Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 501 - 550 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
von Willert DJ, Brinckmann E, Scheitler B, Schulze E-D, Thomas DA, Treichel S 1980. Ökophysiologische Untersuchungen an Pflanzen der Namib-Wüste. Naturwissenschaften 67 (1) 21-28
von Willert DJ, Brinckmann E, Eller BM, Scheitler B 1984. Water loss and malate fluctuations during the day for plants in the southern Namib desert. Oecologia 61 (3) 393-397
von Willert DJ, Brinckmann E, Baasch R, Eller BM 1983. Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. Fil. - A Cam Plant? Ecophysiological Investigations in the Central Namib Desert. Effects of Stress on Photosynthesis: Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology 3 185-191
Datson PM, Murray BG, Steiner KE 2008. Climate and the evolution of annual/perennial life-histories in Nemesia (Scrophulariaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 270 (1-2) 39-57
Schlesinger WH, Reynolds JF, Cunningham GL, Huenneke LF, Jarrell WM, Virginia RA, Whitford WG 1990. Biological Feedbacks in Global Desertification. Science 247 (4946) 1043-1048
van Rooyen N, Bredenkamp GJ, Theron GK, Bothma J du P, Le Riche EAN 1994. Vegetational gradients around artificial watering points in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Journal of Arid Environments 26 (4) 349-361
Bornman CH, Butler V, Jensen WA 1979. Welwitschia mirabilis: Fine Structure of the Germinating Seed I. Orientation. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie 91 (3) 189-196
Veiste M, Herppich WB, Willert DJ 2001. Variability of CAM in leaf-deciduous succulents from the Succulent Karoo (South Africa). Basic and Applied Ecology 2 (3) 283-288
von Willert DJ, Armbrüster N, Drees T, Zaborowski M 2005. Welwitschia mirabilis: CAM or not CAM — what is the answer?. Functional Plant Biology 32 (5) 389-395
Abrams MM, Jacobson PJ, Jacobson KM, Seely MK 1997. Survey of soil chemical properties across a landscape in the Namib Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 35 (1) 29-38
Burke A 2007. Plant endemism in the central Namib Desert. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9 283-297
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Krogh SN, Zeisset MS, Jackson E, Whitford WG 2002. Presence/absence of a keystone species as an indicator of rangeland health. Journal of Arid Environments 50 (3) 513-519
Cowling RM, Dlamini TS, Stock WD 1999. Plant Induced Fertile Islands as Possible Indicators of Desertification in a Succulent Desert Ecosystem in Northern Namaqualand, South Africa. Plant Ecology 142 (1/2 The Plant Ecology of Namaqualand, South Africa (Jun., 1999)) 161-167
Hille Ris Lambers R, Rietkerk M, van der Bosch F, Prins HHT, de Kroon H 2001. Vegetation pattern formation in semi-arid grazing systems. Ecology 82 (1) 50-61