
Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions. (Source: CAMB)

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Displaying results 1301 - 1350 of 3971 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Magwedere K, Hemberger MY, Hoffman LC, Dziva F 2012. Zoonoses: a potential obstacle to the growing wildlife industry of Namibia. Infection ecology and epidemiology 2 (1) 18365
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Zoonoses_a potential obstacle to the growing wildlife industry.pdf 1.1 MB
David R 2020. Drop in recorded wildlife crime.
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NAM_2020-05_Drop in recorded wildlife crime_Confidante.pdf 311.17 KB
Naidoo R, Brennan A, Shapiro AC, Beytell P, Aschenborn O, du Preez P, Kilian JW, Stuart-Hill G, Taylor RD 2020. Mapping and assessing the impact of small-scale ephemeral water sources on wildlife in an African seasonal savannah. Ecological Applications In Press
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waterholes_bwabwata_clip2.tif_.zip 3.47 MB
Marker L, le Roux N 2020. Okakarara CBO Wildlife Species Presence Study.
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Okakarara CBO Wildlife Species Presence Study.pdf 2.26 MB
Lehmann D, Mfune JKE, Gewers E, Cloete J, Aschenborn OH-K, Mbomboro L, Kasaona S, Brain C, Voigt CC 2020. Spatiotemporal responses of a desert dwelling ungulate to increasing aridity in North-eastern Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 179
Naro EM, Maher SML, Muntifering JR, Eichenwald AJ, Clark SG 2020. Syndicate recruitment, perceptions, and problem solving in Namibian rhinoceros protection. Biological Conservation 243
Mmana FB 2020. Was it poaching or self defence?.
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BOT_2020-05_Was it poaching or self defence_TheVoiceBW.pdf 291.73 KB
Campbell AC, von Richter W 1976. The Okavango Delta and tourism. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 244 - 247
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The Okavango Delta and tourism_1976.pdf 1.02 MB
Johnson PG 1976. Wildlife as a basis for future tourism development. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 235 - 243
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Wildlife as a basis for future tourism development_1976.pdf 4.06 MB
Graham A 1976. A management plan for Okavango crocodile. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 223 - 234
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A management plan for Okavango crocodile.pdf 7.41 MB
Fleming DM 1976. Present wildlife utilisation in the Okavango Delta. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 195 - 222
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Present wildlife utilisation in the Okavango Delta_1976.pdf 13.23 MB
Dickman A, Rust NA, Boast LK, Wykstra M, Richmond-Coggan L, Klein R, Selebatso M, Msuha M, Marker L 2018. The Costs and Causes of Human-Cheetah Conflict on Livestock and Game Farms. Biodiversity of World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes, Cheetahs: Biology and Conservation 173-189