Any species of the warm-blooded vertebrates which make up the class Aves. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 2551 - 2600 of 3931 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Brown CJ 1989. Some breeding sites of Horus and Bradfield's Swifts in South West Africa/Namibia. Madoqua 16 (1) 69 - 70
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Brown_1989_Madoqua_16_1_swifts.pdf 352.77 KB
Brown CJ, Brown SE 1987. Some observations on oxpeckers in the Eastern Caprivi, SWA/Namibia. Lanioturdus 22 (4) 74 - 79
Brown CJ, Riekert BR, Vinjevold R 1985. Datura innoxia seeds eaten by Doublebanded Sandgrouse. Lanioturdus 20
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Brown CJ et al 1985 Lanioturdus 20_11_1.pdf 146.52 KB
Brown CJ 1985. A partly albino Burchell's Glossy Starling. Lanioturdus 20 (11) 2 - 3
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Brown CJ 1985 Lanioturdus 20_11_2-3.pdf 81.27 KB
Brown CJ 1985. Review: Roberts' Birds of Southern Africa. Lanioturdus 21 (1) 5 - 6
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Review_Roberts Birds of Southern Africa.pdf 265.47 KB
Brown CJ 1985. More range extensions. Lanioturdus 21 (5) 1 - 9
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More range extensions..pdf 620.36 KB
Brown CJ 1985. Invasive alien birds in South West Africa/Namibia. Invasive Alien Organisms in SWA/Namibia 19 41 - 43
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Brown_1985_SA_Nat_Sci_Prog_119_alien_birds.PDF 309.2 KB
McCulloch G, Hancock P, Soopu J, Rutina L 2010. Makgadikgadi Pans Important Bird Area Monitoring Report, 2009. BirdLife Botswana, Babbler Special Supplement 3
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2009_Botswana_Makgadikgadi_IBA_monitoring_report.pdf 2.36 MB
Brooke RK, Sinclair JC, Berruti A 1980. Geographical variation in Diomedea chlororhynchos (Aves: Diomedeidae). Durban Museum Novitates 12 (15) 172 - 180
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Geographical variation in Diomedea chlororhynchos.pdf 206.35 KB
Brooke RK, Cooper J 1979. The distinctiveness of southern African Larus dominicanus (Aves: Laridae). Durban Museum Novitates 12 (3) 27 - 37
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The distinctiveness of southern African Larus dominicanus.pdf 253.67 KB
Brooke RK 1978. The Catharacta Skuas (Aves: Laridae) occurring in South African Waters. Durban Museum Novitates xi (18) 295 - 308
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The Catharacta Skuas Occurring in South African Waters.pdf 305.18 KB
Brooke RK 1972. Geographical variation in Palm Swifts Cypsiurus (Aves: Apodidae). Durban Museum Novitates 9 (16) 217 - 231
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Geographical variation in palm swifts Cypsiurus.pdf 285.98 KB
Brooke RK 1971. Geographical variation in the Alpine Swift Apus (Tachymarptis) melba (Aves: Apodidae). Durban Museum Novitates 9 (10) 131 - 143
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Geographical variation in the Alpine Swift Apus.pdf 277.12 KB
Brooke RK 1971. Geographical variation in the Little Swift Apus affinis (Aves: Apodidae). Durban Museum Novitates 11 (7) 93 - 103
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Geographical variation in the Little Swift Apus affinis.pdf 228.47 KB
Kolberg H 2009. Update on Blue crane numbers at Etosha. Namibia Crane News 42 1-2
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Namibia_Crane_News_No_42_May_09.pdf 802.73 KB
Broekhuysen GJ, Broekhuysen MH, Martin JE, Martin R, Morgan HK 1968. Observations on the birdlife in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Koedoe 11 145 - 160
Bridgeford PA 1982. Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus. Cormorant 10 125 - 126
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Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus.pdf 618.9 KB
Braine SG 1987. Raptors of the Skeleton Coast Park, SWA/Namibia. Madoqua 15 (3) 255 - 262
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Raptors of the Skeleton Coast Park_1987.pdf 1.24 MB
Braine JWS 1974. Openbilled Stork Anastomus lamelligerus breeding communally with Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus and various herons and storks. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 10 (3/5) 2 - 4
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Breeding Openbilled Stork Anastomus lamelligerus_1974.pdf 333.83 KB
Boyer HJ, Bridgeford PA 1988. Birds of the Naukluft Mountains: An Annotated Checklist. Madoqua 15 (4) 295 - 314
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Birds of the Naukluft Mountains An Annotated Checklist_1988.pdf 12.82 MB
Borrett RP, Jackson HD 1971. The European Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe (L) in southern Africa. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 90 14
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The European Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe in southern Africa.pdf 2.44 MB
Hollen LI, Radford AN 2009. The development of alarm call behaviour in mammals and birds. Animal Behaviour 78 791-800
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The development of alarm call behaviour in mammals and birds_2009.pdf 223.67 KB
Bolle C 1855. Guano an der Küste Westafrikas. Journal für Ornitologie 3 270
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Guano an der Kueste Westafrikas.pdf 397.15 KB
Blaskiewitz B 1981. Anmerkungen zur Aufzucht von Jungstraussen (Struthio camelus). Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 17 (4) 1 - 3
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Anmerkungen zur Aufzucht von Jungstraussen_1981.pdf 216.89 KB
Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and Education Centre (NARREC) 2009. Namibian Large Birds of Prey - Identification, Conservation Staus, Future Survival.
Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and Education Centre (NARREC) 2009. The Owls of Namibia - Identification and General Infomation.
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The Owls of Namibia - Identification and General Infomation.pdf 3.77 MB
Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and Education Centre (NARREC) 2005. Where Birds are Prey - True stories about threats to birdlife in Namibia.
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Where Birds are Prey.pdf 3.87 MB
Berry HH, Berry CU 1975. A checklist and notes on the birds of Sandvis, South West Africa. Madoqua 9 (2) 5 - 18
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A checklist and notes on the birds of Sandvis_South West Africa.pdf 3.11 MB
Shelley GE 1906. The Birds of Africa, comprising all the species which occur in the Ethiopian Region. The Birds of Africa V (Part 1)
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The Birds of South Africa_Ethipian Region Vol V p 1.pdf 8.69 MB
Shelley GE 1905. The Birds of Africa, comprising all the species which occur in the Ethiopian Region. The Birds of Africa IV (Part 2)
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The Birds of South Africa_Ethipian Region Vol IV p 2.pdf 12.08 MB
Shelley GE 1905. The Birds of Africa, comprising all the species which occur in the Ethiopian Region. The Birds of Africa IV (part 1)
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The Birds of South Africa_Ethipian Region Vol IV p 1.pdf 14.63 MB
Shelley GE 1896. The Birds of Africa, comprising all the species which occur in the Ethiopian Region. The Birds of Africa I
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The Birds of South Africa_Ethipian Region.pdf 10.89 MB