migratory bird

Birds which migrate in a body. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 151 - 200 of 1412 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Bridgeford PA, Bridgeford M 1993. More birds of the Naukluft Mountains. Lanioturdus 27 64-66
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More birds of the Naukluft Mountains.pdf 219.74 KB
van de Reep S 1993. Thornbird?. Lanioturdus 27 57
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Thornbird.pdf 190.65 KB
Bridgeford PA, Bridgeford M 1993. South African Cliff Swallows in Namibia. Lanioturdus 27 53-56
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African Cliff Swallows in Namibia_1993.pdf 471.44 KB
Brown CJ 1993. Birds of the upper Huab catchment, Cunene Province. Lanioturdus 27 40-46
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Birds of the upper Huab catchment_Cunene Province_1993.pdf 361.59 KB
Walter A 1993. Kittlitz's Plover in town. Lanioturdus 27 37
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Kittlitzs Plover in town.pdf 150.48 KB
van de Reep J, van de Reep S 1993. When in doubt, check again!. Lanioturdus 27 12
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When in doubt_check again.pdf 164.77 KB
Simmons R 1993. Namibia's third national wetland bird survey, July 1992. Lanioturdus 27 9-12
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Namibias third national wetland bird survey_July 1992.pdf 315.59 KB
Hines C 1995. First record of River Warbler for Namibia. Lanioturdus 28 43
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First record of River Warbler for Namibia.pdf 175.25 KB
Friede G 1995. Die Weißstirnregenpfeifer. Lanioturdus 28 39-41
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White_fronted Plover_1995.pdf 239.15 KB
Hines C 1995. Birds of the Gam Resettlement Area. Lanioturdus 28 26-38
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Birds of the Gam Resettlement Area_1995.pdf 798.1 KB
Friede G 1995. Vögel in und um Namutoni. Lanioturdus 28 16-22
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Voegel in und um Namutoni.pdf 474.05 KB
Hines C 1995. How much are birds really worth?. Lanioturdus 28 15-16
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How much are birds really worth.pdf 287.11 KB
Hoffmann L 1995. Paradiesfliegenschnäpper. Lanioturdus 28 12-14
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Paradies Flycatcher.pdf 280.55 KB
Mallet-Veale S 1996. Owls - Strigiformes - Eulen. Lanioturdus 29 (1) 50-54
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Owls_Strigiformes_Eulen.pdf 294.26 KB
McGivern D 1996. Easter long weekend trip to Susuwe Camp, Kwando River. Lanioturdus 29 (1) 39-40
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Easter long weekend trip to Susuwe Camp_Kwando River_1996.pdf 239.43 KB
Mallet-Veale S 1996. Diary of a trip to Shakawe and Caprivi. Lanioturdus 29 (1) 34-37
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Diary of a trip to Shakawe and Caprivi_1996.pdf 270.78 KB
Ludwig D 1996. Some wetland counts in 1996. Lanioturdus 29 (1) 30-31
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Some wetland counts in 1996.pdf 136.41 KB
Hines C 1997. Short notes. Lanioturdus 30 (3) 33
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Short notes_30_3_1997.pdf 212.02 KB
Simmons R 1997. Namibian wetland bird counts for 1997. Lanioturdus 30 (3) 27-31
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Namibian wetland bird counts for 1997.pdf 370.79 KB
Kaestner PG 1997. The Patagonia phenomenon (A Windhoek yard list). Lanioturdus 30 (3) 14-21
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The Patagonia phenomenon_A Windhoek yard list.pdf 375.21 KB
Kaestner P 1997. Feeder frenzy. Lanioturdus 30 (3) 10-12
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Feeder frenzy.pdf 244.01 KB
van Zyl J 1997. New year's day at Ruacana. Lanioturdus 30 (3) 2-8
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New years day at Ruacana.pdf 429.24 KB
Hines C 1997. Short notes. Lanioturdus 30 (2) 30-32
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Short notes_30_2_1997.pdf 247.4 KB
Duffield-Harding J 1997. May field trip to Arbeid Adelt, Namib-Naukluft Mountains. Lanioturdus 30 (2) 24-27
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May field trip to Arbeid Adelt_Namib_Naukluft Mountains.pdf 252.48 KB
Friederich G 1997. Eine Woche bei den Popa Fällen. Lanioturdus 30 (2) 21-24
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A week at the Popa Falls_1997.pdf 336.22 KB
Friederich G 1997. Vogelwelt auf Tsutsab. Lanioturdus 30 (2) 11-13
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Vogelwelt auf Tsutsab.pdf 249.29 KB
Silver C 1997. Rufous morph of European Cuckoo. Lanioturdus 30 (1) 14-15
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Rufous morph of European Cuckoo.pdf 151.33 KB
Hines C 1997. Short notes. Lanioturdus 30 (1) 8-11
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Short notes_30_1_1997.pdf 227.76 KB
Borello WD, Herremans M, Underhill LG 1997. Some palaearctic migrants in Namibia: Setting the record straight. Lanioturdus 30 (1) 4-7
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Some palaearctic migrants in Namibia_Setting the record straight.pdf 231.59 KB
Ludwig D 1997. Birdwatch 97. Lanioturdus 30 (4) 41-43
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Birdwatch 30_4_97.pdf 228.75 KB
Hines C 1997. Short notes. Lanioturdus 30 (4) 38-40
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Short notes_30_4_19997.pdf 232 KB
1997. The Pavlovian phenomenon (Another Windhoek garden list). Lanioturdus 30 (4) 32-37
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The Pavlovian phenomenon_Another Windhoek garden list.pdf 240.35 KB
Boix-Hinzen C 1997. Notes on misdirected feeding bahaviour. Lanioturdus 30 (4) 26-28
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Notes on misdirected feeding bahaviour.pdf 240.82 KB
McGivern D 1997. Von Bach Dam bird list. Lanioturdus 30 (4) 21
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Von Bach Dam bird list.pdf 152.05 KB
Hines C, Coy A, Coy E, Parker S, Figaji T, Samwena P 1997. A rash of rarities: Birding at Impalila Island and along the Zambezi River. Lanioturdus 30 (4) 8-16
Duffield-Harding R, Duffield-Harding J, Friederich T, Stringer J 1999. Namushasha and the Kwando River: The Bird Club long weekend field trip. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 29-33
Osborne T, Osborne L 1999. Namibrand Game Ranch trip report. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 28-29
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Namibrand Game Ranch trip report.pdf 143.25 KB
Duffield-Harding J, Osborne T 1999. West Etosha Bird Monitoring Project. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 23-28
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West Etosha Bird Monitoring Project.pdf 396.3 KB
Nebe B 1999. Unusual birds on the coast. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 20-23
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Unusual birds on the coast.pdf 223.86 KB
1999. Bird of the month - Monteiro's Hornbill Tockus monteiri. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 18-19
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Bird of the month_Monteiros Hornbill Tockus monteiri_1999.pdf 103.95 KB
Robel D 1999. Damarasegler (Apus bradfieldi) in Windhoek - Brutvögel in Bäumen. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 12-14
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Damarasegler in Windhoek_Brutvoegel in Baeumen_1999.pdf 226.14 KB
1999. Short notes. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 9-11
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Short notes_32_2_4_1999.pdf 208.16 KB
Dantu S 1999. Of Haematopus moquini and Mal de Mer. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 4-6
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Of Haematopus moquini and Mal de Mer.pdf 206.05 KB
Hockey P, Boorman M 1999. Eyes peeled for Colour-ringed Oystercatchers. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 2-4
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Eyes peeled for Colour_ringed Oystercatchers.pdf 217.9 KB