
Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions. (Source: CAMB)

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Displaying results 2401 - 2450 of 3971 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Winterbottom JM 1971. Water and wild life. South African Journal of Science 67 (3) 101-108
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Water and wild life.pdf 1.17 MB
Smit E 2021. 21 nabbed for wildlife crimes.
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NAM_2021_12_21 nabbed for wildlife crimes_Namibian Sun.pdf 246.1 KB
Vatileni E 2021. Man arrested over elephant tusks.
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NAM_2021_12_Man arrested over elephant tusks_The Namibian.pdf 1.03 MB
Lendelvo S, Nghitevelekwa R, Pinto M 2021. Gendered climate change-induced human-wildlife conflicts amidst COVID-19 in Erongo Region, Namibia. Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis 159-172
Shortridge GC 1934. Order Perissodactyla - Family Equidae - The mountain Zebra, Hippotigris. The Mammals of South West Africa 389-411
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Shortridge_1934_The mammals of SWA_Mountain Zebra.pdf 12.67 MB