vegetation type

A community of plants or plant life that share distinguishable characteristics. (Source: PEM)

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Displaying results 1101 - 1150 of 1980 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Rouget M, Richardson DM, Nel JL, le Maitre DC, Egoh B, Mgidi T 2004. Mapping the potential ranges of major plant invaders in South Africa, Lesothoand and Swaziland using climatic suitability. Diversity and Distributions 10 475-484
Walters M, Figueiredo D, Crouch NR, Winter PJD, Smith GF, Zimmermann HG, Mashope BK 2011. Naturalised and invasive succulents of southern Africa. 11
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Naturalised and invasive succulents of southern Africa.pdf 31.97 MB
Honsbein D, Njembo S 2020. Labour-based encroacher bush harvesting guidelines.
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Labour_based encroacher bush harvesting guidelines.pdf 1.37 MB
Curtis B 2020. How to survive in the desert. (3)
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How to survive in the desert.pdf 4.41 MB
Botanical Society of Namibia (BOTSOC) 2020. Alien watch: Wonderboom/Giant wattle - Leucaena leucocephala.
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2020 Alien Watch Flyer_Wonderboom_5_11_20.jpg 543.65 KB
Swanepoel W, van Jaarsveld EJ 2019. Ocimum sebrabergensis (Lamiaceae), a new species from Namibia. Phytotaxa 405 (4) 203-209
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Ocimum sebrabergensis_a new species from Namibia.pdf 2.52 MB
Swanepoel W, Chase MW, Christenhusz MJM, Maurin O, Forest F, van Wyk AE 2020. From the frying pan: an unusual dwarf shrub from Namibia turns out to be a new brassicalean family. Phytotaxa 439 (3) 171-185
Jürgens N, Gunter F, Oldeland J, Groengroeft A, Henschel JR, Oncken I, Picker MD 2020. Largest on earth: Discovery of a new type of fairy circle in Angola supports a termite origin. Ecological Entomology
Shiponeni NN, Carrick PJ, Allsopp N, Hoffman MT 2014. Effects of root competition and soils on seedling establishment at the ecotone between an arid grassland and succulent shrubland in South Africa. Journal of Vegetation Science 25 402-410
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Effects of root competition and soils on seedling establishment.pdf 361.51 KB
Wiegand K, Ward D, Saltz D 2005. Multi-scale patterns and bush encroachment in an arid savanna with a shallow soil layer. Journal of Vegetation Science 16 311-320
Marggraff P, Venter MP 2020. Monitoring of Namibian encroacher bush using computer vision. AgriEngineering 2 213-225
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Monitoring of Namibian encroacher bush using computer vision.pdf 5.02 MB
Bombi P, Salvi D, Shuuya T, Vignoli L, Wassenaar T 2020. Very high extinction risk for Welwitschia mirabilis in the northern Namib Desert. bioRxiv
Swanepoel W, van Jaarsveld EJ 2020. A new species of Hymenodictyon (Rubiaceae, Cinchonoideae) from Namibia. Phytotaxa 451 (4) 257-266
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A new species of Hymenodictyon from Namibia.pdf 8.44 MB
Marasco R, Mosqueira MJ, Fusi M, Ramond J-B, Merlino G, Booth JM, Maggs-Kölling G, Cowan DA, Daffonchio D 2018. Rhizosheath microbial community assembly of sympatric desert speargrasses is independent of the plant host. Microbiome 6 (215)
Maggs GL, Vorster P, van der Walt JJA 1995. Taxonomy of the genus Pelargonium (Geraniaceae): the section Polyactium 2. The subsection Caulescentia. South African Journal of Botany 61 (4) 173-179
Maggs GL, Vorster P, van der Walt JJA, Gibby M 1999. Taxonomy of the genus Pelargonium (Geraniaceae): the section Polyactium 3. The subsection Polyactium. South African Journal of Botany 65 (3) 115-143
Vorster P, Maggs GL 1992. Typification of Pelargonium section Polyactium. Bothalia 22 (2) 195
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Typification of Pelargonium section Polyactium.pdf 154.86 KB
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF) 2014. Monthly Burned Area Report, August 2014.
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Wellving AHA, Mkamanga GY 1992. Some guidelines for plans of action of National Plant Genetic Resources Centres. Dinteria 23 82-89
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Plans of action of National Plant Genetic Resources Centres.pdf 802.86 KB
Rutherford MC 1972. Notes on the Flora and Vegetation of the Omuverume Plateau-Mountain, Waterberg, South West Africa. Dinteria 8 3-55
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Omavurume Plateau.pdf 33.18 MB
Nordenstam B 1970. Notes on the flora and vegetation of the Etosha Pan, South West Africa. Dinteria 5 3-18
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Dinteria 5_1.pdf 3.43 MB
Nghikembua M, Harris J, Tregenza T, Marker L 2016. Spatial and temporal habitat use by GPS collared male cheetahs in modified bushland habitat. Open Journal of Forestry 6 269-280
Blaum N, Rossmanith E, Jeltsch F 2007. Land use affects rodent communities in Kalahari savannah rangelands. African Journal of Ecology 45 (2) 189-195
Joubert DF 1997. Grazing gradients in the Highland Savanna vegetation of Namibia. Dinteria 25 69-86
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Dinteria 25_1997_2.pdf 1.11 MB
Moss H 1992. Priority setting for a wild species collecting programme in Namibia. Dinteria 23 94-98
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Dinteria 23_1992_12.pdf 633.97 KB