field study

Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory. (Source: PHCa / DUNSTEa)

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Displaying results 1501 - 1550 of 2474 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Goldenberg F, Glanzl M, Henschel JR, Funk SM, Millesi E 2008. Gait choice in desert-living black-backed jackals. Journal of Zoology 275 (2) 124-129
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Gait choice in desert_living black_backed jackals.pdf 264.8 KB
Tilson RL, Henschel JR 1986. Spatial arrangement of spotted hyaena groups in a desert environment, Namibia. African Journal of Ecology 24 (3) 173-180
Williams D, Pettorelli N, Henschel J, Cowlishaw G, Douglas CMS 2013. Impact of alien trees on mammal distributions along an ephemeral river in the Namib Desert. African Journal of Ecology 52 (4) 404-413
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Impact of alien trees on mammal distributions.pdf 454.02 KB
Cardoso JF, Costa JC, Neto C, Duarte MC, Monteiro-Henriques T 2021. Plant communities of Namibe saltmarshes (southwest of Angola). Finisterra 56 (116) 99-114
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Plant communities of Namibe saltmarshes_southwest of Angola.pdf 296.14 KB
Chirara C, Frost P, Gwarazimba VEE 1998. Grass defoliation affecting survival and growth of seedlings of Acacia karroo , an encroaching species in southwestern Zimbabwe.   African Journal of Range and Forage Science  15 (1-2) 41-47
2021. Kavango River transect, 2021. (7)
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Kavango River transect_2021.pdf 2.95 MB
Burke A 2004. Tracks in the desert are a big problem. Conservation 2004/5 24
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Conservation2004-tracks.pdf 694.4 KB
Burke A 2004. Living diamonds - the Sperrgebiet's natural riches. Conservation 2004/5 22-23
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Conservation2004-Sp-flora.pdf 1.35 MB
Burke A 2004. Taking track rehabilitation one step further. African Wildlife 58 (2) 18-19
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AfricanWildlife2004-rehab.pdf 1.6 MB
Burke A, Mannheimer C 2004. The Sperrgebiet - a Diversity Hotspot of Desert Plants. Desert Plantst 19-22
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desert-plants-2004-text.pdf 1.81 MB
Küsters M, Hauptfleisch M, Sliwa A, Ashipala N 2021. The Black-footed Cat Research Project Namibia: Project update April 2021.
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BFC Namibia project update April 2021.pdf 1.17 MB
Küsters M, Hauptfleisch M, Sliwa A, Ndele S 2021. The Black-footed Cat Research Project Namibia: Project update August 2021.
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BFC Namibia project update August 2021.pdf 1.92 MB
Küsters M, Hauptfleisch M, Sliwa A, Ndele S 2022. The Black-footed Cat Research Project Namibia: Project update August 2022.
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BFC Namibia project update August 2022.pdf 1.97 MB
Küsters M, Hauptfleisch M, Sliwa A, Ndele S 2022. The Black-footed Cat Research Project Namibia: Project update January 2022.
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BFC Namibia project update January 2022.pdf 1.49 MB
Küsters M, Hauptfleisch M, Sliwa A, Ndele S 2020. The Black-footed Cat Research Project Namibia: Project update October 2020.
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BFC Namibia project update October 2020.pdf 759.43 KB
Lubbe L 2009. The National Rangeland Policy and Strategy (NRMPAS).
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15_Lubbe_NRMPS.pdf 6.64 MB
de Klerk JN 2004. Bush encroachment in Namibia.
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Bush Encroachment in Namibia.pdf 3.93 MB
Seely M, Klintenberg P, Shikongo S 2007. Evolutionary process of mainstreaming desertification policy: a Namibian case study. Desertification and the international policy imperative. Proceedings of a Joint International Conference 107-115
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Evolutionary process of mainstreaming desertification policy.pdf 3.77 MB
Orford J, Orford R, Orford MPJ, Cunningham P 2013. Nest construction by Barred Wren Warbler in Central Namibia. Ornithological Observations 4 151-153
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Barred Wren Warbler nest-OO.pdf 190.62 KB
van Jaarsveld E, Voigt W 2003. Climbing cliffs in the kaokoveld: Botanical exploration in northern Namibia. Veld and Flora (December 2003) 152-155
Getzin S, Holch S, Yizhaq H, Wiegand K 2022. Plant water stress, not termite herbivory, causes Namibia's fairy circles. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 57
Kolberg H 2023. Tracked Vultures. (56) 29-32
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Tracked Vultures.pdf 884.64 KB
Kolberg H 2023. Bird Atlas update. (56) 27-28
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Bird Atlas Update.pdf 686.97 KB
Klein F 2023. Birding northern Australia (part 2). (56) 2-17
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Birding northern Australia_Part 2.pdf 1.66 MB
Friederich G 2023. Black-collared Barbet. (56) 19-20
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Black_collared Barbet.pdf 534.76 KB
Pickford M 2023. CAG29 - Sperrgebiet field trip.
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Sperrgebiet field trip_2023.pdf 6.27 MB
Detay M, Sanchez P 2015. Namibie 2015: Harasib - Dragon Breath - Ghaub.
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Caving in Namibia 2015_Harasib_Dragon Breath_Ghaub.pdf 5.73 MB
Cunningham P 2024. Familiar Chat Cercomela familiaris: a veritable avian weightlifter. Biodiversity Observations 14 62-66
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Familiar Chat Cercomela familiaris_a veritable avian weightlifter.pdf 631.65 KB
Mendelsohn JM, Sinclair JC, Tarboton WR 1983. Flushing Flufftails out of Vleis. Bokmakierie 35 (1) 9-11
Gazza A, Lubanda P, Masheshe L, Muharukua V, Nawa R, Nickanor N, Noongo E, Persson J, Shiponeni N, Shimali P 1999. Potential Value of Land and Water Resources in Northeast Otjozondjupa.
Mendelsohn JM, Brown CJ 1988. Wing Areas and other dimensions of Greater and Lesser Flamingos. Cimbebasia 10 71-73