Any species of the warm-blooded vertebrates which make up the class Aves. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1001 - 1050 of 3931 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Niddrie R 2014. Epupa. Lanioturdus 47 (4) 18-19
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Epupa_2014_Niddrie R.pdf 312.52 KB
Thomson N 2014. Ringing with Poles: Barberspan Ringers Conference 27 November 2013 to 03 December 2013. Lanioturdus 47 (4) 14-17
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Ringing with Poles.pdf 600.84 KB
Brown C, Böhme H, Stanback M, Tarr J, Tarr P, Heinrich D 2014. Results of year one of a new nesting box project near Windhoek. Lanioturdus 47 (4) 2-13
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Results of year one of a new nesting box project near Windhoek.pdf 1.25 MB
Thomson N 2014. Rarities and Interesting Observations. Lanioturdus 47 (2) 25-28
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Rarities and Interesting Observations_47_2_2014.pdf 716.62 KB
Thomson N 2014. Short Notes. Lanioturdus 47 (2) 21-24
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Short Notes_47_2_2014.pdf 734.04 KB
Oschadleus HD, Mills MSL, Monadjem A 2014. Roadside colony densities of weavers in southern Angola. Lanioturdus 47 (2) 17-20
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Roadside colony densities of weavers in southern Angola.pdf 262.9 KB
Paxton M 2014. Sharp-tailed Starling nesting in Namibia. Lanioturdus 47 (2) 12-14
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Sharp_tailed Starling nesting in Namibia.pdf 527.22 KB
Ledger JA, Hobbs JCA 1999. Raptor use and abuse of powerlines in southern Africa. Journal of Raptor Research 33 (1) 49-52
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Raptor use and abuse of powerlines in southern Africa.pdf 437.59 KB
Osborne T, Mallet-Veale S 2008. Bird Observations and Notes. Lanioturdus 41 (1) 21-25
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Bird observations and notes_41_2008.pdf 268.08 KB
Thomson N 2008. Observations at a Termite "Take-Away". Lanioturdus 41 (1) 19-20
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Observations at a termite take away.pdf 105.21 KB
Thomson N 2008. Southern African rarities photographed recently in Namibia. Lanioturdus 41 (1) 16-18
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Southern African Rarities photographed recently in Namibia.pdf 106.35 KB
Robel D 2008. Turtles take Red-billed Quelea (Quelea quelea). Lanioturdus 41 (1) 13-15
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Turtles take Red-billed Quelea.pdf 127.68 KB
Osborne T 2008. "Mr Ellesmere did not return…….". Lanioturdus 41 (1) 10-12
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Mr Ellesmere did not return.pdf 102.5 KB
Thomson N 2008. Birding Big Day 2008. Lanioturdus 41 (1) 8-9
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Birding big day 2008_Lanioturdus.pdf 338.69 KB
Demasius E 2008. Trip Report Okavango, October 2007. Lanioturdus 41 (1) 5-7
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Trip Report Okavango_October 2007.pdf 144.21 KB
Friederich G, Friederich T 2008. New Year Birds. Lanioturdus 41 (1) 3-4
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New Year Birds.pdf 108.44 KB
Ralston S 2015. Burning issue - Is solar energy the next bird conservation challenge?. African Birdlife January/February 2015 56-59
Brown C, Bridgeford P, Kolberg H, Diekmann M, Middendorff G 2014. Protocol Vultures and poisoning, August 2013.
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Protocol_Vultures_Poisoning 2014.doc 889.5 KB
Komen J 1991. Energy-requirements of nestling Cape Vultures. Condor 93 (1) 153 - 158
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Energy_requirements of nestling Cape Vultures_1991.pdf 452.06 KB
Barnard P 1991. Ornament and body size variation and their measurement in natural populations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 42 (3) 379 - 388
Wolter K 2011. Cape vulture Task Force report.
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CVTF_Report_2011_BreedingSeason Final.doc 528.5 KB
Spiegel O, Harel R, Centeno-Cuadros A, Hatzofe O, Getz WM, Nathan R 2015. Moving beyond curve-fitting: using complementary data to assess alternative explanations for long movements of three vulture species. The American Naturalist 185 (2) E00-E12
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Spiegel_etal2015AmNat.pdf 617.22 KB
Crowe TM, Harley EH, Jakutowicz MB, Komen J, Crowe AA 1992. Phylogenetic, taxonomic and biogeographical implications of genetic, morphological, and behavioral variation in francolins (Phasianidae, Francolinus). Auk 109 (1) 24 - 42
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Crowe_1992_Auk_109_francolins.pdf 1.35 MB
Komen J 1992. Energy-requirements of adult Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres). Journal of Raptor Research 26 (4) 213 - 218
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Energy_requirements of adult Cape Vultures_1992.pdf 651.04 KB
Longcore JR, McAuley DG, Sepik GF, Pendleton GW 1996. Survival of breeding male American Woodcock in Maine. Canadian Journal of Zoology 74 (11) 2046 - 2054
Linder HP, de Klerk HM, Born J, Burgess ND, Fjeldsa J, Rahbek C 2012. The partitioning of Africa: statistically defined biogeographical regions in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Biogeography 39 (7) 1189-1205
Cooper J 1984. Changes in resource division among four breeding seabirds in the Benguella upwelling system, 1953-1978. Proceedings of the 5th Pan-African Ornithological Congress
Cooper J 1971. The breeding of the Fiscal Shrike in southern Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 42 (3) 166 - 174
Bamford AJ, Monadjem A, Anderson MD, Anthony A, Borello WD, Bridgeford M, Bridgeford P, Hancock P, Howells B, Wakelin J, Hardy ICW 2009. Trade-offs between specificity and regional generality in habitat association models: a case study of two species of African vulture. Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (4) 852-860
Comrie-Greig J 1986. Ostriches at the gallop. African Wildlife 40 15
Collias EC, Collias NE 1980. Individual and sex differences in behaviour of the Sociable Weaver Philetairus socius. Proceedings of the 4th Pan-African Ornithological Congress