
Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions. (Source: CAMB)

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Displaying results 201 - 250 of 3971 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Rosatte RC 2013. Chapter 18 – Rabies Control in Wild Carnivores. Rabies (Third Edition), Scientific Basis of the Disease and Its Management 617-670
Lindsey PA, Balme G, Becker M, Begg C, Bento C, Bocchino C, Dickman A, Diggle RW, Eves H, Henschel P, Lewis D, Marnewick K, Mattheus J, McNutt JW, McRobb R, Midlane N, Milanzi J, Morley R, Murphree M, Opyene V, Phadima J, Purchase G, Rentsch D, Roche C, Shaw J, van der Westhuizen H, Van Vliet N, Zisadza-Gandiwa P 2013. The bushmeat trade in African savannas: Impacts, drivers, and possible solutions. Biological Conservation 160 80-96
Reyers B 2013. Conserving Biodiversity Outside Protected Areas. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity Second Edition 289-305
Franz M, Kramer-Schadt S, Kilian W, Wissel C, Groeneveld J 2010. Understanding the effects of rainfall on elephant - vegetation interactions around waterholes. Ecological Modelling 221 (24) 2909-2917
Zisadza P, Gandiwa E, van der Westhuizen H, van der Westhuizen E, Bodzo V 2010. Abundance, distribution and population trends of hippopotamus in Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe :research article. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 40 (2) 149-157
Child BA, Musengezi J, Parent GD, Child GFT 2012. The economics and institutional economics of wildlife on private land in Africa. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 2 (18)
Kühnelt W 1965. Nahrungsbeziehungen innerhalb der Tierwelt der Namibwüste (Südwestafrika). Nahrungsbeziehungen innerhalb der Tierwelt der Namibwüste (Südwestafrika) 185-190
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Barnes JI, Nhuleipo O, Baker AC, Muteyauli PI, Shigwedha V 2013. Wildlife Accounts: A Multi-sectoral Analysis in Namibia. Implementing Environmental Accounts 25-47
Courtin F, Carpenter TE, Paskin RD, Chomel BB 2000. Temporal patterns of domestic and wildlife rabies in central Namibia stock-ranching area, 1986-1996. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 43 (1) 13-28
Mansfield K, McElhinney L, Hübschle O, Mettler F, Sabeta C, Nel LH, Fooks AR 2006. A molecular epidemiological study of rabies epizootics in kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) in Namibia. BMC Veterinary Research 2:2
Serneels S, Said MY, Lambin EF 2001. Land cover changes around a major east African wildlife reserve: the Mara Ecosystem ( Kenya). International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 (17) 3397-3420
Thrash I, Theron GK, Bothma J du P 1995. Dry season herbivore densities around drinking troughs in the Kruger National Park. Journal of Arid Environments 29 (2) 213-219
Berry HH 1976. The wind that makes the birds breed. 30 16 - 21
Traill LW 2004. Seasonal utilization of habitat by large grazing herbivores in semi-arid Zimbabwe. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 34 (1) 13-24
1977. Was it just a threat?. African Wildlife 31 14 - 16
1970. The threat to the Etosha Pan Game Park. African Wildlife 24 232 - 235
Garvin JC, Jennelle CS, Drake D, Grodsky SM 2011. Response of raptors to a windfarm. Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (1) 199 - 209
Allan D 1988. Raptors nesting on transmission pylons. African Wildlife 42 (6) 325 - 327