field study

Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory. (Source: PHCa / DUNSTEa)

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Displaying results 751 - 800 of 2474 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Brown CJ 2005. High density of dusky sunbirds in ephemeral rivercourse in the Namib. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 4-6
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High density of Dusky Sunbirds_2005.pdf 216.34 KB
Brown CJ 1997. Ospreys at Friedenau Dam. Lanioturdus 30 (4) 29
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Ospreys at Friedenau Dam.pdf 40.19 KB
Brown C 2002. Posion and scavengers - the right way forward!. Lanioturdus 35 (3) 3-6
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Poisons and scavengers - the right way forward.pdf 415.12 KB
Brown CJ 1998. Redbilled firefinches breeding in Windhoek. Lanioturdus 31 (4)
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Redbilled Firefinch breeding in Windhoek.pdf 77.3 KB
Baumann M 2015. Two French Ornithologists and the Namibian Birds. Lanioturdus 48 (1) 13-18
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Two French Ornithologists and the Namibian Birds.pdf 773.34 KB
Thomson N 2015. Rarities and Interesting Observations. Lanioturdus 48 (1) 34-41
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Rarities and Interesting Observations.pdf 2.01 MB
Cunningham P 2015. It's not the Porsche that pulls the Chicks, but Real Estate. Lanioturdus 48 (1) 19-23
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Its not the Porsche that pulls the Chicks_but Real Estate.pdf 485.52 KB
Klein F 2015. Cape Bird Club Ghana Birding Trip (Part 1). Lanioturdus 48 (1) 3-12
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Cape Bird Club Ghana Birding Trip.pdf 1.08 MB
Burke A 2014. A little goes a long way - the unique southern Namib flora. 12-14
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Burke-ROAN News_Oct_2014.pdf 2.3 MB
Steenkamp K, Forsyth G, Frost P, Archibald S, McFerren G, van Wilgen B, Scholes RJ Characterising severe fire events in South Africa.
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Characterising severe fire events in South Africa.pdf 2.17 MB
Strandberg R, Hake M, Klaassen RHG, Alerstam T 2012. Movements of immature European Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus in tropical Africa. Ardea 100 (2) 157-162
Maclean G 1970. Breeding bahaviour of larks in the Kalahari sandveld. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 20 (2) 381-401
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Breeding bahaviour of larks in the Kalahari sandveld_1970.pdf 1 MB
van den Eynden V, Vernemmen P, van Damme P 1992. Ethnobotanical survey of the Namib desert: final report.
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Ethnobotanical survey of the Namib desert_1992.pdf 22.79 MB
Griffin J, Cumming D, Metcalfe S, t'Sas-Rolfes M, Singh J, Chonguica E, Rowen M, Oglethorpe J 1999. Study on the development of transboundary natural resource management areas in Southern Africa.
Leggett K, Fennessy J, Schneider S 2001. Hoanib River Catchment Study, Northwestern Namibia - Soil.
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Hoanib River Catchment Study_Northwestern Namibia_Soil.pdf 7.07 MB
Kruger WA 1984. Konsep - Meesterplan: Kaudom Wildtuin.
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Konsep-Meestreplan_ Kaudom Wildtuin.pdf 3.54 MB
Craig GC 2000. Survey of Khaudum/Tsumkwe, Sept. 2000: Preliminary results.
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Survey of Khaudum Tsumkwe.pdf 1022.78 KB
Simmons R, Mendelsohn J Cartwheeling flights courtship display or aggression. African Wildlife 70 (1) 7-8
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Cartwheeling flights courtship display or aggression.pdf 4.8 MB
Kurugundla CN, Serumola O 2007. Impacts of Deltamethrin Spray on Adults of the Giant Salvinia Biocontrol Agent, Cyrtobagous salviniae. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 45 124-129
Henshaw C 1997. A possible new impact feature in the Okavango Delta. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 107 (2) 72-74
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A possible new impact feature in the Okavango Delta_1997.pdf 233.33 KB
Paxton M 2013. Popa Falls Resort (NWR) Bird Survey.
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Bird Survey Popa Falls Resort.docx 19.87 KB
Paxton M Lions and a Saddle.
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Lions on a Saddle.docx 20 KB
Simmons RE, Anderson M, McCulloch G 2001. Flamingo survey in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Flamingo Specialist Group 10 37-40
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Flamingo survey in Namibia_Botswana_South Africa.pdf 66.6 KB
Berry H 2009. Pelican airlift. Namibia Crane News 42 5-6
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Pelican airlift.pdf 251.23 KB
Kolberg H 2009. White pelican breeding at Hardap Dam, February 2009. Namibia Crane News 42 5
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White pelican breeding at Hardap Dam.pdf 97.14 KB
Irish J, Jarvis A, Ndeliimona J, Alberts D, Ndeliimona M, Thiart D 2009. General Crane/Wetland Bird news. Namibia Crane News 42 4-5
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General crane news.pdf 219.55 KB
Millington L, Versfeld W, Swanepoel W, Cunningham P, Cunningham A 2009. More Blue Crane sightings from Etosha. Namibia Crane News 42 2
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More Blue crane sightings in Etosha.pdf 139.66 KB
Wetschnig W 1992. Zur Flora und Vegetation des Südlichen Afrika: Die Namib. Carinthia II 182./102 73-91
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Flora and vegetation of southern Africa The Namib.pdf 8.43 MB
Bennett AF, Huey RB, John-Adler H, Nagy KA 1984. The parasol tail and thermoregulatory behavior of the Cape ground squirrel Xerus inaurus. Physiological Zoology 57 (1) 57-62
Boyer DC 1988. Tree rats in the Namib dunes. Madoqua 15 (4) 341-342
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Tree rats in the Namib dunes.pdf 618.73 KB
de Villiers PA, Kok OB 1988. Eto-ekologiese aspekte van olifante in die Nasionale Etoshawildtuin. Madoqua 15 (4) 319-338