field study

Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory. (Source: PHCa / DUNSTEa)

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Displaying results 851 - 900 of 2474 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Hofmeyr JM, Luchtenstein HG, Mostert PKN 1977. Capture, handling and transport of springbok and the application of haliperidol as a long-acting neuroleptic. Madoqua 10 (2) 123-130
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Capture_handling_transport of springbok.pdf 1.17 MB
Spiegel O, Harel R, Centeno-Cuadros A, Hatzofe O, Getz WM, Nathan R 2015. Moving beyond curve-fitting: using complementary data to assess alternative explanations for long movements of three vulture species. The American Naturalist 185 (2) E00-E12
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Spiegel_etal2015AmNat.pdf 617.22 KB
Sandelowsky BH, Scholz H, Ahlert K 1976. Ancient tracks near Tsondab vlei. Madoqua 9 (3) 57-58
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Ancient tracks near Tsondab vlei_1976.pdf 606.35 KB
Lensing JE, Roux TF 1975. A capture snare for the smaller mammal predators and scavengers. Madoqua 9 (1) 57-61
Tilson RL, Tilson JW 1986. Population turnover in a tonogamous antelope (Madoqua kirki) in Namibia. Journal of Mammalogy 67 (3) 610-613
Carr S 2004. Pursuing Plants in the Khomas Hochland, Central Namibia. SABONET News 8 (2) 119-120
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Pursuing Plants in the Khomas Hochland_Central Namibia.pdf 88.71 KB
Schubert S 2004. Roughing it in the Kaokoveld!. SABONET News 8 (2) 118-119
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Kaokoland trip.pdf 540.4 KB
Leeney RH, Post K, Best PB, Hazevoet CJ, Elwen SH 2013. Pygmy right whale Caperea marginata records from Namibia. African Journal of Marine Science 35 (1) 133-139
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Pygmy right whale Caperea marginata records from Namibia.pdf 1.89 MB
van Dijk DE 1977. Habitats and dispersal of southern African Anura. African Zoology 12 (1) 169-181
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Habitats and dispersal of southern African Anura.pdf 392.42 KB
Polytechnic of Namibia 2014. Agricultural and Natural Resources Snippets.
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Snippets_2014-7.pdf 513.13 KB
Polytechnic of Namibia 2014. Agricultural and Natural Resources Snippets.
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Snippets_2014-6.pdf 686.37 KB
Polytechnic of Namibia 2014. Agricultural and Natural Resources Snippets.
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Snippets_2014-5.pdf 1.03 MB
Polytechnic of Namibia 2014. Agricultural and Natural Resources Snippets.
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Snippets_2014-4.pdf 498.29 KB
Polytechnic of Namibia 2014. Agricultural and Natural Resources Snippets.
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Snippets_2014-3.pdf 1.73 MB
Polytechnic of Namibia 2014. Agricultural and Natural Resources Snippets.
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Snippets_2014-2.pdf 1.03 MB
Polytechnic of Namibia 2014. Agricultural and Natural Resources Snippets.
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Snippets_2014-1.pdf 445.4 KB
Lechner WR 1992. An outline of pearl millet research in Namibia. Dinteria 23 147-149
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An outline of pearl millet research in Namibia_1992.pdf 313.63 KB
Kamau HN 1992. Germplasm exploration and collection. Dinteria 23 50-54
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Dinteria_23_1992_6.pdf 473.1 KB
Rumrich U, Rumrich M 1991. Diatomeen auf Pflanzen in der Namib. Dinteria 21 8-16
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Dinteria 21_1991_2.pdf 609.55 KB
Giess W 1989. Einiges zu unserer Flechtenflora. Dinteria 20 30-32
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Dinteria_20_1989_3.pdf 489.54 KB
Zizka G 1989. Das isolierte Verkommen von Melinis ambigua Hackel in Namibia. Dinteria 21 3-7
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Dinteria 21_1991_1.pdf 518.4 KB
Rumrich U, Rumrich M 1989. Diatomeen als 'Fensteralgen' in der Namib-Wüste und anderen ariden Gebieten von SWA/Namibia. Dinteria 20 23-29
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Dinteria 20_1989_2.pdf 694.51 KB
Wessels DCJ 1989. Lichens of the Namib Desert, South West Africa/Namibia. I. The chasmoendolithic habitat. Dinteria 20 3-22
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Dinteria_20_1989_1.pdf 2.61 MB
Jacobsen NHG, Moss H 1987. A contribution to the Flora of the Northern Namib. Dinteria 19 26-68
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A contribution to the Flora of the Northern Namib_1987.pdf 4.58 MB
Gaff DF, Giess W 1986. Drought resistance in water plants in rock pools of Southern Africa. Dinteria 18 17-36
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Dinteria_18_1986_2.pdf 1.92 MB
Bruyns PV 1984. Ceropegia, Brachystelma and Tenaris in South West Africa. Dinteria 17 3-80
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Dinteria_17_1984_1.pdf 10.6 MB
Müller MAN 1984. Brachystelma blepharanthera Huber - rediscovered after 70 years. Dinteria 17 81-82
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Dinteria_17_1984_2.pdf 179.96 KB
Nordenstam B 1982. The Brandberg revisited. Dinteria 16 3-5
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Dinteria_16_1982_1.pdf 423.54 KB
Giess W 1982. Zur Verbreitung des Tabaks in Südwestafrika Nicotiana africana Merxm.. Dinteria 16 11-20
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Dinteria_16_1982_3.pdf 1.58 MB
Leach LC 1976. Euphorbia (Tetracanthae) in Angola and northern Kaokoland. Dinteria 12 1-35
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Dinteria_12_1976_1.pdf 5.27 MB
Robinson ER, Giess W 1974. Report on the plants noted in the course of a trip from Lüderitz Bay to Spencer Bay, January 10-21, 1974. Dinteria 10 13-17
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Dinteria_10_2.pdf 450.2 KB
Giess W 1970. Ein Beitrag zur Flora des Etoscha Nationalparks. Dinteria 5 19-55
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Dinteria_5_2_0.pdf 5.16 MB
Giess W 1974. Beobachtungen zur Südwester Flora. Dinteria 10 35-44
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Beobachtungen zur Suedwester Flora_1974.pdf 1.45 MB
Giess W 1970. Die Verbreitung von Moringa ovalifolia Dinter und Berger in Südwestafrika. Dinteria 5 59-64
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Dinteria_5_4.pdf 634.28 KB
Burke A 2013. Plant species of the Naute Game Park - an annotated inventory. Dinteria 33 3-11
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Plant species of the Naute Game Park.pdf 1.15 MB
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology 2003. Making the most of your marula trees.
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Making the most of your marula trees.pdf 809.42 KB
Centre for Research Information Action in Africa South African Development and Consulting (CRIAA SA-DC) 2007. Project Duras. Information for Namibian stakeholders in the Kalahari Melon Seed industry.
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DURAS info pamphlet.doc 52 KB