field study

Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory. (Source: PHCa / DUNSTEa)

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Displaying results 901 - 950 of 2474 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Albuquerque S, Brummitt KR, Figueiredo E 2009. Typification of names based on the Angolan collections of Friedrich Welwitsch. Taxon 58 (2) 641-646
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Typification of names based on the Angolan collections_Welitsch.pdf 304.72 KB
Ipinge SA, Lechner WR, Monyo ES 1994. Development of a National Pearl Millet Breeding Program for Namibia. Drought-Tolerant Crops for Southern Africa
du Plessis P 2008. The Way Forward with Indigenous Vegetables: A Proposal to the IPTT.
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IGLV way forward 31 Oct 2008.pdf 261.7 KB
Maharaj V 2008. Hoodia, a case study 1963-2008.
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Hoodia_ a case study 1963_2008.pdf 1.49 MB
2011. Grafting of Marula trees.
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Grafting of Marula trees.pdf 1013.04 KB
Lushetile K, Centre for Research Information Action in Africa South African Development and Consulting (CRIAA SA-DC) 2011. Marula Fruit Yield Survey – Methodology.
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Marula Fruit Yield Survey _ methodology.pdf 571.81 KB
Carr S, Mallet M 2008. Project Duras. Case study: Kalahari Melon Seed oil.
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DURAS KMS Case study 21_04_08.doc 101.5 KB
Mallet M, Phillipus P 2009. Farmers' field testing of improved KMS crosses. Guidelines.
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KMS testing guidelines.pdf 402.64 KB
Matson TK, Putland DA, Jarman PJ, le Roux J, Goldizen AW 2007. Influences of parturition on home range and microhabitat use of female black-faced impalas. Journal of Zoology 271 (3) 318-327
Brain C, Forge O, Erb P 1999. Lion predation on black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in Etosha National Park. African Journal of Ecology 37 (1) 107-109
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Lion predation on black rhinoceros in Etosha National Park.pdf 47.42 KB
Stander PE, Nott TB, Mentis MT 1993. Proposed burning strategy for a semi-arid African savanna. African Journal of Ecology 31 (4) 282-289
Hayward MW, Kerley GIH 2005. Prey preferences of the lion (Panthera leo). Journal of Zoology 267 (3) 309-322