
Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions. (Source: CAMB)

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Displaying results 3901 - 3950 of 3971 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Austaller S 1999. Helichrysum. A multipurpose plant of major economic importance in Namibia.
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Spotlight_019.pdf 2.74 MB
Loutit B 1996. Rhino Protection in Communal Areas, Namibia. Pachyderm 21 31-32
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Rhino Protection in Communal Areas.pdf 57.94 KB
Protected Areas and Climate Change in Namibia.
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ClimateChangePoster.pdf 1.79 MB
Thuiller W, Broennimann O, Hughes G, Robert J, Alkemade M, Midgley GF, Corsi F 2006. Vulnerability of African mammals to anthropogenic climate change under conservative land transformation assumptions. Global Change Biology 12 (3) 424 - 440
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Vulnerability of African mammals to anthropogenic climate change.pdf 561.41 KB
Allan DG 1995. Habitat selection by Blue Cranes in the Western Cape-Province and the Karoo. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 25 90-97
van Schalkwyk DL, Hoffman LC 2010. Guidelines for the harvesting of game for meat export.
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Guidelines for the harvesting of game for meat export.pdf 2.13 MB
Brown CJ 2009. National Policy on Human-Wildlife Conflict Managent.
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Human Wildlife Policy_2009.pdf 5.11 MB
Suich H, Busch J, Barbancho N 2005. Economic impacts of Transfrontier Conservation Areas: Baseline of tourism in the Kavango-Zambesi TFCA.
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KAZATourism 2005.pdf 2.59 MB
Suich H 2005. Tourism in the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area.
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Tourism in the KAZA TFCA.pdf 390.21 KB
2004. The relative density and distribution of waterbuck, Okavango.
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Waterbuck_2004.zip 1.97 KB
2004. The relative density and distribution of tsessebe, Okavango.
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Tsessebe_2004.zip 2.44 KB
2004. The relative density and distribution of sitatunga, Okavango.
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Sitatunga_2004.zip 2.71 KB
2004. The relative density and distribution of reedbuck, Okavango.
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Reedbuck_2004.zip 2.79 KB
Basson PA 1987. Poisoning of wildlife in Southern Africa. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 58 (4) 219 - 228
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Poisoning of wildlife in Southern Africa.pdf 687.18 KB
Pedersen C-ET, Albrechtsen A, Etter PD, Johnson EA, Orlando L, Chikhi L, Siegismund HR, Heller R 2018. A southern African origin and cryptic structure in the highly mobile plains zebra. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2018
Stratford K, Naholo S 2017. Can camera traps count game?. Namibian Journal of Environment 1 (B) 27-31
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Can camera traps count game.pdf 2.27 MB
Hauptfleisch M 2009. Impact Assessment (IA) to solve Aircraft-Wildlife Collisions. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment 16-22
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Impact Assessment to solve Aircraft_Wildlife Collisions.pdf 133.32 KB
Hauptfleisch ML, Avenant NL, Tsowaseb A 2013. Aircraft-wildlife collisions at two major Namibian airports from 2006–2010. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 43 (2) 177-178
Turnbull PCB, Bell RHV, Saigawa K, Makala LH 1991. Anthrax in wildlife in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. Veterinary Record 128 399-403
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Anthrax in wildlife in the Luangwa Valley_Turnbull_1991.pdf 1.12 MB
Funston P, Henschel P, Petracca L, Maclennan S, Whitesell C, Fabiano E, Castro I 2017. The distribution and status of lions and other large carnivores in Luengue-Luiana and Mavinga National Parks, Angola.
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Final Report_Luengue_Luiana and Mavinga survey.pdf 3.82 MB
Collinson R 2011. Meeting the challenges of game ranch management. Koedoe 53 (1) 1-2
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Meeting the challenges of game ranch management.pdf 271.44 KB
Milliken T, Pole A, Huongo A 2006. No peace for elephants: Unregulated domestic ivory markets in Angola and Mozambique.
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Traffic_species_mammals26.pdf 1.07 MB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2007. Species Management Plan - Elephants, Loxodonta africana.
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Namibia elephant management plan_December 2007.pdf 853.58 KB
Blackmore AC 2017. Public trust doctrine, research and responsible wildlife management in South Africa. Bothalia 47 (1) a2217
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PTD_Responsible Wildlife Management.pdf 2.76 MB
Basson PA, Norval AG, Hofmeyr JM, Ebedes H, Schultz RA 1982. Antelope and poisonous plants: 1. Gifblaar Dichapetalum cymosum (Hooker) Engler and Prantl containing monofluoroacetate. Madoqua 13 (1) 59-70
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Gifblaar Dichapetalum cymosum 1982.pdf 1004.56 KB