vegetation type

A community of plants or plant life that share distinguishable characteristics. (Source: PEM)

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Displaying results 401 - 450 of 1980 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Desoyza AG, Whitford WG, Turner SJ, van Zee JW, Johnson AR 2000. Assessing and monitoring the health of western rangeland watersheds. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64 (1) 153-166
Mannheimer CA 2008. Goanikontes Uranium Project, Vegetation study.
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2008_Goanikontes_vegetation.pdf 1.96 MB
Volk OH, Leippert H 1971. Vegetationsverhältnisse im Windhoeker Bergland, Südwestafrika. Journal der S.W.A. Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft XXV 5 - 44
Moleele NM, Ringrose S, Matheson W, Vanderpost C 2002. More woody plants? the status of bush encroachment in Botswana's grazing areas. Journal of Environmental Management 64 (1) 3 - 11
Shackleton CM, Griffin NJ, Banks DI, Mavrandonis JM, Shackleton SE 1994. Community structure and species composition along a disturbance gradient in a communally managed South African savanna. Plant Ecology 115 (2) 157 - 167
Richter CGF, Snyman HA, Smit GN 2001. The influence of tree density on the grass layer of three semi-arid savanna types of southern Africa. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 18 (2) 103 - 109
Leggett K, Fennessy J, Schneider S 2003. Seasonal vegetation changes in the Hoanib River catchment, north-western Namibia: A study of a non-equilibrium system. Journal of Arid Environments 53 (1) 99 - 113
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Seasonal vegetation changes in the Hoanib River catchment.pdf 270.57 KB
Jürgens N, Schmiedel U, Haarmeyer DH, Dengler J, Finckh M, Goetze D, Gröngröft A, Hahn K, Koulibaly A, Luther-Mosebach J, Muche G, Oldeland J, Petersen A, Porembski S, Rutherford MC, Schmidt M, Sinsin B, Strohbach BJ, Thiombiano A, Wittig R, Zizka G 2011. The BIOTA Biodiversity Observatories in Africa - a standardized framework for large-scale environmental monitoring. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184 (2) 655 - 678
Hassler SK, Kreyling J, Beierkuhnlein C, Eisold J, Samimi C, Wagenseil H, Jentsch A 2010. Vegetation pattern divergence between dry and wet season in a semiarid savanna - Spatio-temporal dynamics of plant diversity in northwest Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 74 (11) 1516 - 1524
Colditz RR, Keil M, Strohbach B, Geßner U, Schmidt M, Dech S 2007. Vegetation structure mapping with remote sensing time series: Capabilities and improvements. 2007