field study

Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory. (Source: PHCa / DUNSTEa)

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Displaying results 2351 - 2400 of 2474 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Large Carnivore Management Association of Namibia (LCMAN) 2014. Have you seen any of these carnivores?.
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LCMAN_carnivoreposter.pdf 1.32 MB
Lines R 2008. Wild Dog Project - 2008 Report.
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Lines R 2008 - final African Wild Dog report.pdf 1.32 MB
Woodroffe R, André J-M, Andulege B, Bercovitch F, Carlson A, Coppolillo P, Davies-Mostert H, Dickman A, Fletcher P, Ginsberg J, Hofmeyr M, Laurenson K, Leigh K, Lindsey P, Lines R, Mazet J, McCreery K, McNutt JW, Mills G, Msuha M, Munson L, Parker M, Pole A, Rasmussen G, Robbins R, Sillero-Zubiri C, Swarner M, Szykman M 2004. Tools for the conservation of African wild dogs: Do we know enough? What more do we need to know?.
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Tools for African Wild Dog conservation.pdf 1.54 MB
Morales J, Senut B, Pickford M 2011. Crocuta dietrichi from Meob, Namibia: implications for the age of the Tsondab Sandstone in the coastal part of the Namib Desert. Estudios Geologicos 67 (2) 207-215
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Crocuta dietrichi from Meob_2011.pdf 187.09 KB
Weise FJ, Wiesel I, Lemeris J, Van Vuuren RJ 2015. Evaluation of a conflict-related brown hyaena relocation in Central Namibia. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 45 (2) 178-186
Stander PE, Gasaway WC 1991. Spotted hyaenas immobilized with Ketamine/Xylazine and antagonized with Tolazoline. African Journal of Ecology 29 168-169
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Spotted hyaenas immobilized.pdf 101.79 KB
Stander PE 1992. Foraging dynamics of lions in a semi-arid environment. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70 (1) 8-21
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Foraging dynamics of lions in a semi_arid environment.pdf 596.14 KB
Stander PE 1992. Cooperative hunting in lions: the role of the individual. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 29 (6) 445-454
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Cooperative hunting in lions_the role of the individual.pdf 894.89 KB
Stander PE 1997. Field age determination of leopards by tooth wear. African Journal of Ecology 35 (2) 156-161
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Field age determination of leopards by tooth wear.pdf 84.45 KB
Hanssen L, Stander P 2004. Namibia Large Carnivore Atlas, July 2004.
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Namibia Large Carnivore Atlas_July 2004.pdf 770.46 KB
Craven P, Craven D The flora of the Brandberg, Namibia.
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The flora of the Brandberg.pdf 280.77 KB
Stratford KJ, Weise FJ, Meltzheimer J, de Woronin-Britz N 2016. Observations of servals in the highlands of central Namibia. CAT News 64 14-17
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Observations of servals in the highlands of central Namibia.pdf 1.14 MB
Tree AJ 1978. Review: An Ornithological expedition to the Namib Coast. Safring News 7 (1) 24-25
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An Ornithological expedition to the Namib Coast_1987.pdf 140.07 KB
Simmons R 1991. Squeezing the ringers, Namibian style. Safring News 20 (1) 36-41
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Squeezing the ringers_Namibian style.pdf 614.79 KB
Poferl M 1995. Ringing holiday in Namibia, 1994. Safring News 24 (1) 43-46
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Ringing holiday in Namibia_1994.pdf 2.78 MB
Tree AJ 1998. Terns on the Namibian coast in early 1998. Safring News 27 (1) 7-11
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Terns on the Namibian coast in early 1998.pdf 460.19 KB
Tree AJ 1999. The 1999 Tern and Wader expedition to Namibia. Safring News 28 (1) 3-8
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The 1999 Tern and Wader expedition to Namibia.pdf 539.18 KB
Anderson MD, Anderson RA, Anderson SL, Anderson TA, Bader U, Heinrich D, Hofmeyr JH, Kolberg C, Kolberg H, Komen J, Paterson B, Paterson J, Sinclair K, Sinclair W, van Zijl D, van Zijl H 2001. Notes on the birds and other animals recorded at the Cunene River mouth from 6-8 January 2001. Bird Numbers 1 (10) 52-56
van Rooyen N, van Rensburg DJ, Theron GK, Bothma J du P 1988. A Check List of flowering plants of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Koedoe 31 115-135
Barnes K 2009. Angels in camouflage - An appreciation of larks. Birds and Birding August/September 2009 51-55
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An appreciation of larks_2009.pdf 455.77 KB
Lambert K 2006. Seabirds sighted in the waters off Angola, 1966–1988. Marine Ornithology 34 77-80
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Seabirds sighted in the waters off Angola.pdf 258.49 KB
Kolberg H 2015. Namibia's Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas 2: NA014 Sandwich Harbour. Lanioturdus 48 (3) 10-18
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Namibias Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas 2.pdf 5.15 MB
Fürsch H 1985. The southern African species of Pharoscymnus Bedel and Pharopsis Casey (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 48 (2) 233-231
Poynton JC, Haacke WD 1993. On a collection of amphibians from Angola, including a new species of Bufo Laurenti. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 36 (2) 9-16
1967. Solpugema aethiops sp.n.. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 1967 (34) 5-9
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Solpugema aethiops.pdf 371.77 KB
Lotz LN 2005. A new species of Cheiramiona (Araneae: Miturgidae) from Namibia. Researches of the National Museum 21 (2) 14-20
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A new species of Cheiramiona from Namibia_2005.pdf 136.29 KB
1967. Order Solifugae: Family Solpugidae: note on a peculiar form of solpugid from South West Africa. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 1967 (34) 3-5
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Note on a peculiar form of solpugid from South West Africa.pdf 376 KB