
Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions. (Source: CAMB)

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Displaying results 1351 - 1400 of 3971 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Steynberg F 2020. 'Only God can judge him'.
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NAM_2020-06_Only God can judge him_NamibianSun.pdf 367.46 KB
Davies JE, Bowles J 1976. Ecology of the tsetse fly in the Okavango Delta. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 140-152
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Ecology of the tsetse fly in the Okavango Delta_1976.pdf 6.12 MB
Blomberg GED 1976. Feeding and nesting ecology and habitat preferences of Okavango crocodiles. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 131-139
Ikela S 2020. Prophet' has rhino case deferred.
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NAM_2020-06_Prophet has rhino case deferred_New Era.pdf 502.29 KB
Paterson L 1976. An introduction to the ecology and zoo-geography of the Okavango Delta. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 54-60
Smit E 2020. 16 arrested for wildlife crimes.
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NAM_2020-06_16 arrested for wildlife crimes_Namibian Sun.pdf 198.26 KB
Ndeyanale E 2020. 1 790 arrested for poaching.
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NAM_2020-06_1 790 arrested for poaching_The Namibian.pdf 713.22 KB
Smit E 2020. 17 arrested for wildlife crimes.
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NAM_2020-06_17 arrested for wildlife crimes_Namibian Sun.pdf 235.64 KB