
Any of the warm-blooded vertebrates which make up the class Aves. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 2301 - 2350 of 2772 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Clancey PA 1997. The assessed parapatric species pairs and combinations of Southern Africa Avifauna. Madoqua 19 (2) 149-158
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Clancey_1997_Madoqua_19_2_avifauna.pdf 2.44 MB
Brown CJ 1993. The birds of Owambo, Namibia. Madoqua 18 (2) 147-161
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Brown_1993_Madoqua_18_2_birds.pdf 2.89 MB
Bridgeford PA 2007. African White-backed Vultures nesting in Acacia trees. Vulture News 56 77
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Bridgeford_2007_Vulture_News_56_whiteb_vulture.pdf 66.35 KB
Bowen WW 1931. The Geographical Forms of Polihierax semitorquatus. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 257-262
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The Geographical Forms of Polihierax semitorquatus.pdf 2.67 MB
Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and Education Centre (NARREC) 2005. Bird ringing.
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Bird Ringing Namibia_Ringing for Science and Bird Ringing Schemes.pdf 928.42 KB
Bauer K, Niethammer J 1959. Über eine kleine Säugetierausbeutung aus Südwest-Afrika. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 3/4 236-260
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Ueber Eine kleine Sauugetiereausbeute aus Suedwest_Afrika..pdf 5.32 MB
1905. Short Notices. The Journal of the South African Ornithologists' Union
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Short Notices_1905.pdf 484.22 KB
Anderson MD, Kolberg H, Anderson PC, Dini J, Abrahams A 2003. Waterbird populations at the Orange River mouth from 1980–2001: a re-assessment of its Ramsar status. Ostrich 74 (3-4) 159-172
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Waterbird populations at the Orange River mouth from 1980_2001.pdf 188.35 KB
Zimmer JT, Mayr E 1943. New species of birds described from 1938 to 1941. Auk 60 249-262
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Zimmer_1943_Auk_60_new_species.pdf 615.36 KB
Menge L, Diekmann M, Cunningham P, Joubert D 2007. Bone intake by vultures in Namibia. Vulture News 57 17-23
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Bone intake by vultures in Namibia.pdf 3.05 MB
Cunningham P, Thompson N 2011. Notes on Red-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta senegala breeding in central Namibia. Ornithological Observations 2 38-39
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Red-billed Firefinch.pdf 59.35 KB
Cunningham PL, Joubert DF 2007. Cooperative hunting of Gabar Goshawk in Namibia. Gabar 18 (1) 31-33
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Cooperative hunting of Gabar Goshawk in Namibia_2007.pdf 65.13 KB
Khaudum National Park - Wildlife wonders.
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Khaudum Fact sheet1.pdf 358.03 KB
Arnold E 1983. Beiträge zum Vogelatlas. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 19 (3/4) 1-4
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Beitraege zum Vogelatlas_1983.pdf 303.79 KB
Arnold E 1983. Zwei Jahrzehnte Vogelbeobachtung. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 18 (11/12) 2 - 3
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Zwei Jahrzehnte Vogelbeobachtung.pdf 251.73 KB
Arnold E 1982. Erlebnis mit einem Pelikan. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 18 (8/9) 1 - 2
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Erlebnis mit einem Pelikan_1982.pdf 173.57 KB
Meyburg B-U, Howey PW, Meyburg C, Fiuczynski KD Two complete migration cycles of an adult Hobby tracked by satellite. British Birds 104 2-15
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Meyburg_Howey_2011.pdf 5.87 MB
Arnold EM 1976. Beobachtungen an einer Tränke auf Farm Heliodor. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 11 (12) 2 - 3
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Beobachtung Farm Heliodor_1976.pdf 255.21 KB
Gerkmann B, Meyburg B-U 2009. Habitats used by Lesser Spotted Eagles (Aquila pomarina) during migration and wintering as revealed by Satellite tracking and remote sensing. Populationsökologie Greifvogel- und Eulenarten 6 87-102
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Gerkmann_Meyburg.pdf 510.91 KB
Dean WRJ 2001. Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands - Angola. BirdLife Conservation Series 11 71-92
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Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands_Angola_2001.pdf 548.42 KB
Appleton CC 1986. Occurrence of avian Schistasomatidae (Trematoda) in South African birds as determined by faecal survey. South African Journal of Zoology 21 60 - 67
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Occurrence of avian Schistasomatidae.pdf 1.73 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ 2004. The conservation status of the Martial eagle Polemaetus bellicosus in Namibia.
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MartialEagle - Gabar 2004.doc 61 KB
Simmons RE, Braby RJ, Braby SJ 2012. Damara Tern, Sterna balaenarum - review.
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Damara Tern_Sterna balaenarum_2012.doc 156 KB
1983. Notes and news. 12 33
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Notes and news_1983.pdf 87.04 KB
Simmons RE, Avery DM, Avery G 1991. Biases in diets determined from pellets and remains: correction factors for a mammal and bird-eating raptor. Journal of Raptor Research 25 (3) 63-67
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Biases in diets determined from pellets and remains_1991.pdf 599.27 KB
Tingay RE, Katzner TE The Eagle Watchers - Observing and Conserving Raptors around the World.
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Simmons R, Shaw K, Thomsett S 2009. Digital Discovering. Africa - Birds & Birding (October/November 2009) 14
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Digital ringing Af BB 2009.pdf 253.55 KB
Simmons R, Baker N, Braby R, Dodman T, Nasirwa O, Tyler S, Versfeld W, Wearne K, Wheeler M 2007. The Chestnut-banded Plover is an overlooked globally Near Threatened Species. Bird Conservation International (17) 273-283
Simmons RE 2012. Black-Harrier Circus maurus.
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Black Harrier_May 2012 revised.doc 346 KB
Simmons RE 2012. African Marsh-Harrier.
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African Marsharrier_May 2012 Simmons review.doc 133.5 KB
de Villiers D, Simmons R 1997. The high incidence and origin of two-egg clutches in a Damara Tern colony in southwestern Namibia. Madoqua 19 (2) 111-113
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de_Villiers_1997_Madoqua_19_2_Damara_Tern.pdf 680.49 KB
Simmons RE 1997. Why don't all siblicidal eagles lay insurance eggs? The egg quality hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology 8 (5) 544-550
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Why dont all siblicidal eagles lay insurance eggs_1997.pdf 695.86 KB
1978. Geänderte Namen der Vögel aus dem Roberts Birds of South Africa. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 14 (4) 1-3
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Geaenderte Namen der Voegel aus dem Roberts Birds of South Africa.pdf 258.86 KB
Simmons RE 2000. Declines and Movements of Lesser Flamingos in Africa. Journal of Waterbird Biology 23 (Special Publication 1: Conservation Biology of Flamingos) 40-46
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Declines and Movements of Lesser Flamingos in Africa_2000.pdf 2.53 MB
Dean WRJ, Dowsett RJ, Sakko A, Simmons RE 2002. New records and amendments to the birds of Angola. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 122 (3) 180-184
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New records and amendments to birds in Angola.pdf 2.61 MB