distribution area

1) The overall geographical distribution of a talon. 2) The range occupied by a community or other group. (Source: LBC)

The listing below shows all records tagged with this term.

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Displaying results 651 - 700 of 1325 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Suhling F, Martens A 2014. Distribution maps and checklist of Namibian Odonata. Libellula Supplement 13 107-175
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Distribution maps and checklist of Namibian Odonata.pdf 4.53 MB
Nashima FP, Chilamba VJ 2013. Biomass distribution of kingklip (Genypterus capensis) species in the Benguela Ecosystem of Namibia. Journal of Research in Ecology 2 (1) 067-074
Kolberg H 2019. Summary of the 2018 winter wetland bird counts in Namibia. Lanioturdus 52 (2) 17-20
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Summary of the 2018 winter wetland bird counts in Namibia.pdf 360.78 KB
Thomson N, Middendorff G 2019. Steinhausen atlasing bash 24 – 27 August 2018. Lanioturdus 52 (1) 6-8
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Steinhausen atlasing bash 24_27 August 2018.pdf 526.26 KB
Kolberg H 2019. SABAP 2 Bird Atlas Update. Lanioturdus 52 (1) 34
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SABAP 2 Bird Atlas Update.pdf 485.38 KB
Engel J 2015. Common birds of Namibia and Botswana.
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Common birds of Namibia and Botswana_1.pdf 5.04 MB
Robinson H, Skvarla JJ, Funk VA 2016. Vernonieae (Asteraceae) of southern Africa: A generic disposition of the species and a study of their pollen. PhytoKeys 60 49-126
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Vernonieae of southern Africa_2016.pdf 31.58 MB
Ceriaco LMP, dos Anjos Carlos de Sá S, Bandeira S, Valerio H, Stanley EL, Kuhn AL, Marques MP, Vindum JV, Blackburn DC, Bauer AM 2016. Herpetological survey of Iona National Park and Namibe Regional Natural Park, with a synoptic list of the amphibians and reptiles of Namibe Province, southwestern Angola. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 4 (63) 15-61
Buiswalelo B, Eiseb S, Goedhals J, Verdú‐Ricoy J, Heideman N 2019. Reproduction, predation, sexual dimorphism and diet in Agama anchietae (Reptilia: Agamidae) from Namibia. African Journal of Ecology 58 (2) 227-235
Gerstmeier R 2019. Supplement to "Checklist of the checkered beetles of Namibia" (Coleoptera, Cleridae). Namibian Journal of Environment 3 (B) 8-13
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Checklist of the checkered beetles of Namibia_2019.pdf 1.49 MB
Duncan GD, Condy G 2013. Eulophia ensata - Orchidaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 2-8
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Eulophia ensata_Orchidaceae_2013.pdf 677.22 KB
van Jaarsveld EJ, Condy G 2013. Aloe mitriformis subsp. comptonii - Asphodelaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 10-15
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Aloe mitriformis subsp comptonii_Asphodelaceae.pdf 625.83 KB
Crouch NR, Smith GF, Condy G 2013. Gasteria croucheri subsp. pondoensis - Asphodelaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 22-30
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Gasteria croucheri subsp pondoensis_Asphodelaceae 2013.pdf 703.43 KB
Duncan GD, Condy G 2013. Lachenalia pearsonii - Hyacinthaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 32-37
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Lachenalia pearsonii_Hyacinthaceae 2013.pdf 591.62 KB
Jaca T, Nkonki T, Condy G 2013. Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. agatiflora - Leguminosae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 44-49
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Crotalaria agatiflora subsp agatiflora_Leguminosae 2013.pdf 592.02 KB
Nkonki T, Jaca T, Condy G 2013. Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus - Leguminosae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 50-55
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Abrus precatorius subsp africanus_Leguminosae 2013.pdf 861.17 KB
Bester SP, Condy G 2013. Cucumis metuliferus - Curcurbitaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 56-64
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Cucumis metuliferus_Curcurbitaceae 2013.pdf 1.05 MB
van Jaarsveld EJ, Condy G 2013. Turnera oculata var. oculata - Turneraceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 72-77
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Turnera oculata var oculata _Turneraceae.pdf 879.05 KB
van Jaarsveld EJ, van Wyk AE, Visagie M 2013. Plumbago pearsonii  - Plumbaginaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 78-82
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Plumbago pearsonii _Plumbaginaceae 2013.pdf 863.08 KB
van Jaarsveld EJ, van Wyk AE, Visagie M 2013. Plumbago wissii - Plumbaginaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 84-88
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Plumbago Wissii_Plumbaginaceae 2013.pdf 892.86 KB
Struwig M, Siebert SJ, Condy G 2013. Commicarpus pentandrus - Nyctaginaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 98-103
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Commicarpus pentandrus_Nyctaginaceae_2013.pdf 6.25 MB
van Jaarsveld EJ, Visagie M 2017. Tinospora fragosa subsp. fragosa - Menispermaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 65 26-33
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Tinospora fragosa subsp fragosa_Menispermaceae_2017.pdf 1.05 MB
van Jaarsveld EJ, Condy G 2017. Caesalpinia bracteata - Caesalpinioideae. Flowering Plants of Africa 65 76-83
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Caesalpinia bracteata_Caesalpinioideae_2017.pdf 1.04 MB
van Jaarsveld EJ, Visagie M 2017. Schizostephanus alatus - Apocynaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 65 112-118
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Schizostephanus alatus_Apocynaceae_2017.pdf 1.11 MB
Welman WG, Condy G 2017. Ipomoea bolusiana - Convolvulaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 65 132-137
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Ipomoea bolusiana_Convolvulaceae_2017.pdf 792.64 KB
Herman PPJ, Condy G 2017. Rotheca myricoides sensu lato - Lamiaceae: Ajugoideae. Flowering Plants of Africa 65 146-152
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Rotheca myricoides sensu lato_Lamiaceae_Ajugoideae_2017.pdf 863.01 KB
van Jaarsveld EJ, Visagie M 2017. Ruellia kaokoensis - Acanthaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 65 154-158
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Ruellia kaokoensis_Acanthaceae.pdf 837.45 KB
1921. The flowering plants of South Africa. 1
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The flowering plants of South Africa_1921.pdf 19.71 MB
Demasius E 2013. Roberts geographic variation of southern African birds. Lanioturdus 46 (3) 3-6
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Roberts geographic variation of southern African birds.pdf 670.68 KB
Friederich G 2013. A Zambian birding experience trip 3 – 6 July 2012 (Part 3). Lanioturdus 46 (3) 6-16
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A Zambian birding experience trip 3_6 July 2012_Part 3.pdf 1.19 MB