research project

Proposal, plan or design containing the necessary information and data for conducting a specific survey. (Source: CEDa)

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Displaying results 2751 - 2800 of 2941 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Martin RB 2005. Transboundary species project - background study - Hippopotamus.
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Hippo.pdf 7.33 MB
Findlay KP, Best PB, Ross GJB, Cockcroft VG 1992. The distribution of small Odontocete Cetaceans off the coast of South Africa and Namibia. South African Journal of Marine Science 237 - 270
Curtis B, Roberts KS, Griffin M, Bethune S, Hay CJ, Kolberg H 1998. Species richness and conservation of Namibian freshwater macro-invertebrates, fish and amphibians. Biodiversity and Conservation 7 447 - 466
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Curtis et al freshwater macroinvertebrates, fish and amphibians.pdf 288.49 KB
Kemper J, Underhill LG, Crawford RJM, Kirkman SP 2007. Chapter 42: Revision of the conservation status of seabirds and seals breeding in the Benguela Ecosystem. Final report of the BCLME (Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) project on top predators as Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Change in the BCLME 325-342
Boyer DC, Hampton I 2001. An overview of the living marine resources of Namibia. South African Journal of Marine Science 23 5 - 35
Piper SE 1994. Mathematical demography of the Cape Vulture.
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Mathematical demography of the Cape Vulture.pdf 7.4 MB
Allan D 1987. Bustard alert. Lanioturdus 23 (1) 12-13
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Bustard alert_1987.pdf 149.55 KB
Mebes H-D 1980. Forschungsprojekt Koexistenzökologie von Agapornis roseicollis (Rosenpapagei). Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 16 (9) 1 - 2
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Forschungsprojekt Koexistenzoekologie von Agapornis roseicollis.pdf 118.94 KB
Pedersen C-ET, Albrechtsen A, Etter PD, Johnson EA, Orlando L, Chikhi L, Siegismund HR, Heller R 2018. A southern African origin and cryptic structure in the highly mobile plains zebra. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2018
Brown CJ 1993. Test of compound 1080 from a poison collar on a captive vulture. 19-26
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Brown CJ 1993 Vulture News 29_19_26.pdf 215.3 KB
Kolberg H 2014. Summary of the 2013 Winter Wetland Bird Counts in Namibia. Lanioturdus 47 23-31
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Summary of the 2013 Winter Wetland Bird Counts in Namibia.pdf 476.72 KB
Kolberg H 2016. Summary of the 2015 Winter Wetland Bird Counts in Namibia. Lanioturdus 49 (3) 2-5
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Summary of the 2015 Winter Wetland Bird Counts in Namibia.pdf 3.06 MB
Kolberg H 2015. Summary of the 2015 Summer Wetland Bird Counts in Namibia. Lanioturdus 48 (3) 31-33
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Summary of the 2015 Summer Wetland Bird Counts in Namibia.pdf 5.15 MB
Kolberg H 2016. Wetland bird counts in Namibia: a summary. Lanioturdus 49 (5) 2-193
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Wetland bird counts in Namibia_a summary_2016.pdf 8.86 MB
Burke A 2017. New plant distribution records for southern Namibia. Bothalia 47 (1) a2251
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New plant distribution records for southern Namibia.pdf 4.75 MB
Bytebier B, Mannheimer C 2016. Habenaria kilimanjari newly recorded for Namibia. Bothalia 46 (1) a2107
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Habenaria kilimanjari newly recorded for Namibia.pdf 2.04 MB
Craven P 2002. Plant species diversity in the Kaokoveld, Namibia.
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Plant species diversity in the Kaokoveld.pdf 269.2 KB
Fox VE, Lindeque PM, Simmons RE, Berry HH, Brain C, Braby R 1994. Flamingo "rescue" in Etosha National Park, 1994: technical, conservation and economic considerations. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 68 (2-4) 72-76
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Flamingo rescue in Etosha National Park_1994.pdf 2.3 MB
Seymour CL, Simmons R, Joseph GS, Slingsby JA 2015. On Bird Functional Diversity: Species Richness and Functional Differentiation Show Contrasting Responses to Rainfall and Vegetation Structure in an Arid Landscape. Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s10021-015-9875-8
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On Bird Functional Diversity.pdf 806.6 KB
Kasso M, Balakrishnan M 2013. Ecological and Economic Importance of Bats (Order Chiroptera). ISRN Biodiversity 2013
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Ecological and Economic Importance of Bats_2013.pdf 1.19 MB
Weise FJ, Vijay V, Jacobson AP, Schoonover RF, Groom RJ, Horgan J, Keeping D, Klein R, Marnewick K, Maude G, Melzheimer J, Mills G, van der Merwe V, van der Meer E, Van Vuuren RJ, Wachter B, Primm SL 2017. The distribution and numbers of cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) in southern Africa. PeerJ e4096
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The distribution and numbers of cheetah in southern Africa_2017.pdf 6.63 MB
Beilfuss RD, Dodman T, Urban EK 2007. The status of cranes in Africa in 2005. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 78 (2) 175-184
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The status of cranes in Africa in 2005.pdf 153.15 KB
Guo D, Arnolds JL, Midgley GF, Foden WB 2016. Conservation of Quiver Trees in Namibia and South Africa under a Changing Climate. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 4 1-8
Zimmermann I, Matzopoulos R, Kwaambwa HM 2017. Options to improve soil fertility with national resources. Namibian Journal of Environment 1 (B) 7-15
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Options to improve soil fertility with national resources.pdf 2.14 MB
Andrews P, Pringle H, Zimmermann I 2017. Could critical Australian insights illuminate rangeland management in Namibia?. Namibian Journal of Environment 1 (B) 1-6
Curtis BA 2017. The status of Faidherbia albida trees in the Hoanib River, Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 1 (A) 77-91
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The status of Faidherbia albida trees in the Hoanib River.pdf 10.84 MB