distribution area

1) The overall geographical distribution of a talon. 2) The range occupied by a community or other group. (Source: LBC)

The listing below shows all records tagged with this term.

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Displaying results 951 - 1000 of 1325 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Nordenstam B 2011. A second species of the Namibian genus Dauresia (Asteraceae-Senecioneae). Plant Diversity and Evolution 129 1-5
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A second species of the Namibian genus Dauresia.pdf 1.66 MB
Berger A 1906. Euphorbia dinteri Berger n. sp.. Monatsschrift für Kakteenkunde 16 109-110
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Euphorbia dinteri Berger 1906.pdf 660.5 KB
Kasiringua E, Proches S, Kopij G 2019. Long-term population dynamics of african ungulates in Waterberg Plateau National Park, Namibia. Polish Journal of Ecology 67 (4) 339-353
Kolberg H 2023. Bird Atlas update. (56) 27-28
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Bird Atlas Update.pdf 686.97 KB
Klein F 2023. Birding northern Australia (part 2). (56) 2-17
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Birding northern Australia_Part 2.pdf 1.66 MB
Thomson N 2023. Rarities and Interesting Sightings. (56) 21-26
Lessa T, Alves-Martins F, Martinez-Arribas J, Correia RA, Mendelsohn J, Chimbioputo Fabiano E, Angombe ST, Malhado ACM, Ladle RJ 2024. Quantifying spatial ignorance in the effort to collect terrestrial fauna in Namibia, Africa. Ecological Indicators 158
Cron GV, Balkwill K, Knox EB 2006. A revision of the genus Cineraria (Asteraceae, Senecioneae). Kew Bulletin 61 449-535
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A revision of the genus Cineraria.pdf 4.58 MB
Bredenkamp CL, van Wyk AE 2006. Phytogeography of Passerina (Thymelaeaceae). Bothalia 36 (2) 191-199
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Phytogeography of Passerina.pdf 1.17 MB
Gasparova K, Fennessy J, Zabeirou ARM, Abagana AL, Rabeil T, Brandlová K 2024. Saving the last west african giraffe population: A review of its conservation status and management. Animals 14 (5)
Tensen L, Jansen van Vuuren B, Groom R, Bertola LD, de Iongh H, Rasmussen G, du Plessis C, Davies-Mostert H, van der Merwe D, Fabiano E, Lages F, Rocha F, Monterroso P, Godinho R 2022. Spatial genetic patterns in African wild dogs reveal signs of effective dispersal across southern Africa. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10
Fitzsimons V 1962. A new worm-snake (Leptotyphlops) from South-West Africa. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 24 (2) 239-240
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A new worm_snake from South_West Africa.pdf 88.42 KB
Huang RM, van Aarde RJ, Pimm SL, Chase MJ, Leggett K 2022. Mapping potential connections between southern Africa's elephant populations. PLoS ONE 17 (10)
O'Connor D, Stacy-Dawes J, Muneza A, Fennessy J, Gobush K, Chase MJ, Brown MB, Bracis C, Elkan P, Zaberirou ARM, Rabeil T, Rubenstein D, Becker MS, Phillips S, Stabach JA, Leimgruber P, Glikman JA, Ruppert K, Masiaine S, Mueller T 2019. Updated geographic range maps for giraffe, Giraffa spp., throughout sub-Saharan Africa, and implications of changing distributions for conservation. Mammal Review 49 285-299
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Updated geographic range maps for Giraffe.pdf 535.75 KB
DeBoer JC, Heaton JS, Stanley E, Becker R 2019. You shall not pass: a distinct population of girdled lizard in northeastern Namibia. African Herp News 72 57
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A distinct population of girdled lizard in northeastern Namibia.pdf 368.48 KB
Crawford RJM, Altwegg R, Barham BJ, Barham PJ, Durant JM, Altwegg R 2014. Age-specific survival and movement among major African Penguin Spheniscus demersus colonies. IBIS 156 (4) 716-728
Hoesch W, von Lehmann E 1956. Zur Säugetier-Fauna Südwestafrikas. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 7 8-57
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Zur Saugetier_Fauna Sudwestafrikas.pdf 19.25 MB
Woolley S 2013. First Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes for Namibia. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 20 (1) 75-76
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First Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes for Namibia.pdf 438.36 KB
de Boer MN 2015. First record of Barau's Petrel Pterodrama baraui for Namibia, South Atlantic. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 22 (2) 211-213
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First record of Baraus Petrel for Namibia.pdf 971.64 KB
Engel J 2009. First record of Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris for Namibia. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 16 (2) 220-221
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First record of Great Knot for Namibia.pdf 846.47 KB
Hendey QB 1978. Preliminary report on the Miocene vertebrates from Arrisdrift, South West Africa. Annals of the South African Museum. Annale van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum 76 1-41
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Preliminary report on the Miocene vertebrates from Arrisdrift.pdf 11.43 MB
Hamer ML, Appleton CC 1996. The genus Branchipodopsis (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in southern Africa. Morphology, distribution, relationships and the description of five new species. Annals of the South African Museum. Annale van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum 104 311-377
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The genus Branchipodopsis in southern Africa.pdf 13.01 MB
Allan DG, Davies RAG 1995. The field identification of the bustards and korhaans (Otididae) of southern Africa. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 2 (1) 16-24
Hewitt J 1931. A new solifuge and scorpion from South-west Africa. Annals of the South African Museum. Annale van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum 30 93-99
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A new Solifuge and Scorpion from South West Africa.pdf 1.78 MB
1958. A new race of the Bunting Fringillaria capensis (L.) from Angola. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 78 129-132
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A new race of the Bunting Fringillaria capensis from Angola.pdf 1.37 MB
Simmons RE, Mills MSL, Dean WRJ 2009. Oystercatcher Haemotopus records from Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 16 (2) 211-212
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Oystercatcher Haemotopus records from Angola.pdf 796.67 KB
Patricia HB 1960. The ecology and taxonomy of some Angola birds (Based on a collection made in 1957). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology 6
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The Ecology and Taxonomy of some Angola birds.pdf 20.09 MB
Horn PF 1987. Faktore wat die effektiwiteit van reënval beïnvloed. Agricola 4 29-32
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Faktore wat die effektiwiteit van reenval beinvloed_1987.pdf 713.28 KB
Fourie ML 1986. Ekologie van bosindringing in savannas. Agricola 3 11-14
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Ekologie van bosindringing in savannas.pdf 995.77 KB