
Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions. (Source: CAMB)

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Displaying results 3851 - 3900 of 3971 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Naute Recreation Resort - Profile.
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Naute Park Profile.pdf 133.77 KB
Namib-Naukluft Park - Profile.
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Namib-Naukluft Park Profile.pdf 147.32 KB
Namib-Naukluft Park - Wildlife wonders.
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Namib Naukluft Fact sheet1.pdf 234.43 KB
Mudumu National Park - Profile.
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Mudumu Park Profile.pdf 185.34 KB
Mangetti National Park - Profile.
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Mangetti Park Profile.pdf 220.82 KB
Mamili National Park - Profile.
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Mamili Park Profile.pdf 156.7 KB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) Mamili (Nkasa Lupala) National Park.
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Mamili National Park.pdf 1.35 MB
Khaudum National Park - Profile.
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Khaudum Park Profile.pdf 140.36 KB
Khaudum National Park.
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Khaudum National Park.pdf 1.49 MB
Khaudum National Park - Khaudum cautionary tales.
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Khaudum Fact sheet2.pdf 324.01 KB
Khaudum National Park - Wildlife wonders.
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Khaudum Fact sheet1.pdf 358.03 KB
Hardap Recreation Resort - Profile.
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Hardap Park Profile.pdf 135.97 KB
Etosha National Park.
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Etosha National Park_Brochure.pdf 2.83 MB
Background Etosha Centenary.
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Etosha Centenary Background final_2007.pdf 807.21 KB
Daan Viljoen Game Park - Profile.
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Daan Viljoen Park Fact File.pdf 146.76 KB
Bwabwata National Park - Profile.
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Bwabwata Park Profile.pdf 196.64 KB
Bwabwata National Park.
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Bwabwata National Park.pdf 1.4 MB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Wildlife and Tourism in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Wildlife_and_tourism_lowres.pdf 951.72 KB
Simmons RE 2008. Tall tales - Or how the Giraffe got its neck. Africa Geographic (March 2008) 32-39
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Tall tales_Or how the Giraffe got its neck_2008.pdf 883.91 KB
van Niekerk A 1996. Management of ostriches for egg production. Agricola 9 33 - 35
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Management of ostriches for egg production_1996.pdf 370.39 KB
Jessen PT, Laubscher RF, Kölling H 2004. The quality of diet selected by eland in northern Namibia: Calcium and phosphorous concentrations. Agricola 14 23 - 26
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The quality of diet selected by eland in northern Namibia_2004.pdf 411.19 KB
Naidoo R, Weaver LC, Stuart-Hill G, Tagg J 2011. Effect of biodiversity on economic benefits from communal lands in Namibia. Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (2) 310 - 316
Turpie J, Midgley G, Brown C, Barnes J, Pallett J, Desmet P, Tarr J, Tarr P 2010. Climatic change vulnerability and adaptation assessment for Namibia's Biodiversity and Protected Area System. Full report.
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Climate Change for Namibias biodiversity and parks.pdf 23.86 MB
Martin RB 2011. A legal trade in rhino horn: Hobson's choice.
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Hobsons Choice.pdf 1.9 MB