
Any of the warm-blooded vertebrates which make up the class Aves. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 2101 - 2150 of 2772 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Clancey PA 1992. Subspeciation, clines and contact zones in the southern Afrotropical avifauna. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 112A (Centenary Supplement)
Allan DG, Davies RAG 1995. The field identification of the bustards and korhaans (Otididae) of southern Africa. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 2 (1) 16-24
Clancey PA 1989. Subspeciation in the larklike bunting of the southern Afrotropics. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 109 130-134
1958. A new race of the Bunting Fringillaria capensis (L.) from Angola. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 78 129-132
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A new race of the Bunting Fringillaria capensis from Angola.pdf 1.37 MB
Simmons RE, Mills MSL, Dean WRJ 2009. Oystercatcher Haemotopus records from Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 16 (2) 211-212
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Oystercatcher Haemotopus records from Angola.pdf 796.67 KB
Patricia HB 1960. The ecology and taxonomy of some Angola birds (Based on a collection made in 1957). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology 6
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The Ecology and Taxonomy of some Angola birds.pdf 20.09 MB
Mendelsohn JM, Sinclair JC, Tarboton WR 1983. Flushing Flufftails out of Vleis. Bokmakierie 35 (1) 9-11
Mendelsohn J, Maclean G 1982. Flocks of Migrant Swallows and Martins. Bokmakierie 34 (3) 69
Clancey PA 1964. Geographical variation in the Go-away Bird Corythaixoides concolor (Smith). Durban Museum Novitates 7 (5) 125 - 130
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Geographical variation in the Go-away Bird Corythaixoides concolor.pdf 347.69 KB
Mendelsohn J 1981. Movements of Prions Pachyptila spp. and Low Pressure Systems at Marion Island. Proceedings of the Symposium on Birds of the Sea and Shore 223-231
Allan DG, Mcinnes AM 2002. A catalogue of birds' eggs in the Durban Natural Science Museum. Durban Museum Novitates 27 3-27
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A catalogue of birds eggs in the Durban Natural Science Museum.pdf 324.44 KB
Bridgeford P 2013. Thirty years and still counting - The history of bird counts in Walvis Bay. Mitteilungen/Newsletter 54 5-12
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Walvis Bay wetland - 30 years and counting.pdf 462.94 KB
Mendelsohn J 1987. Comments on RSD and the agility of the Bat Hawk by J. Auburn. Gabar 2 16-17
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Comments_agility of the Bat Hawk.pdf 912.38 KB
Clancey PA 1962. Variation in Lagonosticta nitidula Hartlaub. Durban Museum Novitates 6 (15) 191 - 192
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Variation in Lagonosticta nitidula Hartlaub.pdf 238.89 KB
Mendelsohn J 1984. The timing and breeding in Blackshouldered Kites in southern Africa. Proceedings of the fifth Pan-African Ornithological Congress 799-808
Mendelsohn JM, Brown CJ 1988. Wing Areas and other dimensions of Greater and Lesser Flamingos. Cimbebasia 10 71-73
Clancey PA 1961. The South African races of the Puffback Shrike Dryoscopus cubla (Shaw). Durban Museum Novitates 6 (8) 105 - 118
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The South African races of the Puffback Shrike Dryoscopus cubla.pdf 358.65 KB
Clancey PA 1960. On the characters and range of Zosterops pallida deserticola Reichenow. Durban Museum Novitates 6 (2) 44 - 45
Kubirske KR 1986. Die volstruis (Struthio camelus australis). Agricola 3 77-80
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Die volstruis.pdf 841.54 KB
Bridgeford P, Bridgeford M 2003. Ten years of monitoring breeding Lappet-faced Vultures Torgos tracheliotos in the Namib-Naukluft Park, Namibia. Vulture News 48 03-11
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10 years of monitoring.pdf 5.28 MB
Clancey PA 1960. Geographical variation in the Chanting Goshawk Melierax musicus (Daudin). Durban Museum Novitates 6 (2) 14 - 18
Bridgeford P 2001. Notes: More vulture deaths in Namibia. Vulture News 44 22-26
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More vulture deaths in Namibia.pdf 1.67 MB
Scott A, Scott M, Bridgeford P, Bridgeford M 2007. Natural mortality factors for African White-backed Vultures in Namibia?. Vulture News 57 62-63
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Natural mortality factors for WBVs.pdf 971.04 KB
Thomson N, Stehn H, Bridgeford P 2013. Observations of White-backed Vultures eating plant material in Namibia. Vulture News 64 61-65
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Thomson et al 2013 - VN64 pp61-65.pdf 28.89 KB
Friederich G 2007. Vultures breeding in palm trees.
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vultures breeding in palm trees.pdf 278.67 KB
Clancey PA 1959. A new subspecies of Serinus atrogularis Smith from southern Africa. Durban Museum Novitates 5 (18) 257 - 259
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A new subspecies of Serinus atrogularis Smith from southern Africa.pdf 296.66 KB
2009. Windhoek Biodiversity Inventory.
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Windhoek Biodiversity 44.23 MB
Clancey PA 1959. Polytypic variations in the Violet-eared Waxbill Granatina granatina (Linnaeus) of southern Africa. Durban Museum Novitates 5 (18) 253 - 257
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Polytypic variation in the Violet_Eared Wax_Bill.pdf 457.1 KB
Clancey PA 1959. Notes on the South African subspecies of Lybius leucomelas (Boddaert). Durban Museum Novitates 5 (18) 242 - 246
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Notes on the South African subspecies of Lybius leucomelas.pdf 443.25 KB
Clancey PA 1959. Five new races of southern African birds. Durban Museum Novitates 5 (516) 208 - 218
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Five new races of southern African birds.pdf 857.96 KB
Clancey PA 1959. On South African Ploceus intermedius (Ruppell). Durban Museum Novitates 5 (12) 178 - 179
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On South African Ploceus intermedius.pdf 202.31 KB