field study

Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory. (Source: PHCa / DUNSTEa)

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Displaying results 1001 - 1050 of 2474 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Metago Environmental Engineers 2010. Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the proposed Husab Mine.
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2010_Husab_EIA.pdf 1.52 MB
Earth Science Solutions 2010. Swakop Uranium Husab Project, Specialist Soils and Land Capability Assessment.
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2010_Husab_soil.pdf 1.18 MB
Kinahan J, Kinahan JHA 2010. The Namib Desert Archaeological Survey. Antiquity 084 (325)
Mannheimer CA 2008. Goanikontes Uranium Project, Vegetation study.
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2008_Goanikontes_vegetation.pdf 1.96 MB
Lalkhan MJ 2007. Radiation Baseline Survey, Trekkopje, Namibia.
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Radiation Baseline Survey_Trekkopje_Namibia.pdf 492.37 KB
Simmons R, Smith PC 1985. Do Northern Harriers (Circus cyaneus) choose nest sites adaptively?. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63 (3) 494-498
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Do Northern Harriers choose nest sites adaptively.pdf 635.83 KB
Irish J 2007. Invertebrate assessment of the area EPL 2218. 16 pages
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Invertebrate assessment of the area EPL 2218.pdf 451.16 KB
Barnard P, Simmons R, Jackson HD, Goodman SM, Cyrus DP, Herholdt JJ 1986. Short Notes. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 57 (2) 107-114
Barnard P, MacWhirter B, Simmons R, Hansen GL, Smith PC 1987. Timing of breeding and the seasonal importance of passerine prey to northern harriers (Circus cyaneus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 65 (8) 1942-1946
Underhill LG, van Heezik YM, Seddon PJ, Malan G, Learmonth G, Braby R, Braby SJ, Simmons RE, de Swardt DH, Buys PJ, Bothma N Short Notes. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 63 (2-3) 128-137
Simmons RE, Trewby I, Trewby M 1996. Are Etosha's Blue Cranes declining. African Wildlife 50 32-34
Fjeldstad O-H, Geisler G, Nangulah S, Nygaard K, Pomuti A, Shifotoka A, van Rooy G 2005. Local governance, urban poverty and service delivery in Namibia.
Archibald S, Nickless A, Govender N, Scholes RJ, Lehsten V 2010. Climate and the inter-annual variability of fire in southern Africa: A meta-analysis using long-term field data and satellite-derived burnt area data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19 794 - 809
Craven P 1988. Lichens diversity in Namibia. Biological Diversity of Namibia: A country study 114-115
Kuhn B, Wiesel I, Skinner J 2008. Diet of brown hyenas (Parahyaena brunnea) on the Namibian Coast. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 63 (2) 150-159
Charif RA, Ramey RR, Langbauer WR, Payne KB, Martin RB, Brown LM 2005. Spatial relationships and matrilineal kinship in African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) clans. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57 (4) 327-338