
Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions. (Source: CAMB)

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Displaying results 851 - 900 of 3971 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Menges W 2014. DNA links rhino horns to Namibia.
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NAM_2014-05_DNA links rhino horns to Namibia_The Namibian.pdf 704.14 KB
Smith J-M 2016. Black rhino slaughter uncovered.
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NAM_2014-06_Black rhino slaughter uncovered_The Namibian.pdf 248.39 KB
Toivo B 2014. Poison can end rhino poaching.
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NAM_2014-06_Poison can End Rhino Poaching_The Namibian.pdf 278.76 KB
Haidula T 2015. Poaching syndicates use locals.
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NAM_2015-07_Poaching syndicates use locals_The Namibian.pdf 687.89 KB
Smit E 2015. Poaching rate triples.
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NAM_2015-10_Poaching rate triples_Namibian Sun.pdf 92.32 KB
Hilukilwa P 2015. Principal busted for poaching.
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NAM_2015-10_Principal busted for poaching_Namibian Sun.pdf 113.84 KB
Meyer M 2015. Pressuring the Poachers.
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NAM_2015-11_Pressuring the Poachers_The Namibian.pdf 363.91 KB
Smit E 2015. Rhino poaching toll hits 79.
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NAM_2015-11_Rhino poaching toll hits 79_Namibian Sun.pdf 93.15 KB
Lenggenhager L 2016. A militarised nature park.
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NAM_2016-02_A militarised nature park_The Namibian.pdf 1.14 MB
Haidula T 2016. Anti-poaching war to cost a billion.
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NAM_2016-03_Poaching war to cost a billion_The Namibian.pdf 249.89 KB
Kangootui N 2016. Businessmen arrested for extortion.
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NAM_2016-08_Businessmen arrested for extortion_The Namibian.pdf 262.21 KB