vegetation type

A community of plants or plant life that share distinguishable characteristics. (Source: PEM)

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Displaying results 851 - 900 of 1980 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Nott K 1985. Invasive alien plants in the Etosha National Park. Invasive alien organisms in South West Africa/Namibia (CSIR, SANSP Report) 13-15
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Invasive alien plants in the Etosha National Park with maps.pdf 532.28 KB
Jones RW, Jankowitz W 1985. Invasive alien plants in the Waterberg Plateau Park. Invasive alien organisms in South West Africa/Namibia (119) 16-18
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Invasive alien plants in the Waterberg Plateau Park with maps.pdf 552.61 KB
Tarr PW, Loutit R 1985. Invasive alien plants in the Skeleton Coast Park, Western Damaraland and Western Kaokoland. Invasive alien organisms in South West Africa/Namibia 19-23
Vinjevold RD, Bridgeford P, Yeaton D 1985. Invasive alien plants in the Namib-Naukluft Park. Invasive alien organisms in South West Africa/Namibia 24-27
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Invasive alien plants in the Namib_Naukluft Park with maps.pdf 565.41 KB
Ward D, Ngairorue BT 2000. Are Namibia's grasslands desertifying?. Journal of Range Management (53) 138-144
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Are Namibias grasslands desertifying.pdf 108.59 KB
Swanepoel W 2007. Commiphora kuneneana, a new species from Kaokoveld, Namibia. Bothalia (37) 40-48
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Commiphora kuneneana_a new species from Kaokoveld.pdf 808.17 KB
van Jaarsveld AS, van Wyk AE 2007. Dewinteria, a new semisucculent, cliff-dwelling genus endemic to the Kaokoveld, Namibia. Bothalia (37) 198-201
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Dewinteria_a new semisucculent_Kaokoveld_Namibia.pdf 714.83 KB
Ross JH 1973. Towards a classification of the African Acacias. Bothalia (11) 107-113
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Towards a Classification of the African Acacias.pdf 630.3 KB
Verdoorn JC 1973. The genus Crinum in southern Africa. Bothalia (11) 27-52
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The Genus Crinum in Southern Africa.pdf 3.8 MB
Ross JH 1972. Notes on Acacia species in southern Africa: II. Bothalia (10) 547-553
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Notes on Acacia Species in Southern Africa_II.pdf 835.09 KB
Ross JH 1971. Acacia karroo in southern Africa. Bothalia (10) 385-401
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Acacia karroo in Southern Africa.pdf 3.07 MB
Obermeyer AA 1971. Two new Ornithogalum species from South West Africa. Bothalia (10) 355-358
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Two New Ornithogalum Species from South West Africa.pdf 838.47 KB
Meeuse ADJ 1962. The Cucurbitaceae of southern Africa. (8) 1-111
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The Cucurbitaceae of Southern Africa.pdf 9.35 MB
Obermeyer AA 1978. Ornithogalum: a revision of the southern African species. Bothalia (12) 323-376
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Ornithogalum_a revision of the southern African species.pdf 14.56 MB
Moffett RO 1979. The genus Sarcocaulon. Bothalia (12) 581-613
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The genus Sarcocaulon.pdf 11.18 MB
Retief E, Reyneke WF 1984. The genus Thunbergia in southern Africa. Bothalia (15) 107-116
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The genus Thunbergia in southern Africa.pdf 4.94 MB
de Winter B 1960. Notes on some South African species of the genus Euclea. Bothalia (7) 403-404
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Notes on some South African species of the Genus Euclea.pdf 140.74 KB
Bruyns PV 1995. New records and new species of Asclepiadaceae from Namibia. Bothalia (25) 155-172
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New records and new species of Asclepiadaceae from Namibia.pdf 5.18 MB
Poynton RJ 2010. The genus Prosopis in southern Africa. South African Forestry Journal (152) 62-66
Shackleton RT, le Maitre DC, van Wilgen BW, Richardson DM 2015. The impact of invasive alien Prosopis species (mesquite) on native plants in different environments in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany (97) 25-31
Shackleton RT, le Maitre DC, Pasiecznik NM, Richardson DM 2014. Prosopis: a global assessment of the biogeography, benefits, impacts and management of one of the world's worst woody invasive plant taxa. AoB Plants (6) plu027
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Prosopis_a global assessment.pdf 1.67 MB
Mosweu S, Munyati C, Kabanda T, Setshogo M, Muzila M 2013. Prosopis L. invasion in the south-western region of Botswana: The perceptions of rural communities and management options. Natural Resources (4) 496-505
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Prosopis L invasion in the south_western region of Botswana.pdf 778.36 KB
The Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) 2004. Africa Invaded: The growing danger of invasive alien species.
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Africa Invaded.pdf 14.21 MB
Zachariades C, Hoffmann JH, Roberts AP 2011. Biological control of mesquite (Prosopis species) (Fabaceae) in South Africa. African Entomology 19 (1) 402–415
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Biological control of mesquite in South Africa.pdf 429.28 KB
Joubert DF 2008. Invasive plants in Namibian subtropical and riparian woodland. Invasive Plants and Forest Ecosystems 379-408
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Invasive Plants and Forest Ecosystems_Index.pdf 637.56 KB
Strohbach BJ, Adank WF, Coetzee ME, Jankowitz WJ 2019. A baseline description of the soils and vegetation of Farm Klein Boesman, Khomas Region, Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment (3) 37-55
Swanepoel W, Becker RW, Möller A, de Cauwer V 2019. Euphorbia rimireptans (Euphorbiaceae, Articulofruticosae), a new species from the Skeleton Coast, Namibia. Phytotaxa (414) 165–173
Archer RH 1998. Euphorbia leistneri (Euphorbiaceae), a new species from the Kaokoveld (Namibia). South African Journal of Botany (64) 258- 260
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Euphorbia leistneri a new species from the Kaokoveld.pdf 1.11 MB
Mushove P 1996. On-farm research in mopane woodland: A case study from Chivi, Zimbabwe. Management of Mopane in southern Africa
Gelens M 1996. Mopane shrubland management in northern Namibia. Management of Mopane in southern Africa 12-18
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Mopane shrubland management in northern Namibia.pdf 1.01 MB
Masamba C, Chanyenga T 1996. A brief outline of research for the management of Colphospermum mopane in Malawi. Management of Mopane in southern Africa 23-25