field study

Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory. (Source: PHCa / DUNSTEa)

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Displaying results 1551 - 1600 of 2474 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
van Zyl CHE 1986. Uitkomst proefplaas. Agricola 3 6-7
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Uitkomst proefplaas.pdf 597.3 KB
Bridgeford P 2001. Notes: More vulture deaths in Namibia. Vulture News 44 22-26
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More vulture deaths in Namibia.pdf 1.67 MB
Scott A, Scott M, Bridgeford P, Bridgeford M 2007. Natural mortality factors for African White-backed Vultures in Namibia?. Vulture News 57 62-63
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Natural mortality factors for WBVs.pdf 971.04 KB
Thomson N, Stehn H, Bridgeford P 2013. Observations of White-backed Vultures eating plant material in Namibia. Vulture News 64 61-65
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Thomson et al 2013 - VN64 pp61-65.pdf 28.89 KB
Bester F, Reed E 1997. Charcoal production in the Karstveld. Facts to ponder upon.
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Charcoal production in the Karstveld_1997.pdf 1.92 MB
Robertson T 2013. 111 Roadside Plants [Antje Burke] - Book Review. Dinteria 33 (2-2) 77
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Roadside Plants.pdf 27.03 KB
Burke A, Rügheimer S, Nanyeni S, Klaassen E 2013. An annotated plant checklist of the southern Nubib Mountains (2516AA). Dinteria 33 (2-2) 66-776
Whittington-Jones GM, Bernard RTF, Parker DM 2008. Bushclumps as refugia for small mammals in two Eastern Cape conservation Areas. African Zoology 43 (2) 273-276
Mendelsohn JM 1982. Notes on the small mammals on the Springbok Flats, Transvaal. Journal of Zoology 17 197-201
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF) 2013. Monthly Burned Area Report, August 2013.
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Monthly Burned Area Report_August 2013.pdf 1.37 MB
Berry CU 1997. Frost damage to wild Sycamore Fig trees in the Namib-Naukluft Park, Namibia. Madoqua 19 (2) 117-119
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Frost damage to wild Sycamore fig trees in NNP.pdf 324.55 KB
Sandelowsky BH 1977. Mirabib - an archeological study in the Namib. Madoqua 10 (4) 221-283
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Mirabib - an archeological study in the Namib 1977.pdf 11.83 MB
Mosotho KW, Tsiu MJ 2008. Assessment of land use on the resettlement farms Lievenberg, Drimiopsis and Du Plessis. Analyses and Views 5 (4) 1-28
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Assessment of land use on resettlement farms_2008.pdf 1.56 MB
Worbes M Growth of Trees from Namibia - A Dendrochronological Study.
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Worbes_Growth of trees.pdf 761.03 KB
Tvedten I, Nangulah S 1995. Social Relations of Poverty: A Case-Study from Owambo, Namibia.
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Social Relations of Poverty_1999.pdf 225.42 KB
Sinclair ARE 1977. The African buffalo: A study of resource limitation of populations.
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The African buffalo_1977.pdf 490.39 KB
Alexander JE 1838. Report of an Expedition of Discovery, through the Countries of the Great Namaquas, Boschmans and the Hill Damaras, in South Africa. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 8 1-8
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Report of an Expedition of Discovery_1838.pdf 1.17 MB
Williams AJ, Dyer BM, Randall RM, Komen J 1990. Killer whales Orcinas orca and seabirds: play, predation and association. Marine Ornithology 18 (1) 37-41
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Killer whales Orcinas orca and seabirds.pdf 303.41 KB
Williams AJ, Dyer BM 1990. The birds of Hollamsbird Island, least known of the southern African guano islands. Marine Ornithology 18 13-18
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Williams_1990_Marine_Ornith_Hollamsbird_Island.pdf 296.26 KB
Williams AJ 1991. Wetland birds and conservation in Namibia: an overview. Madoqua 17 (2) 245-248
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Williams_1991_Madoqua_17_2_wetland_birds.pdf 876.95 KB
van Zyl BJ 1991. The lower Orange River. Madoqua 17 (2) 155-157
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van_Zyl_1991_Madoqua_17_2_Orange_River.pdf 548.41 KB
van Zyl BJ 1991. Wetlands of the Cunene River. Madoqua 17 (2) 125-128
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van_Zyl_1991_Madoqua_17_2_Cunene.pdf 780.44 KB
Schubert VS, Orford MPJ, Cunningham P 2012. Confirmation: Village Indigobird parasitizing Red-billed Firefinch in central Namibia. Ornithological Observations 3 186-187
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Village Indigobird.pdf 202.23 KB