One of the three degrees of rarity drawn up by the International Union for the Conservation of Natural Resources. All plants and animals in these categories need special protection. Endangered species are those species in danger of extinction unless steps are taken to change the cause of threat and decline. (Source: BRACK)

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Displaying results 551 - 600 of 673 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Bothoko P 2023. Cape pangolin poaching on the rise.
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BOT_202309_Cape pangolin poaching on the rise_Mmegi Online.pdf 295.21 KB
David M 2023. Two caught with live pangolin.
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NAM_2023_11_Two caught with live pangolin_Informante.pdf 100.62 KB
Motlhabane C 2023. Pangolin pain.
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BOT_2023_11_Pangolin Pain_The Voice Botswana.pdf 287.34 KB
Prediger K, Pangolin Conservation and Research Foundation (PCRF) 2023. The Nyae Nyae Pangolin Project: Benefitting people and pangolins. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia 71-75
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The Nyae Nyae Pangolin Project_benefitting people and pangolins.pdf 1.84 MB
Scheepers JL, Venzke KAE 1995. Attempts to reintroduce African wild dogs Lycaon pictus into Etosha National Park, Namibia. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 25 (4) 138-140
Marker L, Honig M, Pfeiffer L, Kuypers M, Gervais K 2022. Captive rearing of orphaned African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in Namibia: a case study. Zoo Biology 41 (2) 181-189
Laurenson K, van Heerden J, Stander P, Van Vuuren MJ 1997. Seroepidemiological survey of sympatric domestic and wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in Tsumkwe District, north-eastern Namibia. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 64
Weise FJ, Van Vuuren RJ, Echement KE, Cleverley MP, Van Vuuren M 2013. Successful snakebite treatment in three juvenile African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) with polyvalent antivenom: a Namibian case report. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 84 (1)
Tensen L, Jansen van Vuuren B, Groom R, Bertola LD, de Iongh H, Rasmussen G, du Plessis C, Davies-Mostert H, van der Merwe D, Fabiano E, Lages F, Rocha F, Monterroso P, Godinho R 2022. Spatial genetic patterns in African wild dogs reveal signs of effective dispersal across southern Africa. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10
Ndeyanale E 2024. 654 suspects arrested for poaching.
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NAM_2024_07_654 suspects arrested for poaching_The Namibian.pdf 375.22 KB
Brown CJ 1985. Booted Eagles breeding in Namibia. Madoqua 14 (2) 189 - 191
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Brown_1985_Madoqua_14_2_Booted_Eagle.pdf 491.24 KB
Brown CJ 1984. The behaviour of a Tawny Eagle at carrion. Madoqua 14 (1) 95 - 97
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Brown_1984_Madoqua_14_1_Tawny_Eagle.pdf 481.26 KB
2004. Proceedings of the Important Plant Areas Workshop. Important Plant Areas Workshop
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Proceedings of the Important Plant Areas Workshop_2004.pdf 4.38 MB
Braine JWS 1974. Openbilled Stork Anastomus lamelligerus breeding communally with Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus and various herons and storks. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 10 (3/5) 2 - 4
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Breeding Openbilled Stork Anastomus lamelligerus_1974.pdf 333.83 KB
Berger J, Cunningham C 1996. Is rhino dehorning scientifically prudent?. Pachyderm 21 60-68
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Is rhino dehorning scientifically prudent_1996.pdf 53.79 KB