
Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions. (Source: CAMB)

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Displaying results 1801 - 1850 of 3971 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Kandovazu E 2021. Babi’s bail judgment on Friday.
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NAM_2021_03_Babis bail judgment on Friday_Informante.pdf 1.48 MB
Ebedes H, Maritz N, de Jager M 1968. Interim reports on aerial counts of wildlife in Etosha National Park.
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Etosha NP_Aerial census 1968.PDF 727.14 KB
du Preez JS 1971. Game count - Etosha: February 1971.
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Etosha NP_Aerial census 1971.PDF 155.36 KB
du Preez JS 1972. Game census - Etosha: April 1972.
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Etosha NP_Aerial census 1972 04.PDF 305.49 KB
du Preez JS 1972. Wildtelling - Etosha: Juni 1972.
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Etosha NP_Aerial census 1972 06.PDF 164.86 KB
du Preez JS 1971. Progress report - aerial game counts: Etosha, December 1971.
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Kaross Khoabendes_Aerial census 1971.PDF 138.28 KB
2002. Etosha survey report 2002.
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Etosha Survey Report October 2002.pdf 694.08 KB
Erb KP 1995. The Elesmap census in Etosha National Park July/August 1995.
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Etosha NP_Elephant_Jan 1996.pdf 213.38 KB
2002. Etosha National Park aerial census 2002.
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Etosha NP_Aerial census 2002.pdf 694.07 KB
Erb KP 2000. Etosha aerial census report September 2000.
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Etosha NP_Aerial census 2000.pdf 548.06 KB
Lindeque M, Lindeque PM 1987. September 1987 aerial census of Etosha National Park.
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Etosha NP_Aerial census 1987.PDF 1.65 MB
Scheepers JL 1986. Lugsensus van wes Etosha Mei 1986.
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Etosha NP_Aerial census 1986 05 west.PDF 452.52 KB
Berry H, Nott T 1983. Aerial and ground census of western Etosha National Park.
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Etosha NP_Aerial census 1983 05 west.PDF 581.27 KB
1982. Total aerial census of Etosha National Park.
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Etosha NP_Aerial census 1982.PDF 1.7 MB
Berry H 1978. Wildebeest counts: 1978.
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Etosha NP_Aerial census 1978 03 CT.PDF 242.44 KB