game (animals)

Wild animals, including birds and fish, hunted for sport, food or profit. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1151 - 1165 of 1165 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Joubert E, Brand PAJ, Visagie GP 1983. An appraisal of the utilisation of game on private land in South West Africa. Madoqua 13 (3) 197-219
Nott K, Savage MJ 1985. Observations on the utilization of a dune succulent by Namib faunae. African Zoology 20 (4) 269-271
Ganhao MF, Hattingh J, Pitts N 1988. Physiological responses of blesbok, eland and red hartebeest to different capture methods. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 18 (4) 134-136
Ben-Shahar R, Fairall N 1987. Comparison of the diurnal activity patterns of blue wildebeest and red hartebeest. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 17 (2) 49-53
Hofmeyer JM, Louw GN, du Preez JS 1973. Incipient capture myopathy as revealed by blood chemistry of chased zebras. Madoqua 1 (7) 45-50
Berry HH, Siegfried WR, Crowe TM 1984. Orientation of wildebeest in relation to sun angle and wind direction. Madoqua 13 (4) 297-301
Berry HH, Louw GN 1982. Seasonal nutritive status of wildebeest in the Etosha National Park. Madoqua 13 (2) 127-139