rural environment

Environment pertaining to the countryside. (Source: GOOD)

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Displaying results 1351 - 1400 of 1450 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Cassidy L 2001. Improving women's participation in CBNRM in Botswana.
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CBNRM Support Programme paper 5.pdf 108.63 KB
Cassidy L 2000. CBNRM and Legal Rights to Resources in Botswana.
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CBNRM Support Programme paper 4.pdf 160.89 KB
van der Jagt C, Gujadhur T, van Bussel F 2000. Community Benefits through Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) in Botswana.
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CBNRM Support Programme paper 2.pdf 93.69 KB
Social Impact Assessment and Policy Analysis Corporation (SIAPAC) 2006. Socio-Economic Household Survey: Integrated Community-Based Eco-System Management.
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jwwRECBNRM Final Report MET Conservancy.doc 2.09 MB
Barnes J, Boyd C, Cannon J 2003. Economic Incentives for Rangeland Management in northern Botswana: Implications for Biodiversity. VIIth International Rangelands Congress
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jwwpap30 Rangeland use and biodiversity FINAL.pdf 276.57 KB
Klaeboe J, Omwami RK 1997. Appendix 7: Subsistence fuelwood consumption (m3) 1997/1998, rural areas. Forest Policy for Sustainable Utilisation of the Woodlands and Savannahs of Namibia. A study on Consumption Patterns of Major Wood and Wood Products in Namibia
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Subsistence fuelwood consumption_rural areas_1997_1998.pdf 132.63 KB
DED/DoF/NFFP Community Forestry, IRDNC/MET CBNRM sub-Division (Conservancies) 2004. Discussion paper for a strategic proposal: Cooperation between conservancies and community forestry in Caprivi Region.
David A, Braby J, Zeidler J, Kandjinga L, Ndokosho J 2013. Building adaptive capacity in rural Namibia - Community information toolkits on climate Change. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 5 (2) 215-229
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Building adaptive capacity in rural Namibia_2013.pdf 431.39 KB
Brown CJ, Brown BTB Common-property rangelands management in Namibia: the 'conservancy' model in communal areas. Vlth International Rangeland Congress Proceedings 411-413
Mendelsohn J, Shixwameni L, Nakamhela U An overview of Communal Land Tenure in Namibia: Unlocking its Economic Potential.
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Overview of Communal Land Tenure in Namibia.pdf 418.86 KB
Tvedten I, Nangulah S 1995. Social Relations of Poverty: A Case-Study from Owambo, Namibia.
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Social Relations of Poverty_1999.pdf 225.42 KB
MacGregor J, Palmer C, Barnes JI 2007. Forest resources and rural livelihoods in the north-central regions of Namibia.
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Forest resources and rural livelihoods_2007.pdf 253.17 KB
Jobst P, Kakukuru E, Kambutuku JR, Mouton D, Netha L, Nghitila TM, Shanyengana ES, Siyambango MS 1994. SDP 3: An investigation into the biophysical aspects and socio-economics of desertification in north western Namibia. (Climate variability, desertification and loss of biodiversity).
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SDP3.pdf 1.37 MB
Twyman C, Dougill A, Sporton D, Thomas D 2001. Community Fencing in Open Rangelands: Self-Empowerment in Eastern Namibia. Review of African Political Economy 28 (87) 9-26
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Community Fencing in Open Rangelands.pdf 2.78 MB