monitoring equipment

Specific equipment used in remote sensing. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 101 - 113 of 113 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Stratford K, Naholo S 2017. Can camera traps count game?. Namibian Journal of Environment 1 (B) 27-31
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Can camera traps count game.pdf 2.27 MB
Underhill LG, Oatley TB 1994. The South African Bird Ringing Unit: 21 years of service and research. South Africa Journal of Science 90 61-64
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The South African Bird Ringing Unit_1994.pdf 944.74 KB
Weise FJ, Wiesel I, Lemeris J, Van Vuuren RJ 2015. Evaluation of a conflict-related brown hyaena relocation in Central Namibia. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 45 (2) 178-186
Stander PE, Ghau X, Tsisaba D, Txoma X 1995. A new method of darting: stepping back in time. African Journal of Ecology 34 (1) 48-53
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A new method of darting_stepping back in time.pdf 147.88 KB
Elwen S, Meÿer MA, Best PB, Kotze PGH, Thornton M, Swanson S 2006. Range and Movements of Female Heaviside's Dolphins (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii), as Determined by Satellite-Linked Telemetry. Journal of Mammalogy 87 (5) 866-877
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Range and Movements of Female Heavisidess Dolphins.pdf 477 KB
Simmons R 1991. Squeezing the ringers, Namibian style. Safring News 20 (1) 36-41
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Squeezing the ringers_Namibian style.pdf 614.79 KB
Brown CJ 1991. Bird ringing in Namibia. Safring News 20 (1) 53-57
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Bird ringing in Namibia_Brown CJ 1991.pdf 211.91 KB
Boorman M 2009. A decade of tern ringing at Mile 4 salt pans, Namibia. Afring News 38 (1) 24-27
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A decade of tern ringing at Mile 4 salt pans_Namibia_2009.pdf 147.53 KB
Louis Phipps WL, Diekmann M, MacTavish LM, Mendelsohn JM, Naidoo V, Wolter K, Yarnell RW 2017. Due South: A first assessment of the potential impacts of climate change on Cape vulture occurrence. Biodivers Conservation 210 16-25