Any species of the warm-blooded vertebrates which make up the class Aves. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 3601 - 3650 of 3931 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Wahlberg JA 1855. Nya Vogelarter fran Damara-landet i Sodra Afrika. Ofversigt af kongl. Vetenskaps - Akademiens Forhandlingar 12 213 - 214
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Nya Vogelarter fran Damara_landet i Sodra Afrika.pdf 1 MB
von Schwind H 1972. Zweite ornitologische Tagung in Windhoek. Begrüssungsansprache des Leiters der ornitologischen Arbeitsgruppe. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 8 (1/2) 1-4
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Zweite ornitologische Tagung in Windhoek.pdf 372.08 KB
von Schwind H 1974. Die Kormoran-Tragödie bei Swakopmund. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 10 (3-5) 1-3
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Die Kormoran_tragoedie bei Swakopmund_1974.pdf 185.33 KB
Voisin J-F, Shaughnessy PD 1980. Diving by Giant Petrels Macronectes. Cormorant 8 25 - 26
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Diving by Giant Petrels Macronectes.pdf 175.79 KB
Vernon CJ 1971. Observations on Egretta vinaceilgula. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 91 157 - 159
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Observations of the Egretta vinaceigula.pdf 1.16 MB
Vaurie C 1952. Geographical variation in the Chat Flycatcher (Bradornis infuscatus). American Museum Novitates 1599 1 - 9
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Geographical variation in the chat flycatcher.pdf 771.49 KB
van den Elzen R 1976. Eine neue Brutkolonie der Klippenschwalbe, Petrochelidon spilodera (Roberts 504) bei Mariental. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 12 (4) 1
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Eine neue Brutkolonie der Klippenschwalbe_1976.pdf 91.47 KB
Thomas DH 1984. Sandgrouse as models of avian adaptations to deserts. South African Journal of Zoology 19 113 - 120
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Sandgrouse as models of avian adaptations to deserts.pdf 810.79 KB
Tarr JG, Tarr PW 1987. Seasonal abundance and the distribution of coastal birds on the northern Skeleton Coast, SWA/Namibia. Madoqua 15 (1) 63 - 72
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Tarr_1987_Madoqua_15_1_birds.pdf 1.92 MB
Tarr JG, Griffiths CL, Bally R 1985. The ecology of three sandy beaches on the Skeleton Coast of South West Africa. Madoqua 14 (3) 295 - 304
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Tarr_1985_Madoqua_14_3_beaches.pdf 2.49 MB
Strickland HE, Sclater PL 1853. List of a collection of birds procured by C. J. Andersson in the Damara country in South Western Africa. Jardine's Contribution to Ornithology 1852 141 - 160
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Strickland_1852_Jardines_Contr_Ornith_birds_Damaraland.pdf 648.81 KB
Smithers RHN 1954. A new race of nightjar from the Caprivi Strip, South West Africa. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 74 83 - 84
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A new race of Nightjar from the Caprivi Strip SWA_1954.pdf 763.2 KB
Skead CJ 1967. Sunbirds of southern Africa.
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Sunbirds of SA_Review.pdf 251.75 KB
Siegfried WR, Berry HH 1983. Accumulation of lead in the bones of Turtle Doves Streptopelia capicola. Madoqua 13 (3) 229 - 230
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Siegfried_1983_Madoqua_13_3_Streptopelia.pdf 407.59 KB
Siegfried WR, Frost PGH, Cooper J, Kemp AC 1976. South African Red Data Book - Aves.. South African National Science Programmes Report 7 1 - 108
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South African Red Data Book_Aves.pdf 1.83 MB
Siegfried WR, Williams AJ, Frost PGH, Kinahan JB 1975. Plumage and ecology of cormorants. Zoologica africana 16 183 - 192
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Plumage and ecology of cormorants.pdf 5.52 MB
Shaughnessy PD 1980. Food of Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus at Square Point, South West Africa. Cormorant 8 99 - 100
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Food of Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus at Square Point.pdf 178.48 KB
Slater WL 1928. Sociable Weavers. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 48 66
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Sociable weaver.pdf 344.19 KB
Schoening H 1976. Vogelbeobachtungen zur einer Fahrt aus der Republik nach Lüderitzbucht und zurück. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 12 (1) 1 - 4
Sauer EGF, Sauer EM 1967. Yawning and other maintenance activities in the South African Ostrich. Auk 84 572 - 587
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Sauer_1967_Auk_84_ostrich.pdf 1005.23 KB
Sauer EGF, Sauer EM 1959. Polygamie beim südafrikanischen Strauss Struthio camelus australis. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 10 266 - 285
Sauer EGF, Sauer EM 1959. Nächtliche Zugorientierung europäeischer Vögel in Südwestafrika. Vogelwarte 20 4 - 31
Ryan PG, Cooper J, Stutterheim CJ, Loutit R 1984. An annotated list of the birds of the Skeleton Coast Park. Madoqua 14 (1) 79 - 90
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Ryan_1984_Madoqua_14_1_bird_list.pdf 2.74 MB
Ryan PG, Cooper J, Stutterheim CJ 1984. Waders (Charadrii) and other coastal birds of the Skeleton Coast, South West Africa. Madoqua 14 (1) 71 - 78
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Ryan_1984_Madoqua_14_1_waders.pdf 1.66 MB
Rust HJ 1972. Elsterwürger oder Drosselwürger: Das ist die Frage. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 7 (11 - 12) 3-4
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Elsterwuerger oder Drosselwuerger 1972.pdf 114.19 KB
Robinson ER, Seely MK 1975. Some food plants of ostriches in the Namib Desert Park, South West Africa. Madoqua II 4 (74-80) 99 - 100
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Robinson_1975_Madoqua_Ser_2_4_food_plants.pdf 349.34 KB
Reichenow A 1902. Neue Vogelarten aus Damaraland. Ornitologische Monatsberichte 10 76 - 79
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Neue Vogelarten aus Damaraland.pdf 1.42 MB
Rapsch H 1974. Herr Rapsch, Omaruru, Berichtet. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 10 (3 - 5) 8
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Herr Rapsch_Omaruru_Berichtet.pdf 159.25 KB
Prozesky OPM 1969. Notes on the daily drinking pattern of certain bird species. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 45
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Prozesky_1969_sci_pap_NDRS_daily_drinking.pdf 2.59 MB
Prozesky OPM, Haagner CH 1962. A check-list of the birds of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Koedoe 5 171 - 182
Pesch V 1978. Vogelbeobachtungen in der Etoschapfanne.
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Vogelbeobachtungen in der Etoschapfanne_part 1.pdf 236.77 KB
Paxton M, Brown CJ 1987. Rednecked Falcons nesting in palm trees in Namibia. Gabar 2 12 - 13
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Rednecked Falcons nesting in palm tress _Paxton _Brown 1987.pdf 69.87 KB