One of the three degrees of rarity drawn up by the International Union for the Conservation of Natural Resources. All plants and animals in these categories need special protection. Endangered species are those species in danger of extinction unless steps are taken to change the cause of threat and decline. (Source: BRACK)

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Displaying results 201 - 250 of 673 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Scott A, Scott M 2018. Etosha's elusive blue cranes. (Autumn 2018) 71
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TNN Namibias elusive Blue Cranes Aut 2018.pdf 1.43 MB
Shimelis A, Sande E, Evans S, Mundy P 2005. International action plan for Lappet-faced Vulture, Torgos tracheliotus.
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International action plan for Lappet_faced Vulture.pdf 513.94 KB
Monadjem A, Garcelon DK 2005. Nesting distribution of vultures in relation to land use in Swaziland. Biodiversity and Conservation (14) 2079–2093
Vulture Specialist Group, IUCN Species Survival Commisssion 2018. Vulture updates - March 2018 - Around the World of Vultures and VSG activities.
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Around the World of Vultures.pdf 403.04 KB
Morkel PvdB, Geldenhuys LJ 1993. Dehorning of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis bicornis) in Namibia. 350-353
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Dehorning of black rhinoceros in Namibia.pdf 297.42 KB
Berger J 1994. Science, conservation, and black rhinos. Journal of Mammalogy (75) 298-308
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Science_conservation_and black rhinos.pdf 355.69 KB
Scott A, Scott M, Altwegg R, Böhme H, Brain C, Gariseb S, Guim S, Kapner J, Kolberg H, Mendelsohn J, Shatumbu G, Simmons R, Versfeld W, Vilho A 2019. Conservation aspects of the Blue Crane in Namibia.
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Blue Crane poster Etosha112_June 2019.pdf 1.65 MB
Wild Dog Project 2011. The truth about: African wild dogs.
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The truth about_African wild dogs.pdf 489.26 KB
2019. Crane Conservation Strategy.
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Crane conservation strategy_2019.pdf 38.01 MB
Zhang H, Ades G, Miller MP, Yang F, Lai K-w, Fischer GA 2020. Genetic identification of African pangolins and their origin in illegal trade. Global Ecology and Conservation 23
Hauptfleisch M, Knox NM, Heita P, Aschenborn O, Mackenzie ML 2020. An analysis of the risk of collisions between aircraft and vultures in Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 4 (A) 41-49
South African Police Service (SAPS) 2020. Media Statement - Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (HAWKS).
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SA_2020-06_Services_SAPS.pdf 134.41 KB
Scott A, Brown C, Kolberg H, Mendelsohn J, Scott M, Simmons R, Versveld W 2009. Namibia’s Blue Cranes continue to mystify. 38–40
Scott A, Böhme H, Brain C, Guim S, Kolberg H, Scott M, Versveld W 2015. Is the Blue Crane facing extinction in Namibia?. 46-49
Smit E 2020. 10 arrested for wildlife crimes.
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NAM_2020-07_10 arrested for wildlife crimes_Namibian Sun.pdf 297.56 KB