One of the three degrees of rarity drawn up by the International Union for the Conservation of Natural Resources. All plants and animals in these categories need special protection. Endangered species are those species in danger of extinction unless steps are taken to change the cause of threat and decline. (Source: BRACK)

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Displaying results 651 - 673 of 673 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Stutterheim CJ, Brooke RK 1981. Past and present ecological distribution of the yellowbilled oxpecker in South Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 16 (1) 44 - 49
zur Strassen H 1979. Interessante Vogelbeobachtungen. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 15 (6) 1
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Interessante Vogelbeobachtungen.pdf 80.49 KB
Tuer FV 1977. Notes on the Black stork. 6 21 - 24
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Notes on the Black stork.pdf 167.32 KB
Tilson RL, Kok OB 1980. Habitat ecology of Black Storks in the Kuiseb River Canyon. Madoqua II (4) 347 - 349
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Tilson_1980_Madoqua_11_4_black_storks.pdf 613.41 KB
Siegfried WR, Frost PGH, Cooper J, Kemp AC 1976. South African Red Data Book - Aves.. South African National Science Programmes Report 7 1 - 108
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South African Red Data Book_Aves.pdf 1.83 MB
Siegfried WR, Frost PGH, Kinahan JB, Cooper J 1975. Social behaviour of Jackass Penguins at sea. Zoologica africana 10 (1) 87 - 100
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Social behaviour of Jackass Penguins at sea.pdf 2.56 MB
BirdLife International 2012. Sternula balaenarum.
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Sternula balaenarum_The IUCN Red List of Threatened Specie.pdf 2.61 MB
Weise FJ, Vijay V, Jacobson AP, Schoonover RF, Groom RJ, Horgan J, Keeping D, Klein R, Marnewick K, Maude G, Melzheimer J, Mills G, van der Merwe V, van der Meer E, Van Vuuren RJ, Wachter B, Primm SL 2017. The distribution and numbers of cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) in southern Africa. PeerJ e4096
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The distribution and numbers of cheetah in southern Africa_2017.pdf 6.63 MB
Konrad PM 1981. Status and ecology of the Wattled Crane in Africa. Crane research around the world: proceedings of the International Crane Symposium
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Wattled crane.pdf 1.62 MB
Lines R 2008. Wild Dog Project - 2008 Report.
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Lines R 2008 - final African Wild Dog report.pdf 1.32 MB
Woodroffe R, André J-M, Andulege B, Bercovitch F, Carlson A, Coppolillo P, Davies-Mostert H, Dickman A, Fletcher P, Ginsberg J, Hofmeyr M, Laurenson K, Leigh K, Lindsey P, Lines R, Mazet J, McCreery K, McNutt JW, Mills G, Msuha M, Munson L, Parker M, Pole A, Rasmussen G, Robbins R, Sillero-Zubiri C, Swarner M, Szykman M 2004. Tools for the conservation of African wild dogs: Do we know enough? What more do we need to know?.
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Tools for African Wild Dog conservation.pdf 1.54 MB
Eustace M 2017. Rhino horn trade.
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Rhino horn trade.docx 17.21 KB
Oschadleus HD 2016. Nesting associations between vultures and weavers. Vulture News 70 3-21
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Nesting associations between vultures and weavers.pdf 268.75 KB
Robertson AS 1986. Notes on the breeding cycle of Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres). Raptor Research 20 (2) 51-60
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Notes on the breeding cycle of Cape Vultures.pdf 1.03 MB
Botha AJ, Andevski J, Bowden CGR, Gudka M, Safford RJ, Tavares J, Williams NP 2017. CMS Multi-species Action Plan to conserve African-Eurasian Vultures.
MacMillan D, Bozzola M, Hanley N, Kasterine A, Sheremet O 2017. Demand in Viet Nam for rhino horn used in traditional medicine.