field study

Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory. (Source: PHCa / DUNSTEa)

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Displaying results 1351 - 1400 of 2474 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Lange OL, Green TGA, Meyer A, Zellner H 2008. Epilithic Lichens in the Namib Fog Desert: Field Measurements of Water Relations and Carbon Dioxide Exchange. Sauteria (15) 283-302
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Epilithic Lichens in the Namib Fog Desert.pdf 2.45 MB
Roessler H, Merxmüller H 1981. Neufunde aus dem nördlichen Südwestafrika. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München (17) 239-242
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New discoveries from the north southwest Africa.pdf 342.79 KB
Loveridge JP 1976. Strategies of Water Conservation in Southern African Frogs. Zoologica Africana (11) 319-333
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Strategies of Water Conservation in Southern African Frogs.pdf 915.23 KB
Griffin M, Panagis C, Berriman N 1989. The eastern national water carrier: A preliminary assessment of its impact on the herpetofauna. The Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa (36) 36-37
Wirth V, Müller J, Pfiz M, Loris K, Küppers M 2010. Lichen distribution along an ocean-inland transect in the fog zone of the Central Namib. Biodiversity in southern Africa, 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale 112-117
Kopij G 2019. Avian assemblages of the western highlands vegetation in the Kunene Region, north-western Namibia. International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia (ISTJN) (11) 99-110
Mocke H 2018. The Fossil Collections from the Sperrgebiet at the National Earth Science Museum, Geological Survey of Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia (18) 124-131
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Fossil Collections from the Sperrgebiet.pdf 454.42 KB
Nanyeni L, Nzuma TM 2018. New record of Monsonia herrei for Namibia. Bothalia (48) a2342
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New record of Monsonia herrei for Namibia.pdf 1.82 MB
Janse van Vuuren S, Levanets A 2019. First record of Botryococcus braunii Kützing from Namibia. Bothalia (49) a2382
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First record of Botryococcus braunii Kützing from Namibia.pdf 1.83 MB
Göttert T, Schöne J, Zinner D, Hodges JK, Böer M 2010. Habitat use and spatial organisation of relocated black rhinos in Namibia. Mammalia (74) 35-42
Rust NA, Nghikembua MT, Kasser JJW, Marker LL Environmental factors affect swing gates as a barrier to large carnivores entering game farms. African Journal of Ecology (53) 339-345
Rookmaaker LC 1983. The observations of Robert Jacob Gordon (1743- 1795) on giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) found in Namaqualand. Jounral of the Namibia Scientific Society (XXXVI/XXXVII) 71-90
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1983 Rookmaaker 030 Gordons Giraffes - J SWA Soc.pdf 3.87 MB
Scott A, Scott M, Boorman M, Feris C, Middendorff G 2019. Flamingo breeding attempts on the coast of Namibia. Lanioturdus (52) 10-13
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Flamingo breeding attempts 2019.pdf 629.47 KB
Wiesel I, Karthun-Strijbos S, Jänecke I 2019. The use of GPS telemetry data to study parturition, den location and occupancy in the Brown Hyaena. African Journal of Wildlife Research (49)
Mowa E, Maass E 2016. Influence of resting period on fruits and secondary tubers of Harpagophytum procumbens in Namibia. International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia (8) 73-90
Wesuls D, Strohbach M, Horn A, Kos M, Zimmermann J, Hoffmann J, Geldenhuys C, Dreber N, Kellermann L, van Rooyen MW, Poschlod P 2010. Plant functional traits and types as a tool to analyse landuse impacts on vegetation. Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale 222–232
Munyebvu F, Mapaure I, Kwembeya EG 2018. Abundance, structure and uses of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) populations in Omusati Region, Namibia. South African Journal of Botany 119 112-118
Wehner R, Müller M 2010. Piloting in desert ants: pinpointing the goal by discrete landmarks. Journal of Experimental Biology 213 4174-4179
Cheikhyoussef A, Embashu W 2013. Ethnobotanical knowledge on indigenous fruits in Ohangwena and Oshikoto regions in Northern Namibia. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 9 34
Potgieter H 2013. Vulture Ringing on Farm Smalhoek, 2012. Lanioturdus 46 (1) 8-10
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Vulture Ringing on Farm Smalhoek 2012.pdf 381.78 KB
Demasius E 2013. Workshop Birding. Lanioturdus 46 (1) 10-14
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Workshop Birding 2013.pdf 770.01 KB
Friederich G 2013. A Zambian Birding Experience 2-6 July 2012 Trip (Part 1). Lanioturdus 46 (1) 14-19
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A Zambian Birding Experience 2_6 July 2012 Trip Part 1.pdf 470.51 KB