research project

Proposal, plan or design containing the necessary information and data for conducting a specific survey. (Source: CEDa)

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Displaying results 551 - 600 of 2941 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
van Aarde R, de Beer Y, Guldemond R 2004. Elephants, drought and woody vegetation in Namibia's Etosha National Park. Transactions of the Royal Society of SA 59 (2) 123
Hanssen L, Stander P 2004. Namibia Large Carnivore Atlas.
Hughes D, Ashton PJ, Gorgens A, Jewitt G, Schulze R, Smithers J, Pegram G, Dube R 2003. South African research in the hydrological sciences: 1999-2002. South African Journal of Science 99 394 - 397
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South African research in the hydrological sciences 1999-2002.pdf 298.52 KB
le Maitre D, Scott DF, Colvin C 1999. Review of information on interactions between vegetation and groundwater. Water SA 25 (2) 137 - 152
Archibald S, Nickless A, Govender N, Scholes RJ, Lehsten V 2010. Climate and the inter-annual variability of fire in southern Africa: A meta-analysis using long-term field data and satellite-derived burnt area data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19 794 - 809
Teske PR, McLay CL, Sandoval-Castillo J 2009. Tri-locus sequence data reject a "Gondwanan origin hypothesis" for the African/South Pacific crab genus Hymenosoma. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (1) 23 - 33
Monteiro PMS, van der Plas AK 2006. Low Oxygen Water (LOW) variability in the Benguela system: Key processes and forcing scales relevant to forecasting. Benguela: predicting a large marine ecosystem 14 19
Zunckel M, Koosailee A, Yarwood G, Maure G, Venjonoka K, van Tienhoven AM, Otter L 2006. Modelled surface ozone over southern africa during the cross border air pollution impact Assessment project. Environmental modelling and software 21 (7) 911 - 924
Dabrowski JM, Masekoameng E, Ashton PJ 2009. Analysis of virtual water flows associated with the trade of maize in the SADC region: Importance of scale. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13 (10) 1967 - 1977
Skelton PH 1987. South African red data book - fishes.
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South African red data book_fishes.pdf 8.26 MB
Jeltsch F, Blaum N, Classen N, Eschenbach A, Grohmann C, Gröngröft A, Joubert DF, Horn A, Lohmann D, Linsenmair KE, Lück-Vogel M, Medinski TV, Meyfarth S, Mills A, Petersen A, Popp A, Poschlod P, Reisch C, Rossmanith E, Rubilar H, Wesuls D, Wichmann M, Wieczorek M, Zimmermann I 2010. Impacts of landuse and climate change on the dynamics and biodiversity in the Thornbush Savanna Biome. Biodiversity in southern Africa 3 33-74
Thuiller W, Midgley GF, Hughes GO, Bomharb B, Drew G, Rutherford MC, Woodward FI 2006. Endemic species and ecosystem sensitivity to climate change in Namibia. Global Change Biology 12 (5) 759 - 776