1) The plants of an area considered in general or as communities, but not taxonomically; the total plant cover in a particular area or on the Earth as a whole. 2) The total mass of plant life that occupies a given area. (Source: ALL / MGH)

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Displaying results 1401 - 1450 of 1530 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Wagenseil H, Samimi C 2007. Woody vegetation cover in Namibian savannahs: A modelling approach based on remote sensing. Erdkunde 61 (4) 325 - 334
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Wagenseil_2007 - bush encroach.pdf 2.53 MB
Theron GK, van Rooyen N, van Rooyen MW 1980. Vegetation of the lower Kuiseb River. Madoqua II (4) 327 - 345
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Vegetation of the lower Kuiseb River.pdf 2.08 MB
Strohbach BJ, Petersen A 2007. Vegetation of the central Kavango woodlands in Namibia: An example from the Mile 46 Livestock Development Centre. South African Journal of Botany 73 (3) 391 - 401
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Vegetation of the central Kavango woodlands in Namibia.pdf 1.69 MB
Strohbach BJ 2001. Vegetation Survey of Namibia. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 49 93 - 124
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Vegetation Survey of Namibia.pdf 5.97 MB
Siebert F, Bredenkamp GJ, Siebert SJ 2003. A comparison of Mopaneveld vegetation in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Bothalia 33 (1) 121 - 134
Rossouw L, Avenant MF, Seaman MT, King JM, Barker CH, du Preez PJ, Pelser AJ, Roos JC, van Staden JJ, van Tonder GJ, Watson M 2005. Environmental water requirements in non-perennial systems.
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Environmental water requirements non perennial systems_2005.pdf 14.59 MB
Espach C, Lubbe LG, Ganzin N 2006. Determining grazing capacity in Namibia: Approaches and methodologies. Agricola 16 28 - 39
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Determining grazing capacity in Namibia_2006.pdf 1.07 MB
Burke A, Strohbach BJ 2000. Vegetation studies in Namibia. Dinteria 26 1 - 24
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Vegetation studies in Namibia.pdf 243.04 KB
Bate GC, Walker BH 1993. Water relations of the vegetation along the Kuiseb River, Namibia. Madoqua 18 (2) 85 - 91
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Water relations of the vegetation along the Kuiseb River_1993.pdf 338.34 KB
Els JF 1998. Frame size - the bigger the better?.
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Spotlight_013.pdf 2.11 MB
Coetzee ME 2000. Mapping the soils of Namibia.
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Spotlight_028.pdf 2.74 MB
Strohbach B 2000. Vegetation survey of Namibia.
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Spotlight_038a.pdf 496.78 KB
Strohbach B 2002. Old vegetation data sources in Namibia. Possibilities for long-term monitoring.
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Spotlight_056.pdf 1.44 MB
Els JF 2002. Weirs: Experience in southern Namibia.
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Spotlight_057.pdf 1009.25 KB
Schubert S 2002. Trachyandra laxa (Rolbos): A poisonous plant of Namibia.
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Spotlight_062.pdf 3.04 MB
Bester FV, van Eck JAJ, Kölling H, van Rooyen B, Prinsloo R 2003. The influence of stocking rate on the grass layer in the Camel Thorn Savanna.
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Spotlight_066.pdf 2.57 MB
Bester FV 2003. Grazing register: Based on the biomass concept.
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Spotlight_067.pdf 2.67 MB
Bester FV, van Eck JAJ, Kölling H, van Rooyen B 2003. The influence of stocking rate on the grass yield in the Camel Thorn Savanna.
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Spotlight_070.pdf 2.7 MB
Strohbach B 2005. Vegetation of the Mile 46 Livestock Development Centre and surrounding area.
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Spotlight_097.pdf 5.36 MB
Burke A, Wittneben M 2008. A preliminary account of the vegetation of the Auas Mountains. Dinteria 30 41 - 91
Burke A 2008. The vegetation of the Spitzkoppe area - 2115CC. Dinteria 30 93 - 131
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Dinteria30 93-131.pdf 1.43 MB
Sclater WL 2000. SAFARI 2000 NBI Vegetation Map of the Savannas of Southern Africa: Namibia.
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Nbi_veg_Namibia.zip 578.54 KB
Molloy FJ 1990. Utilized and potentially utilizable seaweeds on the Namibian coast: Biogeography and accessibility. Hydrobiologia 204 - 205 293 - 299
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seaweed Molloy.pdf 73.75 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 1997. TAP all: All species.
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TAP_All species.zip 14.15 MB
TAP_All species.kmz 841.9 KB
le Roux CJG, Grunow JO, Bredenkamp GJ 1988. A classification of the vegetation of the Etosha National Park. South African Journal of Botany 54 (1) 1 – 10
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Xylopia odoratissima.
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TAP_Xylopia odoratissima.zip 80.66 KB
TAP_Xylopia odoratissima.kmz 1.07 KB
TAP_Xylopia odoratissima.pdf 231.96 KB
Giess W 1971. A preliminary vegetation map of South West Africa. Dinteria 4 5 – 114
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Dinteria 4_1971.zip 136.4 MB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Nicotiana glauca.
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TAP_Nicotiana glauca.zip 81.47 KB
TAP_Nicotiana glauca.kmz 3.2 KB
TAP_Nicotiana glauca.pdf 425.19 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Euryops subcarnosus.
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TAP_Euryops subcarnosus.kmz 1.02 KB
TAP_Euryops subcarnosus_2005.zip 80.6 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Boscia tomentosa.
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TAP_Boscia tomentosa.zip 80.64 KB
TAP_Boscia tomentosa.kmz 1.38 KB
TAP_Boscia tomentosa.pdf 311.49 KB