One of the three degrees of rarity drawn up by the International Union for the Conservation of Natural Resources. All plants and animals in these categories need special protection. Endangered species are those species in danger of extinction unless steps are taken to change the cause of threat and decline. (Source: BRACK)

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Displaying results 301 - 350 of 673 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Davies-Mostert HT, Page-Nicholson S, Marneweck DG, Marnewick K, Cilliers D, Whittington-Jones B, Killian E, Mills MGL, Parker D, Power J, Rehse T, Child MF 2016. A conservation assessment of Lycaon pictus. The Red List of Mammals of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho
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A conservation assessment of Lycaon pictus.pdf 2.62 MB
Smit E 2021. Four nabbed with pangolin skins.
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NAM_2021_05_Four nabbed with pangolin skins_Namibian Sun.pdf 293.65 KB
David M 2021. Pangolin skin gets man arrested.
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NAM_2021_06_Pangolin skin gets man arrested_Informante.pdf 1.23 MB
Cooper J 1974. The predators of the Jackass Penguin Spheniscus demersus. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 93-95 21 - 24
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The predators of the Jackass Penguin.pdf 1.86 MB
Koeppel KN, Kemp LV 2015. Lead toxicosis in a southern ground hornbill Bucorvus leadbeateri in South Africa. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 29 (4) 340–344
Haig SM, D'Elia J, Eagles-Smith C, Fair JM, Gervais J, Herring G, Rivers JW, Schulz JH 2014. The persistent problem of lead poisoning in birds from ammunition and fishing tackle. The Condor 116 (3) 408-428
Chingarande D 2021. Pangolin scales land 3 in court. NewsDay Zimbabwe
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ZIM_2021_07_Pangolin scales land 3 in court_NewsDay Zimbabwe_2021.pdf 220.92 KB