midgley GF, Paterson J, Schurr FM, Sykes MT, Zimmermann NE 2008. Predicting global change impacts on plant species-distributions: Future challenges. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 9 (3 - 4) 137 - 152
Rodin RJ 1953. Distribution of Welwitschia mirabilis. Ameriacan Journal of Botany 40 (4) 280 - 285