
Any of the warm-blooded vertebrates which make up the class Aves. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 2151 - 2200 of 2772 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Clancey PA 1959. Further comments on the South African races of Passer diffusus (A. Smith). Durban Museum Novitates 5 (18) 250 - 253
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Further comments on the South African races of Passer diffusus.pdf 374.11 KB
Clancey PA 1958. A new race of Turdoides jardinei (Smith) from Sul do Save, Southern Portuguese East Africa. Durban Museum Novitates 5 (10) 123 - 126
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A new race of Turdoides jardinei_1958.pdf 378.25 KB
Clancey PA 1958. On the races of the Rufous-naped Lark Mirafra africana Smith occurring in Natal and Zululand. Durban Museum Novitates 5 (10) 118 - 122
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On the races of the Rufous_naped Lark Mirafra africana Smith.pdf 592.97 KB
Clancey PA 1952. The South African races of the Blue Waxbill Estrilda (Uraeginthus) angolensis (Linnaeus). Durban Museum Novitates 4 17 - 19
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The South African races of the Blue Waxbill Estrilda.pdf 154.49 KB
Graf zu Castell-Ruedenhausen C 1972. Greifvögel und Greifvögelschutz. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 8 (8) 1 - 6
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Greifvoegel und greifvogelschutz_1972.pdf 553.98 KB
Mendelsohn J 1984. The Mountain Pipit in the Drakensberg. Bokmakierie 36 (2) 40-44
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The_Mountains_Pipit_in_the_Drakensberg_by_John_Mendelsohn_1984.pdf 414.03 KB
Mendelsohn HP, Mendelsohn JM 1969. List of the Birds of Warmbaths, Transvaal. South African Avifauna Series 66
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List of the Birds of Warmbaths_ Transvaal_ 1969.pdf 8.16 MB
Mendelsohn JM 1990. The Status and Biology of the Peregrine in the Afrotropical Region. Peregrine Falcon Populations - Their Management and Recovery 297-306
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Peregrine_Falcon_populations_Their_Management_and_Recovery.pdf 635.43 KB
1987. Raptors in the Modern World. Proceedings of the 3rd World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls
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Raptors_in_the_Morden_World.pdf 1.39 MB
Meyburg B-U, Meyburg C, Belka T, Oldrich S, Vrana J 2004. Migration, wintering and breeding of a lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina) from Slovakia tracked by satellite. Journal of Ornithology 145 1-7
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Wintering and breeding of a lesser spotted eagle owl.pdf 279.6 KB
Meyburg B-U, Ellis DH, Meyburg C, Mendelsohn JM, Schneller W 2001. Satellite tracking of two Lesser Spotted Eagles, Aquila pomarina, migrating from Namibia. Ostrich 72 (1-2) 35-40
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Satellite tracking of two Lesser Spotted Eagles_2001.pdf 956.67 KB
Cade TJ, Greenwald LI 1966. Nasal Salt secretion in Falconiform birds. Condor 68 338 - 350
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Nasal Salt secretion in Falconiform birds.pdf 933.49 KB
Buttikofer J 1889. On a new collection of birds from south western Africa. Notes of the Leiden Museum 11 65 - 80
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On a new collection of birds from south western Afrcia.pdf 1.14 MB
1978. Johan Daniel Büttner 1690-1730. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 14 (7 - 9) 1 - 2
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Includes a description of the ostrich.pdf 186.7 KB
Brown CJ 1987. South West Africa/Namibia rare bird report for 1985/1986. Lanioturdus 22 (4) 66 - 72
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South West Africa Namibia rare bird report for 1985_1986.pdf 1.45 MB
Brown CJ 1985. Review: Roberts' Birds of Southern Africa. Lanioturdus 21 (1) 5 - 6
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Review_Roberts Birds of Southern Africa.pdf 265.47 KB
Brown CJ 1985. Invasive alien birds in South West Africa/Namibia. Invasive Alien Organisms in SWA/Namibia 19 41 - 43
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Brown_1985_SA_Nat_Sci_Prog_119_alien_birds.PDF 309.2 KB
Brown CJ 1985. South West Africa/Namibia rare bird report for 1984/1985. Lanioturdus 21 (4) 1 - 5
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South West Africa_Namibia rare bird report for 1984_1985.pdf 476.16 KB
Brown CJ 1985. Booted Eagles breeding in Namibia. Madoqua 14 (2) 189 - 191
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Brown_1985_Madoqua_14_2_Booted_Eagle.pdf 491.24 KB
McCulloch G, Hancock P, Soopu J, Rutina L 2010. Makgadikgadi Pans Important Bird Area Monitoring Report, 2009. BirdLife Botswana, Babbler Special Supplement 3
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2009_Botswana_Makgadikgadi_IBA_monitoring_report.pdf 2.36 MB
Brown CJ 1985. The status and conservation of the Cape Vulture in SWA/Namibia. Vulture News 14 4 - 15
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Brown CJ 1985 Vulture News 14_4_15.pdf 386.16 KB
Brown CJ 1984. The behaviour of a Tawny Eagle at carrion. Madoqua 14 (1) 95 - 97
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Brown_1984_Madoqua_14_1_Tawny_Eagle.pdf 481.26 KB
Brooke RK 1984. South African Red Data Book - birds.
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South African Red Data Book_1984.pdf 8.46 MB
Brooke RK, Cooper J 1979. The distinctiveness of southern African Larus dominicanus (Aves: Laridae). Durban Museum Novitates 12 (3) 27 - 37
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The distinctiveness of southern African Larus dominicanus.pdf 253.67 KB
Brooke RK 1978. Sea and coastal birds collected in Angola by H. Skoog in 1912. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 98 31-32
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Sea and coastal birds collected in Angola.pdf 697.96 KB
Kolberg H 2009. Update on Blue crane numbers at Etosha. Namibia Crane News 42 1-2
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Namibia_Crane_News_No_42_May_09.pdf 802.73 KB
Broekhuysen GJ, Broekhuysen MH, Martin JE, Martin R, Morgan HK 1968. Observations on the birdlife in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Koedoe 11 145 - 160
Braine JWS 1974. Openbilled Stork Anastomus lamelligerus breeding communally with Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus and various herons and storks. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 10 (3/5) 2 - 4
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Breeding Openbilled Stork Anastomus lamelligerus_1974.pdf 333.83 KB
Bradfield RD 1935. Descriptions of new races of Kalahari birds and mammals. Auk 53 131 - 132
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Descriptions of new races of Kalahari birds and mammals_1936.pdf 141.78 KB
Braby R, Patterson J, Brown C 1987. Peregrine Falcon breeding in the Namib Desert, SWA/Namibia. Gabar 2 43 - 44
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Peregrine Falcon breeding in Namib_Braby_Paterson_Brown 1987.pdf 99.02 KB
Boyer HJ, Bridgeford PA 1988. Birds of the Naukluft Mountains: An Annotated Checklist. Madoqua 15 (4) 295 - 314
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Birds of the Naukluft Mountains An Annotated Checklist_1988.pdf 12.82 MB
Hollen LI, Radford AN 2009. The development of alarm call behaviour in mammals and birds. Animal Behaviour 78 791-800
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The development of alarm call behaviour in mammals and birds_2009.pdf 223.67 KB
Ramberg L, Hancock P, Lindholm M, Archibald TJ, Ringrose S, Sliva J, Van As J, Vanderpost C 2006. Species diversity of the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Aquatic Sciences 68 310-337
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Species diversity of the Okavango Delta_ Botswana_2006.pdf 768.39 KB