vegetation type

A community of plants or plant life that share distinguishable characteristics. (Source: PEM)

The listing below shows all records tagged with this term.

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Displaying results 1651 - 1700 of 1980 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Ochna cinnabarina.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Ochna 80.77 KB
TAP_Ochna cinnabarina.kmz 2.14 KB
TAP_Ochna cinnabarina.pdf 487.4 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Nymania capensis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Nymania 81.25 KB
TAP_Nymania capensis.kmz 3.01 KB
TAP_Nymania capensis.pdf 567.01 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Neoluederitzia sericeocarpa.
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Mundulea sericea.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Mundulea 81.2 KB
TAP_Mundulea sericea.kmz 7.61 KB
TAP_Mundulea sericea.pdf 590.66 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Moringa ovalifolia.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Moringa 81.43 KB
TAP_Moringa ovalifolia.kmz 4.43 KB
TAP_Moringa ovalifolia.pdf 552.89 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Mimusops zeyheri.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Mimusops 80.54 KB
TAP_Mimusops zeyheri.kmz 1.02 KB
TAP_Mimusops zeyheri.pdf 606.52 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Melia azedarach.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Melia 80.74 KB
TAP_Melia azedarach.kmz 1.32 KB
TAP_Melia azedarach.pdf 218.08 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Markhamia obtusifolia.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Markhamia 80.7 KB
TAP_Markhamia obtusifolia.kmz 1.26 KB
TAP_Markhamia obtusifolia.pdf 1.08 MB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Manilkara mochisia.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Manilkara 80.67 KB
TAP_Manilkara mochisia.kmz 1.35 KB
TAP_Manilkara mochisia.pdf 871.21 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Maerua schinzii.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Maerua 81.91 KB
TAP_Maerua schinzii.kmz 8.52 KB
TAP_Maerua schinzii.pdf 613.92 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Maerua parvifolia.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Maerua 81.17 KB
TAP_Maerua parvifolia.kmz 3.27 KB
TAP_Maerua parvifolia.pdf 532.5 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Maerua juncea subsp juncea.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Maerua juncea subsp 81.17 KB
TAP_Maerua juncea subsp juncea.kmz 2.9 KB
TAP_Maerua juncea.pdf 491.42 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Maerua gilgii.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Maerua 80.56 KB
TAP_Maerua gilgii.kmz 1.3 KB
TAP_Maerua gilgii.pdf 271.88 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Maerua angolensis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Maerua 80.85 KB
TAP_Maerua angolensis.kmz 1.59 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lycium villosum.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lycium 80.79 KB
TAP_Lycium villosum.kmz 1.48 KB
TAP_Lycium villosum.pdf 261.13 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lycium prunus-spinosa.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lycium 80.72 KB
TAP_Lycium prunus-spinosa.kmz 1.14 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lycium hirsutum.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lycium 80.94 KB
TAP_Lycium hirsutum.kmz 2.04 KB
TAP_Lycium hirsutum.pdf 473.19 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lycium eenii.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lycium 81.17 KB
TAP_Lycium eenii.kmz 3.78 KB
TAP_Lycium eenii.pdf 443.1 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lycium bosciifolium.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lycium 81.79 KB
TAP_Lycium bosciifolium.kmz 6.39 KB
TAP_Lycium bosciifolium.pdf 601.9 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Leucosphaera bainesii.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Leucosphaera 81.21 KB
TAP_Leucosphaera bainesii.kmz 2.53 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Leucaena leucocephala.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Leucaena 80.71 KB
TAP_Leucaena leucocephala.kmz 1.15 KB
TAP_Leucaena leucocephala.pdf 218.08 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lebeckia spinescens.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lebeckia 80.6 KB
TAP_Lebeckia spinescens.kmz 1.03 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lebeckia obovata.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lebeckia 80.54 KB
TAP_Lebeckia obovata.kmz 1.02 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lebeckia multiflora.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lebeckia 80.72 KB
TAP_Lebeckia multiflora.kmz 1.15 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lebeckia linearifolia.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lebeckia 80.68 KB
TAP_Lebeckia linearifolia.kmz 1.07 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lantana rugosa.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lantana 80.55 KB
TAP_Lantana rugosa.kmz 1.05 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lantana camara.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lantana 80.73 KB
TAP_Lantana camara.kmz 1.24 KB
TAP_Lantana camara.pdf 240.53 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lantana angolensis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lantana 80.99 KB
TAP_Lantana angolensis.kmz 1.86 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lannea schweinfurthii.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lannea 80.73 KB
TAP_Lannea schweinfurthii.kmz 1.25 KB
TAP_Lannea schweinfurthii.pdf 498.96 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lannea schweinfurthii var tomentosa.
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Lannea discolor.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Lannea 80.77 KB
TAP_Lannea discolor.kmz 1.59 KB
TAP_Lannea discolor.pdf 540.67 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Kirkia dewinteri.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Kirkia 80.61 KB
TAP_Kirkia dewinteri.kmz 1.09 KB
TAP_Kirkia dewinteri.pdf 287.37 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Kirkia acuminata.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Kirkia 80.94 KB
TAP_Kirkia acuminata.kmz 3.47 KB
TAP_Kirkia acuminata.pdf 647.73 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Jatropha curcas.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Jatropha curcas.kmz 1.04 KB
TAP_Jatropha curcas.pdf 229.23 KB
TAP_Jatropha 80.53 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Ipomoea adenioides.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Ipomoea 81.09 KB
TAP_Ipomoea adenioides.kmz 1.96 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Indigofera shimperi.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Indigofera 80.6 KB
TAP_Indigofera shimperi.kmz 1.02 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Indigofera nudicaulis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Indigofera 80.65 KB
TAP_Indigofera nudicaulis.kmz 1.03 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Indigofera adenocarpa.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Indigofera 80.66 KB
TAP_Indigofera adenocarpa.kmz 1.1 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Hyphaene petersiana.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Hyphaene 81.03 KB
TAP_Hyphaene petersiana.kmz 4.44 KB
TAP_Hyphaene petersiana.pdf 569.61 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Hippocratea parvifolia.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Hippocratea 80.67 KB
TAP_Hippocratea parvifolia.kmz 1.06 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Hippocratea parviflora.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Hippocratea 80.9 KB
TAP_Hippocratea parviflora.kmz 1.63 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Hippocratea indica var orientalis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Hippocratea indica var 80.97 KB
TAP_Hippocratea indica var orientalis.kmz 1.22 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Hibiscus micranthus.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Hibiscus 80.64 KB
TAP_Hibiscus micranthus.kmz 1.07 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Hibiscus dongolensis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Hibiscus 80.62 KB
TAP_Hibiscus dongolensis.kmz 1.04 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Hibiscus castroi.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Hibiscus 80.6 KB
TAP_Hibiscus castroi.kmz 1.1 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Hibiscus calyphyllus.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Hibiscus 80.67 KB
TAP_Hibiscus calyphyllus.kmz 1.13 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Hibiscus caesius var caesius.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Hibiscus caesius var 80.91 KB
TAP_Hibiscus caesius var caesius.kmz 1.18 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Hexalobus monopetalus.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Hexalobus 80.67 KB
TAP_Hexalobus monopetalus.kmz 1.17 KB
TAP_Hexalobus monopetalus.pdf 321.29 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Heteromorpha stenophylla.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Heteromorpha 80.86 KB
TAP_Heteromorpha stenophylla.kmz 1.21 KB
TAP_Heteromorpha stenophylla.pdf 277.77 KB